Posted on Feb 10, 2016
Doug Macdonald
Or is it just better to focus on the process and just go get a JOB?
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Responses: 12
SFC Russell Shaw
Your first question is
What do I really really want?
The second is, why do I want it?

You see Mark Twain said "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you figure out why."

Asking the why question over and over again. Might start with, Why do I want to retire in this area or that? Why is that area so important? Why do I want that?
Why do I want this job?
Why would it satisfy me?
Why is it so important to me?

Those give you an idea I don't know what you are looking for you will have come up with your own questions. If you want help I am offering a free class called "Put your Dreams to the Test." This is an 8 week course and we will get in touch by conference call send an e-mail to [login to see] . Class will be on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 7:30 pm Eastern time introduction is February 16 first class February 23rd. No charge at this time, actually most of the services I provide to veterans is at no charge. It is my way to say thank you to all my veteran family for serving. I would like to extend a personal thank you to you for serving and sacrificing your time to protect this great nation.
Doug Macdonald
Doug Macdonald
9 y
SFC Russell Shaw, Thank you for what you are doing for our veterans. If there is anything I can do in support of your initiatives just let me know.
SFC Russell Shaw
SFC Russell Shaw
9 y
Mr. MacDonald,
This is what I do for a living so these classes or Mastermind's are paid by others. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I am working on a survey to drive people to my landing page should have it done in the next couple of weeks. If you could send it out to your mailing list that would help. As the more paying customers I have the more I can help our Veterans. I know your mailing list is important and you protect those on it so if you could just forward that would be great and if that is uncomfortable for you that is okay.
Vikki Nicometo
Vikki Nicometo
9 y
Great points and I agree! Chiming in to say ditto!
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LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
When I was seven years old, I knew what I "wanted" to be...a Navy fighter pilot. Time and effort proved that I wasn't "cut out" to be, I revised my "wants" and became (I hope) an ok Naval Officer. Just about the time I decided that I once again knew what I "wanted" to be...the Navy decided they didn't need me...that time, I didn't "revise" my wants, and managed to get back in for a short time until not only did the Navy not "need" me...but there wasn't really anywhere they could send me either.

Now, I accept that I will do what I have to do...not what I want to do. I've come to realize that my responsibilities as a husband and father negate any notions of limitations or restrictions on what I will do to make ends meet. If I can continue to sell catalyst for twenty years...great. If I have to dig ditches and be a stockman at Lowes...I can do that as well.

Still, no matter what I may do, when I look in the mirror, I'll always see the same guy...and he's always going to be a Sailor :)
SFC Russell Shaw
SFC Russell Shaw
9 y
We are always developing who we are much more than what we are. Everyone asks us as kids what we want to be, but the more important questions is who do we want to be. That realization makes it easy to do many things as we are defined by who we are.
Doug Macdonald
Doug Macdonald
9 y
SFC Russell Shaw - I once wondered how many times I was asked that question between birth and 21. My answer was I don't want to grow up. I didn't know the childish wisdom in that.

Once you can move past the tags we as a culture like to put on people the question can change. The screen on my phone says " Be Blind & Listen". Just something I learned.

I think there is a parallel question. Why do you want to be? Wait someone said that before. It was SFC Russel Shaw.
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SFC Stephen King
Doug Macdonald Great question, I believe you need to be the best you that you can be. I use self reflection throughout my day to be in tune with others that I interact with. Understanding the communication process and non-verbal communication helps balance situations. I l9ok8ng to when I leave the Military to be able to use these skills when I go to pursue a job.
Doug Macdonald
Doug Macdonald
9 y
@SFC (Private), You have a great handle on staying in the moment. That ability to "Seek to understand to be understood" will serve you well in the civilian world.
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