Posted on Aug 1, 2015
SCPO Investigator
What is the purpose of a popular vote by the American public IF a select group of people can negate that popular vote and choose someone else? IT HAS HAPPENED.
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Responses: 253
PO1 Steelworker
No It's not we are not ruled by a democracy we are a democratic republic. The Population centers do not rule the entire country.
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CAPT Lawrence Olsen
The Framers of the Consitution were wise well beyond their timeframe! They recognized that a direct democracy is little more than mob rule, wherein voting is driven more by passions than by critical thinking.
SSG Matt LaFramboise
SSG Matt LaFramboise
7 y
The founding fathers only wanted white people voting so your point is mite
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
7 y
They discussed lots of things, but made it possible to correct any changes by way of the amendment process, which as we all know fixed a number of issues not originally care for. Yes, they were prescient.
CAPT Lawrence Olsen
CAPT Lawrence Olsen
7 y
You might actually look up words before you use them, SSG. Did you mean to write my point is moot?
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LTC Commanding Officer
So weird this question only seems to come up when the election doesn't go the Democrats' way. How about we just go back and forth on it in whatever way benefits the Democrats most? Just in case at some future date, the Republicans win the popular vote but Democrats win California by a slim margin or something like that. And here's another bonus: If the Democrats win a state, well, then that will be winner take all. But if the Republicans win a state, well, then the only fair thing to do would be proportional distribution of those electoral votes. That way, Democrats could still go through the motions of having elections but without the inconvenience of actually losing and having to turn over the government. Who's on board?
COL Military Police
COL (Join to see)
>1 y
The question invited reasonable debate and so many of the replies as to how and why the electoral college was designed and operates have provided a valuable lesson in civics or problems of democracy. If only one person on this site has learned something about the electoral college because of the question, then it has been worth it. I really enjoyed reading the comments. Perhaps some of you could run for public office and replace some of the dolts who are running our country.
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SFC George Smith
this is a question that has Been asked for decades...
the kicker is ... if we did ... as in the last election ... those folks in 17% of the Land area, in the US would be telling the other people in 83% of the land of the US what the Heck to do... and as far as I am concerned Those Folks in the cities, Can Kiss My Grits...
I am 35 miles from a large metropolitan area... the 3rd largest Metro area in my state...
I spent the last of my savings to move here... and to get out an away fro the City people..
I don't need city dwellers trying to tell me WTF to Do... or how to do it...
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CPO Steelworker
LTC Joseph Gross
LTC Joseph Gross
>1 y
This map could be labeled "blue areas depict areas of high crime, rampant unemployment, drug problems, illiteracy, attacks on police and other crimes"
CPO Steelworker
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
LTC Joseph Gross - Yes just like all the citys that are protesting now, I was thinking the same thing. When will everyone understand that a certain party likes and keeps those areas suppressed, and in need for votes, this is why we have the collage...
LCDR Aerospace Engineering Duty, Maintenance (AMDO and AMO)
LCDR (Join to see)
>1 y
CPO (Join to see) - Each party likes to make more of whatever its base is. If the GOP's base is the rich, they will want to make more rich people.

What's the Democrat power base again?
SPC Michael Mead
SPC Michael Mead
>1 y
LTC Joseph Gross - You forgot high taxes and government dependency.
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Marlene Hessler
The need for the electoral college is likely more valid today than when it was enacted.

However, numerous states could benefit from distributing their electoral votes on either a county or area basis such as I believe Maine does. In my homestate of New Jersey, 5 counties voted Clinton and 16 went for Trump. Unfortunately, the cities are in those 5 counties. Even if 100% of those in the 16 counties voted for Trump, effectively our votes did not count. They never do. I will venture an educated guess that those voters in the 16 counties pay most of the taxes that support a very high percentage of the voters living in those innercity areas. Yet, we get no say in how those tax dollars are spent because of the disproportionment. Does that make any sense to anyone? You pay the highest property taxes in the country, one of the highest sales taxes in the country, and now are one of the highest gas taxed states in the country and the people getting your tax dollars tell you how much, when, and where those dollars will go. You get little if any benefit from them. That's not representation in my book. Maybe there are other states that could also benefit from such a change. New York for instance. Most of their counties are in upstate New York and it is largely rural farmland. They pay and pay and New York City votes are the ones that overrule them every time.

