Posted on May 24, 2014
CMDCM Gene Treants
Do you believe the bill of rights is outdated and should be either dropped in its entirety or at least rewritten
My Goddaughter seems to be very representative of many people in her generation in believing that the Second Amendment is totally outdated and needs to be eliminated. As with many on the left, she feels that no individual has any need for a handgun.

Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?

So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
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Responses: 241
SSG V. Michelle Woods
Should we slap our forefathers in the face? No sir.

We should however, slap "this entitled generation" on the butt. That ought to fix a few problems :)

Just curious, but who are the parents of "this entitled generation"?
PO3 Tony Jimenez
PO3 Tony Jimenez
10 y
I do not believe that guns are dangerous, the people behind the gun is what's dangerous. I believe that we as veterans gave up a lot for this country others even more . If throw the blood of some teachers and 26 kids that were killed in sandy hook than I'll throw the blood of the 7-8000 sailors and soldiers that have given their life selflessly for what believe in !
SrA Greg Hardin
SrA Greg Hardin
10 y
The FBI just came out 1/5/15 and said sandy hook school shooting was a complete hoax or false flag attack and they said no one was hurt. look it up and read about it.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Claim: The FBI has revealed that no murders occurred in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012, inadvertently admitting that the Sandy Hook massacre was an elaborate hoax.




GySgt William Hardy
GySgt William Hardy
8 y
Woodrow Wilson, America’s 28th president, rejected the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution’s system of the separation of powers. This philosophy is known as Progressivism.
This was followed by Progressives like Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Barrack Obama, and of course. Hillary Clinton.
Think about it. Progressives reject the principles of the Declaration of Independence the US Constitution's system of the separation of powers. Progressive are Socialists. Presidents like Obama tried to put more weight on the UN and used many different measures as a means of limiting our right to bear arms. Woodrow Wilson was doing the same. Progressives would have us surrender our autonomy.

No, The Declaration of Independence is an outstanding piece of commentary. The US Constitution is fine as it is with all the Amendments.

It is absolutely amazing just how smart our Forefather were in writing that those documents. After all those years, we were once again reminded of the Electoral College and the balancing of votes between big and little states.
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PO1 John Y.
Edited 11 y ago
This country was founded on Christian principles. Quite frankly, I'm tired and disgusted of having curb my opinion, accept things against my faith, and not expressing myself through my faith all in the name of political correctness and accommodating others and their beliefs. The freedom of religion means you can practice any belief you want as long as it doesn't hurt anybody (virgin sacrifices and such). It doesn't mean if you don't like someone else's beliefs and the way they practice it (prayer in schools, meetings, and events and the like) you get to squelch it. I can't kick a Muslim if he puts a mat on the sidewalk and prays to the east in the middle of foot traffic. I don't get repulsed if I see a Minorrah (sp?) in a store window or a made up Kwanza candle holder on public display.
As for guns, it will always be, if you take away guns from the people, only criminals will have guns.
PO2 Steven Erickson
PO2 Steven Erickson
>1 y
I agree. I've found in my many travels around the whole country as a consultant is that Tolerance has mutated into Required Acceptance.

In other words, "You MUST ACCEPT that what I think and believe is as right as what you think and believe."

Tolerance is NOT approval. It is allowing you to think and believe as you feel is right without repercussions.
SGT Military Police
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
Likewise I'm tired of having Christian principles shoved down my throat because they think the Bible should dictate law for a diverse nation. It goes both ways.
SSgt Randy Saulsberry
SSgt Randy Saulsberry
10 y
Tired of hearing Christians cry that they are somehow being oppressed. Prayer not allowed in schools, c'mon, it's school led prayer that's not allowed. Our laws state that the government can't endorse any religion. Guess what most schools are, they are public schools which means they are funded by the government, hence school led prayer not being allowed. Quit misrepresenting the topic. You can't kick anyone on the sidewalk. Religious symbols in windows are in the windows of privately owned businesses so that is allowed. Religious symbols or displays on public grounds is not allowed unless equal space is afforded for all other religious beliefs. Public grounds are owned by the government, so it's all religious beliefs or none are allowed.

But Christians don't want it all to be equal because the moment a satanist group wants to put up a display along side theirs in a public setting every Christian will try to have that display taken down.

So be real with yourselves. Tall don't care about equality because if you did your post would have at least had one example of suppression of Christianity.
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CMC Robert Young
Master Chief, the Bill of Rights is fine just as it is.

The problem with those who believe that the people should be deprived of their inalienable right to possess firearms have a tentative grasp of our national history and the current facts regarding their use in modern America.

We didn't shout the British off the continent. We took up arms (the arms we had on hand possessed legally)and fought for the better part of a decade to establish the greatest nation on the planet. The militias were formed by people who brought their own weapons to the fight. The Founding Fathers understood that, and included a prohibition against the government taking our weapons from us. It was intended to protect us from our own government's potential for excesses (given some of our government's recent choices, any cable news channel might enlighten the uninformed with regard to the type of behavior our Founding Fathers feared).

Dictators first seek to eliminate any method by which their detractors would oppose them, and then to regulate the media. Prevent people from protecting themselves and then provide them only the information that you want them to hear. History clearly shows that repeatedly. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

With regard to current use of weapons by armed citizens; lawfully armed citizens intervene to protect themselves and their neighbors far more often than professional law enforcement officers do. Cities with the most strict gun laws also have the highest violent crime. (see Chicago, Washington DC, etc.). A quick review of Department of Justice statistics for decades shows that. I have worked my entire adult life in law enforcement, and can attest to that fact from multiple personal experiences. The police can't be everywhere (and we as a society wouldn't want them to be) so the result is that legally armed citizens take action when needed preventing or stopping crimes more frequently.

As to the question of the First Amendment; the provisions included protect those who don't have a particular theology as well as those who practice their faith with great passion. A careful reading of the amendment's verbiage shows that it protects everybody's right to practice their religion or none at all without interference from the government. There is nothing that discriminates against any particular section of the public by enforcing a specific ideology upon them.

I would offer (and I'm reasonably certain you already have) to your Goddaughter that she might study history and current facts more closely before making a decision or formulating an opinion.

Open respectful discussions should be the norm; not feared for the number of down votes one receives for raising controversial issues. The mature, open, and nimble mind welcomes the opportunity to explore other points of view. BZ for bringing a worthy topic to the group for consideration.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
Master Chief, Well stated and this looks like the basis for a great editorial if you ever feel the need to write one. Thanks for your input. As usual it is insightful and well articulated.
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