Posted on Mar 3, 2017
MSgt Electrical Power Production
With all the rhetoric about Russian collusion and no evidence at the present to validate the accusations.

1. Exactly what does Russia gain with a Trump Administration that affects our National Security? Foreign interference is common in elections even by the U.S.

2. Why do you believe the Trump administration would conspire with Russia?

3. Do you believe Vice President Pence or Congress would go along with this idea?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 338
COL John Hudson
Edited 6 y ago
Msgt Borders; I took an oath to uphold the principles of the U.S. Constitution including adherence to the 'Commander In Chief,' ie: The Office Of The President Of The United States, regardless of who sits in that chair. My personal opinions on "matters of state?" They are no affairs of mine. I can tear hair, rant and rave under my own roof, but outside I do as I am directed and get on with life. Somewhere in there a major change took place within the media as a whole to go from the duty of 'reporting news' to outright attempts to 'make the news.' I stopped watching commercial TV over 50 years ago when I discovered how shallow the institution of media truly is. Just how important can anyone within the so-called "media' believe they can be when they exist only so long as I don't push a button, and I pushed mine a long time ago! Hard to be important when no one pays any attention to you, hmmm? This "Russian interference with U.S. politics" is another media leap over a mouse cookie and will be replaced on the front pages when the next opportunity to trash some subject comes along. Enjoy the show but don't get too wrapped up in it.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
7 y
Great observation!
CPO Hospital Corpsman
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
... I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States...

COL, I may have misread your opening comments, but I tell my warriors: You have the duty to obey lawful orders *and* the duty to disobey unlawful orders. Personnel disobey orders at their own risk. They also obey orders at their own risk. The Nuremberg defense (Befehl ist Befehl or "an order is an order") is just as unacceptable now as it was then. With that in mind, personal opinions on "matters of state" play a very important role in the job we do. (i.e. torture vs enhanced interrogation, due process vs kill list of US citizens, terrorist surveillance vs domestic spying) (Or the Port Chicago Mutiny: cowardice traitors vs racism) (MajGen Smedley Butler had some interesting history with "matters of state" too.)
CPO Hospital Corpsman
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
What a strange trip the Republican party has gone through from the days of "better dead than Red" and a communist behind every corner McCarthyism to today's "nothing to see here" its all "fake news" so don't get wrapped up in our meetings and financial ties to the nation's long time adversary that happens to have a new cargo-passenger ferry service to North Korea. (Barely a month after the Russian ferry began service, on 4 July 2017, North Korea launched the second of its unexpected missile launches and its first successful ICBM that was remarkably similar to the Soviet RD-250 engines.)(The ferry boat, Man Gyong Bong, was also implicated in 2003 of smuggling drugs in the region and smuggling electronics out of Japan for use in the North Korean missile program.)
SSG Terry Clay
SSG Terry Clay
6 y
Well said, Colonel. Salute!
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Suspended Profile
1. This is why I like being an independent voter. I remember reading an article in Time magazine a couple years ago about how Russia was in financial trouble and the only way to climb out of it was war and getting sanctions removed. So, their involvement in Syria and getting cozy with Congress and the candidates for POTUS and ultimately the POTUS following Obama makes rational sense. As far as national security, I do not think it affects us as much as the 4th branch (the major media) want us to believe.
2. Yes. There's only one person that matters to Donald Trump and that's Donald Trump.
3. Yes, Pence is a political lap dog / yes man. There are too many like him, on both sides of the aisle, in government. I do not believe I need to bring up other examples and I doubt we have enough character space here anyway. haha
SSG Terry Clay
SSG Terry Clay
6 y
I've never met either man, so I cannot say.
SCPO Edward DeAngelis
1. compromis our country s freedom 2.YES of course 3.oh yea....Big Time
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SSgt Gary Andrews
The Russians did everything they could to help Trump apparently they think so. Hopefully they have misjudged him......remains to be seen.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
MSgt (Join to see) - Are you saying that you agree that the Russians hacked the DNC in order to gain information to support the Candidate Trump position?
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski -
No, but it does apparently appear that they have know for some time that they where being hacked. And it only became an issue during the election. You and I know cyber warfare is not new and it is not the only network that has been hacked by foreign entities. Or that we as America have hacked other nations.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SSgt Gary Andrews -
Why would Russia do that? For the same reason America tried to influence the election in Israel to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Hillary was her own worst nightmare and had to much questionable dealings and it caught up to her. It's not the first time an election that was thought to go one way and turned the opposite direction.
GySgt Leo Rochon RETIRED
GySgt Leo Rochon RETIRED
>1 y
EVERYONE knows the Russians hacked our election, but Trump admitting that would de-legitimize his election, so he can't and won't.
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A1C John Reese
What could any foreign political entity gain from a fractured United States? With the citizens of this country divided as deeply between political ideologies, we have a limit to what we can do politically. America is more than our military, more than our diplomatic corps, more than manufacturing or education or public and private sectors. When faced with deep political debate, many of the institutions society depends on face uncertainty and paralysis. Institutions are made up of people, after all.
1. What does Russia gain? Uncertainty among our allies. Indecision in US Policy. Mistrust and lack of national unity of our citizens. Damage control in our institutions instead of direction and purpose. Our government is only as stable as the people who run it. When you have such deep political divide over such deep issues as health, religion, monetary policy, use of force, race, or environment, who benefits? Multinational corporations, and foreign governments who mistrust us.
You were in during the collapse of the Soviet Union, what did we gain? Russian business went to the highest bidders, and the country was carved up and is now managed by kleptocrats. These are the true supporters of President Putin.
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COL William Oseles
I think it is far more likely the political elites in both parties that want Trump gone will throw the country under the bus rather than see him succeed.
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SSG Edward Tilton
1. Destruction of NATO
2 Yes
3. Absolutely
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SFC Jim Ruether
Never and those that do are gullible Americans who believe everything on the internet and their television set at home is gospel. There is so much fake news the media is publishing as much of it as possible to keep the public confused and angry!
CPO Hospital Corpsman
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes, Russian trolls are doing an excellent job using social media to anger and confuse Americans. Or do you deny that such activity exists or that it has no effect on recipients?