Should the recipients be able to overrule the people working and paying the bills?
MSgt Kerry Lundy
MSgt Kerry Lundy
>1 y
You are talking primarily about taxes that are controlled and levied by your individual state,counties and cities not the federal government. The electoral votes have no impact on those. Your citing of what happens in NY on the state level identifies and supports the need for the electoral vote system One of the small states with single digit electoral votes could make the difference in getting a conservative or a liberal.
Marlene Hessler
Marlene Hessler
>1 y
The electoral system gives fairness to all the states. Smaller states (population wise) does not lose its voice to large population centers. That same scenario needs to be applied to individual states such as New York and New Jersey and likely more with large cities. Large percentages of the tax paying public live in rural areas. Their votes are being overruled by large populations of indigents that reside in innercities. When does it make sense for the recipient to tell the 'giver' who should be the president, how much taxes to pay or anything else? It's time to look at fairness in our voting system.
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LT Frank Hernandez
We need to continue using the EC! It was very clear in this election that the majority of the STATES want to elect President Trump. The States would loose their power to determine a president and that wouldn't be in their best interest. The majority of the time we still have the winner of the EC and the popular vote win the presidency.
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CPO Joseph Grant
PFC Aaron Knapp
I don't know where you were educated but never to have been taught about our electoral system really worries me. You do realize that our founding fathers tried to ensure that the smaller states populations were given protection against the larger states? I assume you understand that we are a country made up of states, actual political entities. If you want to do away with the electoral college then you need to revamp the government and constitution.
CPO Joseph Grant
CPO Joseph Grant
9 y
It does make one wonder
PFC Aaron Knapp
PFC Aaron Knapp
9 y
When I went to High School we took a single quarter of Civics that covered the Government and I don't recall covering the E.C. That being said I have since educated myself on the matter and wrote this topic to spark a debate. It seems though some people would just prefer to belittle me instead. In my question I even point out that the system allows for smaller states to have "more power" and yes I realize there are States in the United States. Why is it that if someone post's a comment meant to stimulate a conversation people feel the need to treat them as if they are stupid? This is why I usually don't post topics, just comments, because rather than address the question they would prefer to make someone else look stupid.
CPO Joseph Grant
CPO Joseph Grant
9 y
PFC Aaron Knapp , I haven't tried to belittle you. I expressed concern that you weren't taught basic knowledge about how our government is elected. That isn't your fault, it's ours because we allowed the public school systems to be "dumbed down". While I was caring for my niece I discovered that it's gotten so bad that teachers were sending home study sheets that matched the tests.
PFC Aaron Knapp
PFC Aaron Knapp
9 y
I understand..and I'm about to graduate with my AA in liberal Arrs and move on to my Masters Degree...and I have made sure to learn any and all information I may not have known.
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LCpl Motor Vehicle Operator
Edited >1 y ago
You'll get what we have in NY State, We have a whole state with the majority of Upstate New Yorker Republicans or Right leaning BUT the millions of liberals in NYC control the vote and the State. All the Left has to do is camp out in NYC and register liberal voters by promising them more entitlements and they win, no need to campaign. They would do the same in every state like they tried in 2016. The blue on the map shows the counties won by Hillary. Look at all the Grey area and the people living there that would be ignored. Each blue area is a metropolitanarea with the highest amount of those receiving entitlements, highest crime, highest illegal immigration count, voter fraud and state and local government money. Oh, the majority of the cities in the blue areas are also Sanctuary Cities. The Electoral College was created to make sure states with smaller populations have a voice in electing the president.
