Posted on Mar 3, 2015
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
Posted in these groups: Images Barack ObamaIran logo IranFlag of israel svg Israel6262122778 997339a086 z Politics
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 64
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
Well Benjamin isn't asking for too much...

1. Stop being a bully
2. Stop bullying your surrounding countries
3. Stop making the silly accusation that you would annihilate us.

That's not a whole lot to ask... Just saying
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
So sophisticated! "We will wipe Israel off the face of the earth!"
Polish a turd, it's still a turd.
SGT Intelligence Analyst
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
I believe you are confusing Iran with Hamas. Iran has never threatened to "wipe Israel off the face of the earth" and since Rouhani was elected in 2013 Iran has been more open and transparent with the rest of the world then ever before. For the first time in 30+ years the presidents of Iran and the United States met for talks that could bring about much needed calmer relations between the two countries. Iran is no longer the "North Korea jr" they have been in the past, the country is moving forward to become a legitimate world player.
SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
LTJG Information Professional
LTJG (Join to see)
10 y
Well put, SGT Fulgham.
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COL Strategic Plans Chief
Frankly, I've said it before. I don't think any of us are qualified to judge the actions of the National Command Authority. There may be a COL or two...maybe a BG on here that has the necessary pedegree and understanding of the NSS and how this is playing out, but the rest of us are rookies. Now...from my armchair...this is a mess. You have to control a nuclear Iran. They are a hair away right now if we believe open media sources, which means they are probably closer, but not there yet, because if they were, Israel probably wouldn't wait for the US to let them off their chain...they'd break it and go for the throat. So, how do we best keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons. Well, there's a diplomatic approach, which seems ill fated, but it's worth a try. Then there's the other way. We impose more sanctions and basically add more requirements onto this negotiation which will translate into a threat to the regime in Iran. Either do all of this (which is counter to your national and international policy) or we will continue to tighten the noose. Then, without any way out of the situation, they turn on all those centrifuges and start enriching uranium again, inching closer to a bomb that will set of a major situation that will require a military we don't have any more. I haven't even brought the UN into the equasion. Nor have I talked about the other Arab nations that will rally to the cause if Israel is forced to preemtively attack Iran. Oh...there's Russia, Venezuela, China and some other nefarious international partners. Then Europe has to make a decision and with the guilt from WWII still in the books, they're likely to pile into the situation in one form or another. This is a WICKED problem. Diplomacy is tricky business and I'm certainly not qualified to throw stones since I have absolutely no idea what the REAL picture is across the region, nor the globe. We need to back Israel. We need to prevent a nuclear Iran. Do both...go.
SGM Mikel Dawson
SGM Mikel Dawson
10 y
Well Sir, in my opinion the UN is about as worthless as tits on a boar hog. This is a complicated fractured deal, but I know one thing. What Iran wants Hussein Obama to do now, get rid of some of the sanctions is wrong move. I like you am not privy to NCA meetings and don't know the whole. I'm just a SGM (ret).
SGT Licensed Practical Nurse (Lpn)
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
So I guess I was misinformed as the way I understood it, Germany's application of military force outside of their own borders was restricted as part of the WWII surrender agreement, same as Japan.
COL Strategic Plans Chief
COL (Join to see)
10 y
SGT (Join to see), you misinterpret my meaning and limit your thought to physical military interaction. There is nothing stopping Germany or Japan from engaging their most devestating weapon, their economies. Their political and diplomatic clout are not to be underestimated either. And if WWIII breaks out in the "Holy Land," I don't think the treaties in WWII are going to hold much weight.
PO1 Randy Tarrier
PO1 Randy Tarrier
10 y
I agree LTC Halverson. Maintaining a dialogue is at least an assertive position that has a relatively low cost. Progression to an agreement is the real issue, and we retain multiple paths to achieve that goal. In my opinion, one such path is to send a clear message to the Iranians that we absolutely have the backs of the moderate countries in the region, which absolutely includes the israelis. Nor do we want the Israelis taking unilateral actions that may lead to a wider conflict, due to their feelings of abandonment by their staunch ally. It's an impossibly tricky situation, which 99% of the people in this country (me most of all) are unfortunately do not possess the facts to successfully navigate. I keep hoping that Obama is considering all of the possibilities here, but I worry about his tendency to placate the 'Arab street' by maintaining a certain coolness toward Israel. I think much more can be done along the lines of alliance building, with Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc. Time will tell.
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SGT Signal Support Systems Specialist
PLEASE, if you respond to this thread, active duty members, do NOT SPECIFY to whom you may be speaking about. This Thread is about why America and the POTUS have possibly stopped supporting Israel. This has nothing to do with his CHARACTER. Thank you very much and have a blessed day.
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
I'm glad you said this! When I first saw the post I immediately got that tiny little red flag in my brain that knows that some junior Soldiers may not have that filter properly activated yet!
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