Posted on May 8, 2015
PV2 Violet Case
I just received this email can anyone tell me more about what is going on with this? Thank you
Posted in these groups: Cba82e8b Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
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Responses: 1
COL Charles Williams
I had not, so thanks! PV2 Violet Case. The VA is a mess.
COL Vincent Stoneking
COL Vincent Stoneking
>1 y
That is true, but I side with the VA on this one. The start date for a claim SHOULD be the date that the claim is actually submitted. This is not about "benefiting" the VA or "harming" veterans. This is about the simplest of common sense.

A cocktail napkin with "Dear VA, I plan on filing a claim. SGT Jones. 1/1/2015" Should NOT be acceptable to date a claim from 1/1/2015 when SGT Jones doesn't file an actionable claim until 12/31/2015. A close reading of the VFW statement shows that this is exactly what is meant by "informal submission."

Especially if we are going to flip the VA grief for its "horrid" claims processing timelines. For instance, that it took 18 months to process the above SGT Jones' claim....

The VA has a LOT that is wrong with it. It's not fair for giving it grief for trying to move towards a coherent and rational system - that is how an organization moves away from being a soup sandwich.

I will now don my asbestos suit. (as if I hadn't seen all the Meso adds on late night TV)... :-)
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