LCpl Motor Vehicle Operator
LCpl (Join to see)
>1 y
Jerry Genesio:hahahahaha typical. you block my reply. Once again, you don't answer the questions put to you about your party and hillary's except to say "she ran a bad campaign" Sorry Jerry my boy, you're the problem with the democratic party. One only has to listen/read your comments and know
A1C Lloyd Box
A1C Lloyd Box
>1 y
Sgt., we are not a democracy. We are Constitutional Republic. This would take away viable representation from the small states. I don't want four or five big cities electing a President that is representative of the views of a few. Again, please understand these words, Constitutional Republic.
LTC Counterintelligence
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I see that demagogues can be unrelenting in their fanaticism. Even after a break to deal with some health issues, I find the same claptrap being spewed by those who can’t stomach the Electoral College and the role it has played and continues playing in keeping our Constitutional Republic stable.
Let’s review a bit here so we don’t lose track of the history behind this series of screeds from someone who “sees no point in arguing” with those who don’t swallow his ridiculous line of thought (as if spewing cheap propaganda could be considered “arguing”).
This particular entry ends with the ridiculous and fabricated statement that “everyone’s vote should count”. Aww! As if we couldn’t see through the lie. The use of propaganda phrases which disguise the truth is common among those who render obeisance to the Party of the Jackass… and to its propaganda.
If one looks back at the previous posts from Jerry, here, one finds that BASED ON HIS OWN WORDS, what we have here is just another political apparatchik upset with the results of the 2016 election. He practically admitted this before, while referring to the concept of “tyranny” (talk about confused people!). And just like his infantile cohorts elsewhere, all he’s doing here is the written equivalent of the street riots which were coordinated and paid for by the DNC or other Soros dominated organizations. That’s important to know, so no one gets the impression that they are actually arguing with anyone who is serious or has a legitimate point to make.
In order to understand where the apparatchik is coming from let’s look at his own words all over again and see what we get:
“For heaven’s sake, ©bama saved our economy.” – This obvious lie is followed by a whine to the effect that we should look at the statistics. So let’s do better than that. Let’s look at serious research (as opposed to the words of party of the jackass charlatans). And for our numbers, we’ll go to the Federal Bank of St. Louis and an interesting bit of research they published titled “Why Does Economic Growth Keep Slowing Down?” In that report they document the decline in US economic growth per capita. And instead of the ridiculous propaganda of “©bama saved…”, what you find is that in 2016, real per capita GDP growth in the US fell to its lowest rate outside of an officially declared recession since World War II. That rate was 0.5%. And that was just the “culmination” of ©bama’s idiotic “economic” policies and “achievements”. And notice that I am not even mentioning the mountain of debilitating debt that "the big ©" dumped on the nation.
This, of course, is a separate issue from the habitual and serial falsification of employment numbers during the whole ©bama term in order to create a political smokescreen for the elections. A pattern clearly noted after the ©bama-Romney debate, in which Romney quoted unemployment data which was quickly “adjusted” after the debate, gives you an idea of what was going on. BLS numbers were being guided and created by political hacks beholden to the Jackass. Serious investigators have demonstrated that “adjustments” and “revisions” to just the BLS birth-death model alone, adds 200,000 fake jobs a month. Subtract that from the published “jobs” figures and see what you get. And from what you DO get, then also subtract the imaginary jobs created by imaginary business start-ups, which is another fake job “generator”. So the BLS and their political hacks have been “adding” new “jobs” to the statistics… “jobs” generated by “new businesses”. But all the while, you find that Bloomberg’s US Start-Ups barometer shows that US start-ups were DOWN by 20.25% in the past year – a VERY steep drop… one of the steepest on record.
So when you see Jerry claim that “For heaven’s sake, ©bama saved our economy” all you have is one political hack repeating what other political hacks have been braying. His big mistake, of course, was asking people to look at the statistics. Perhaps, as a blind fanatic, he believed his own propaganda. But this is par for the course for a party symbolized by a jackass.