BTW, what is your definition of "the media" as you call it? Is that like Fox News complaining about the "main stream media" and not acknowledging that they themselves are the main stream media but at the same time brag about being the #1 viewed outlet?

"Among other cable news programs, Fox News had six of the Top 10 programs among total viewers, while MSNBC has three other programs finish among the 10 most-watched cable news shows. The most-watched show on the liberal CNN was ”Anderson Cooper 360,” which finished at No. 21, behind 13 different FNC programs."
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CPT John Wilson
Trump couldn't borrow from NY banks (I was there) so he turned to the Russian oligarchs and the Chinese to buttress his bankruptcies...
Watch what "Bobby Three Sticks" comes up with.....
MCPO Roger Collins
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CPT Allan Quigley
Russia stands to gain quite a bit.
1.a Weakening of sanctions. Sanctions are in place against many of Putin's friends, the oligarchs controlling the Russian government. These are the people that profited from the invasion of Georgia and Ukraine. Weakening sanctions essentially give Putin a "pass" for those invasions and would not discourage him from similar assaults to Finland, Latvia, Estonia, etc.
b. Read about Prevezon Holdings.
c. Weakening NATO. NATO is the only thing really holding Putin back from trying to expand eastward into its old satellite states.
d. weakening US standing on the world stage. While many people object to the US as the "world police", the role of the "leader of the free world" is also to use political pressure to resolve trade issue, assist other countries in times of emergency, etc along with the United Nations. Without the US filling this roll, Russia and China will undermine US influence in areas like eastern Europe, the South China Sea, etc.
2. Yes and YES. Trump has lots of investors from Russia in his businesses. Read about Prevezon Holdings. Some of that is "dirty money" being laundered by organized crime into New York real estate. Trump needed help when his casino's and other companies went bankrupt. Russian banks and oligarch stepped in when his US lenders wouldn't lend any more and wanted to be paid back. This is one reason he refuses to release his tax returns. The tax returns would provide a paper trail to the Russian oligarchs and other foreign banks that he owes. For Trump the only thing that matters is protecting his money and his ego.
3. Pence probably didnt know the extent of Trump's involvement with the Russians when he signed up for the job. Being the good, "God fearing" christian he is, Pence won't do anything to upset the status quo.
I do believe that the generals, e.g. Kelly, Mathis and others didn't know about Trump's engagement with the Russians. They won't "roll over" and throw the country under the bus. I believe they will let Trump and the country flounder but won't let things "get out of hand". I believe they too didn't know the extent of Trump's Russian connections when they signed up. But even now, they'll do what they can to protect the military services while the executive branch continues to embarrass itself.
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