Posted on Nov 16, 2015
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
Do you know the reasons behind Texas, and other states refusing Syrian Refugees? I'm sure many have heard about State Governors refusing to take in Syrian Refugees that are being brought in the day after the attacks in Paris. Below is an article that states the reasons for Texas refusing to accept more refugees.

Greg Abbott by the way does not lack compassion. He was Attorney General for Texas during Hurricane Katrina and worked to bring as many people from New Orleans to Houston as could be done by air and buses.

Read the article before commenting. Apparently there is standing for his and other Governor's refusal to accept refugees.
Posted in these groups: 996d161d Refugees
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 37
SGT Francis Wright
Yes because they want to kill us. Even if it is only 10%. Let me put it this way; if you were given a bowl of m&m's and told only a couple were poisoned. Would you still eat them.
SGT Francis Wright
SGT Francis Wright
>1 y
PO3 Sherry Thornburg - Sometimes I can have a logical thought. Thank you.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
>1 y
Not really. We aren't talking about inanimate candy. We are talking about human beings.
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
>1 y
SFC Michael Hasbun - which makes it much more poisonous if ISIS people are in these groups the way they have blended into refugee groups across Europe.
SGT Francis Wright
SGT Francis Wright
>1 y
PO3 Sherry Thornburg - Yes it does, because that's their whole agenda. Redirection and deception; then strike when it's least expected. It's ISIS hope for complacency.
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
CPT L S - since you brought up the subject "When we are remembered like those who turned away the Jews, when Hitler was burning them. When we allowed our fellows to put the Nisei into camps. When we allowed our minorities to be abused, even as we served alongside them in combat."
My British family cared for a Slav immediately after WWII ended who was tortured at Treblinka by the Nazis. I met him when I was a teenager. Many British families cared for former prisoner of the Reich.
In this nation the Japanese and American Indians were kept in camps and on reservations to protect the USA citizens. Before we got involved in WWII, America turned away the Jews and did not believe they were being exterminated by Hitler who was praised by the Muslim Grand Mufti of Jerusalem or Hitler's solution too the "Jewish problem."
Until the "Syrian Refugees" are properly vetted allowing so many into this nation is risky. I am more concerned about the 1,854 Syrian asylum seekers who came here since 2012. Assad agents and ISIS informants would love to learn where those defectors went to in this nation. SGT Efaw (Mick) G. SSG Gerhard S. SP5 Michael Rathbun SP5 Mark Kuzinski SSgt Alex Robinson PO3 Sherry Thornburg
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
>1 y
I would like to think so too, SP5 Michael Rathbun, but I completed C&GSOC in '91 and retired in '98, so what do I know?!
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Thanks for the historical reference.
Is that true for all tribes?
I am curious if all American indigenous groups are citizens of the USA why can some live on reservations in this nation which are subject to tribal laws and not the state laws in which the reservation exists.
I understand that all people in the USA are subject to Federal law when applicable.
Background: I served with a kiowa and another tribal member in my combat engineer company when I was enlisted in 1975.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Thank you for providing a well thought through summary.
PO1 Ted Woitazek
PO1 Ted Woitazek
5 y
Many Syrians don't wish to be re-settled. The answer is for the American people to hold G.W. Bush and Obama as well as Congress accountable for ILLEGALLY interfering in the affairs of a sovereign nation.
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Sgt Kelli Mays
PO3 Sherry Thornburg Govenor Abbott was pretty clear when he addressed the Texas People today. He is not will to accept the Syrians because there is not TRUE way of vetting these folks. These Folks come from a country which will not cooperate with the United States....vetting someone is getting their back ground....where they long they were there....are they on any watch lists? What about their family? Do they have family members who are terrorists or on any watch lists? Have they or have any of their family members been involved in any crime or been locked up? The list goes on to what entails the questions for the vetting's basically a back ground check...and with a country like Syria...where their leader hates the US....most of the government is in shambles....there is probably no or very little documentation available to prove who is who or what they've done or where they came from etc....
With these refugee's coming from a country where ISIS has practically taken over and definitely set up shop.....ABBOTT and other concerned Governors and states do not want to put their citizens in any jeopardy or harms way...
In Texas we have enough to deal with.....we have MILLIONS of ILLEGAL ALIENS and thousands of illegals trying to cross the border on a DAILY basis....we don't need to have to try and deal with Refugee's from a country that has heavy involvement with ISIS and no way of truly vetting these folks.
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
>1 y
yep, I know people that work the border. Its a mess. We don't need other countries messes on top of it.
Sgt Kelli Mays
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