Posted on Dec 9, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
Posted in these groups: Election 2016 button Election 201661c89c28 Donald Trump
Edited >1 y ago
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Capt Walter Miller
"This is not conservatism," declared House Speaker Paul Ryan, the Republican Party's top elected leader. "What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for. And more importantly, it's not what this country stands for."
Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday that Trump's rhetoric is complicating U.S. diplomacy.
"I stay out of politics," he told reporters in Paris. "But on this one I have to say something because it involves my job, it involves our country."
He said that IS, also known as ISIS or Daesh, "is not Islam and there are courageous Muslims around the world in the Middle East and elsewhere standing up to it."
Kerry said that "what Mr. Trump has said runs contrary" to U.S. values of religious tolerance "and makes our job of reaching out to people and sharing America just that much more complicated and that much more difficult. And that's about as diplomatic as I can be about it."
One by one, Republican officials across the country lashed out at Trump's plan, which calls for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" to help quell the threat of terrorism."
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Capt Walter Miller
Earlier today, the candidate currently leading in the polls for the Republican presidential nomination called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States." That was, of course, Donald Trump. As Jeffrey Goldberg just tweeted, "Donald Trump is now an actual threat to national security. He's providing jihadists ammunition for their campaign to demonize the US."

A threat to national security? Being a citizen and alll -- isn't that treason?

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Capt Walter Miller
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Capt Walter Miller
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Capt Walter Miller
Edited >1 y ago
"In the late-night political comedy war that is mocking Donald Trump, “The Daily Show” threw down one hell of a gauntlet Tuesday evening. Trump has spent the aftermath of the San Bernardino shooting spreading his Islamophobia and Muslim bigotry. But more, he’s fulfilled the label that ISIS likes to place on the West, by fueling assumptions that all Americans ascribe to the “radical ideology” of Trumpism. Imagine an entire population of people being lumped into being just like Donald Trump…. that’d be like saying all Muslims are like ISIS!
That’s why Trevor Noah says that all conservatives must be banned from entering the White House. These people meet all of the criteria for being radical Christian terrorists capable of anything. “White ISIS” or WhISIS could attack at any time.
“Daily Show” correspondent Hasan Minhaj, a peace-loving American Muslim, said Trump is absolutely right to keep Muslims out, not because they’re a danger, but rather there’s a “racist maniac” on the loose in America and his name is Donald Trump. He’s “an extremist leader who came out of nowhere” is “self-financed, recruits through social media, attracts his followers with a radical ideology to take over the world and is actively trying to promote a war between Islam and the West.”
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Capt Walter Miller
None of the excuses I am seeing on this thread obviate the clear words of the statute. You don’t have to be a person of power, we don’t have to be at war with our enemies. One just has to help our enemies, which Trump is doing.

Won’t any of you just come out and say that Trump should STFU?

MAJ Contracting Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Trump should STFU and get off the stage, but I don't think you'll appreciate Cruz any better.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
PO1 Todd Cousins - It was Bush 43 who signed the surrender documents in 2008, I mean the SOFA. Per the SOFA we had to leave Iraq or our guys would be subject to Iraqi law.

PO1 Todd Cousins
PO1 Todd Cousins
>1 y
Wow you have a very unique way of looking at the world and history.
MAJ Contracting Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
I don't know where you get your delusions laser brain. The US signed the SOFA in 2008. which terminated in 2011. That SOFA listed no significant deviations from other SOFA in other places (SK, Taiwan, etc), our guys were only subject to Iraqi law if they were off duty and off installation (AKA deserter status, similar to Korea SOFA) The replacement SOFA in 2011 is where POTUS didn't even attempt to negotiate but ran a political decision to withdraw against the recommendations of the Pentagon.
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Capt Walter Miller
I’d say –again- that his words might help ISIS in recruiting jihadis in this country to go martyr on us like Farook and Malik did.

That is providing aid and comfort to our enemies.

“Take, for example, our freedom of speech. It is one of the most clearly stated and robustly protected rights in the Constitution, yet it is also subject to numerous restrictions. Our speech might not be protected if it falsely damages someone’s reputation, aids and abets a crime, contains a threat of violence, reveals a trade or military secret, harasses, plagiarizes, inflicts severe emotional distress, is deemed to be obscene, incites violence, or leaks classified information, to name a few. The United States Supreme Court further allows restrictions on when, where, and how we can express ourselves even when the message itself is protected. In some cases we control who may speak, such as limitations we may constitutionally impose on the speech of students, prisoners, and government employees.

When determining what regulations on speech are acceptable, the Supreme Court carefully weighs the significant value of protecting the freedom of expression against the countervailing public interests. Thus you certainly have a right to protest, but not in a public park without a permit. You have a right to exclaim your beliefs, but not with a sound truck at night in a residential neighborhood. You have a right to express yourself through art, but not with a can of spray paint on someone else’s car. Child pornography is indisputably a type of speech, yet the Supreme Court gives it no constitutional protection, zero, because the court believes that the harm it inflicts on the abused children far outweighs any expressive value.” -
MAJ Contracting Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
That is about as valid as me accusing you of treason because you embolden ISIS by making us look weak and foolish, so I guess both you and Trump need to be executed.
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Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Rep. Barry Loudermilk, the Cassville freshman and member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, has not endorsed a presidential candidate, but we can take one off the list — Donald Trump.

As Loudermilk said on Fox Business Channel on Tuesday when asked about Trump’s proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S.:

“I think I understand what his sentiment was, is that most of the terrorist attacks in this nation in last several years have been by radicalized Muslim extremists. But we have a freedom here, freedom of religion. We have a constitution that every person who takes an elected office here in this nation, and every member of Congress and the president swears to one thing, that we will uphold the constitution.

“I think his remarks were irresponsible, but we live in an era where you can say anything and get away with it. …

“I think it’s hurtful for the [Republican] Party. I think it’s hurtful for the brand.”

But Loudermilk, when pressed, would not call for Trump to drop out of the race:

“He has every right to continue to run. If he’s going to drop out of the race, that’s a decision he has to make. But i think the American people need to pay attention not just to how he’s saying things but what he is saying.”

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SSG Edward Tilton
He should resign
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MSgt John McGowan
There are many thingd said during the elrction cycle. I have no idea that much is said is true. I do know if they promise you something it's mostly a lie.unless it's a give way. I do agree that somehow the refugees shouls be checked or not let in. What er are doing id opening thr border and telling them to just come oin.
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