I ran across this as a Facebook posting on the US Army FORSCOM page. Not sure if this is a good thing or not, but it's what we have to work with .....
https://www.facebook.com/FORSCOM - http://www.defense.gov/socialmedia/education-and-training.aspx/
https://www.facebook.com/FORSCOM - http://www.defense.gov/socialmedia/education-and-training.aspx/
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Those are good tools sir. I read over them this morning. I went into my LinkedIn page and adjusted fire there. I keep my Facebook page locked down pretty good also, but I checked what my settings against their recommendations.
Security in the Social Media arena is paramount. I learned the hard way a few years back when I had a MySpace page. I really did not know much about social media at that time and left my page pretty much public view. A few of my pictures were "stolen" and have been used by those Nigerian dating scheme sites. CID posts about them all the time. Anyway, I still get random messages in my "other folders" asking if I am "the person in the picture that they have been corresponding with." As I find out about them, I do the legwork to get the profile/page taken down. I also have a running tab with the internet crime folks in the FBI. A lot of work due to a total lapse of security a long time ago.
Secure your digital "self." If you do not, it can come back and bite you where the sun don't shine...
Security in the Social Media arena is paramount. I learned the hard way a few years back when I had a MySpace page. I really did not know much about social media at that time and left my page pretty much public view. A few of my pictures were "stolen" and have been used by those Nigerian dating scheme sites. CID posts about them all the time. Anyway, I still get random messages in my "other folders" asking if I am "the person in the picture that they have been corresponding with." As I find out about them, I do the legwork to get the profile/page taken down. I also have a running tab with the internet crime folks in the FBI. A lot of work due to a total lapse of security a long time ago.
Secure your digital "self." If you do not, it can come back and bite you where the sun don't shine...
CPT Richard Riley
1SG Steven Stankovich I agree tools are a good thing. The issue oftentimes becomes we don't use the tools we are given and they get lost or forgotten. There have been several different discussions here on RP about OPSEC and social media, so I thought it was appropriate to put this information out.
I went through all my settings this morning like you and had to batten down a few I had left uncovered.
I went through all my settings this morning like you and had to batten down a few I had left uncovered.
Good reference material to keep handy, but just like most other things, even if the tools are provided, some just won't use them.
Thanks for pointing us to that, CPT Richard Riley! I looked over the Facebook Smart Card, Twitter Smart Card, and cyber checklist, and I think that anything that helps Soldiers and veterans tighten up their online OPSEC is a good idea. (Someone noted on Facebook that the screenshots are out of date, but still, the topics are relevant.)
Because so many people are clueless about what others can see about them online, this is important, not just in the age of ISIL, but in general.
Because so many people are clueless about what others can see about them online, this is important, not just in the age of ISIL, but in general.
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