And just like any political hack representing the “jackass party”, the “we are superior” argument (which he had raised previously) keeps coming back. This theory that “the people in urban centers are better educated” can only come from simpletons disconnected from the realities of urban America. It is simple for the followers of the Jackass (which is the most accurate way of describing jackass party adepts) to forget that CHARACTER does not come from a piece of paper obtained from a 2nd or 3rd rate “educational” institution. Because it’s urban Jackass-following punks in New York and San Francisco that are braying in the streets as they riot, maim others, and destroy private property… in coordinated and paid-for “demonstrations”. Is THIS the example he offers of their “superiority”, as implied by his “better education” comment?
This 2016 election was very interesting. It brought out all the frustrated, power-hungry opportunists who were OH SO SURE that they were going win and get their way that they were gloating about it weeks before the election. You see, they felt that they are “so much smarter” than “those back-country hicks”, that they KNEW that “their kind” would be “selected” so they could tell everybody else what to do and how to live their lives. And some of them have even said that they have : “…a much better understanding of who the other half of the American population really are”. Check out the implied disdain in “other half”.
And, of course, there are the stories they make up to “explain” complex issues. To the Jackass followers, the Electoral College had nothing to do with “balancing out” the interests of very diverse states in a diverse nation that would keep expanding. “OOH! OOH! It was all about slaves! It was all about slaves! OOH! OOH!” they say, ignoring the fact that a statement like that simply magnifies their gross ignorance, if not their utter lack of intellectual capacity.
It is clear that Jerry has made up his mind. He threw in his lot with the authoritarian punks who follow the Jackass and riot in the streets for pay. There is a very interesting saying in Spanish: “tell me who you walk with, and I’ll tell you who you are”. I think it says it all. So, since HE DOES NOT WANT TO BE CONFUSED BY FACTS, my recommendation is to not to pay too much attention to posts with lack of real content. Remember, Jackass followers are over-impressed with their own importance and superiority, even while espousing clearly stupid ideas.
Now, the Jackass followers had their candidate. In addition to the willful disregard for the careful handling of classified information, to the point of compromising Top Secret/SI information, this was a candidate that never held a real job in her life… yet managed to accumulate a net worth of over $30 MILLION. Interesting, huh? Wonder how she pulled THAT off! And with her “husband” (another crook), ran a “charitable foundation” which, in addition to functioning as an unregistered PAC and paying for her daughter’s wedding and other “charitable” activities, was receiving “donations” (bribes) from other countries in exchange for “little favors” here and there (like authorizing the sale of 25% of US uranium) that were made possible through the use of “influences of office” (like, for example, Secretary of State). So this piece of filth is what they wanted to declare fuhrer.

Some might think that I am too harsh in my criticism of the Jackass followers. But I much prefer my clear harshness to the hypocrisy present in the disguised superiority complex coupled with specious and fictitious arguments of the Jackass followers. It creeps through their words very often, because it’s hard for them to hide it. But the fact that it’s there is clear evidence that their idiotic positions are not worthy of respect. That’s why I recommend they be ignored for what they are: the whinings of spoiled brats who are simply upset that they didn’t get their way. They have their "hissy fits" based on lies and conjecture and they should be flicked off like you would flick specs of lint off a shirt.
PO1 Vince Shavico
PO1 Vince Shavico
>1 y
Sgt Jerry Genesio - Wow I think he hit all of the talking points. Do you even know what a fascist is? Banning 8% of a group of people is not an entire religious group you are missing the other 92%
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SPC Kenneth Koerperich
Asking this question tells me you know nothing about Politics, or you wouldn't have asked it.

Electoral votes are so no 2-4 super populated area's EVER control the appointment of the POTUS. Otherwise it would never be fair to the rest of the populace just because we aren't living 20 people per inch...
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