Posted on Mar 6, 2015
DOD wants more details on proposals to overhaul retirement, health systems
Responses: 3
Here's a proposal for all you overachievers in Washington. Leave it alone!!! you'd rather screw with everyone else's retirement then your own. Lets see you take one for the team. We were given promise after promise about retirement, medical care and now the thought process is "Lets chop the Military retirees and those soon to retire."
I am a working retiree and unless the healthcare plans are WAY below what I would pay for insurance at my job I could not afford them. Although the courts have ruled that promises made to us when we joined the military are not enforceable unless in writing, I was promised free/reduced cost healthcare for life if I served 20 or more years. As for the retirement portion of the recommendations, that would not affect me so I would leave that up to my active duty brothers and sisters to comment on that.
Just leave me in charge for 30 days. I could have this all fixed. No one would be happy, but it would be fixed.
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