Posted on Oct 11, 2014
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
I know there is a pay differential between officer and enlisted but there were times that I thought about becoming an officer and would be most proud to wear o-4 to O-6. I like the look of those insignia.

Conversely, how many officers have ever thought about how it might be to be an NCO and what ranks?
Posted in these groups: Officers logo OfficersImages 20 NCOs
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Responses: 24
1SG Steven Stankovich
I remember when I was a young PVT, all I ever wanted to be was a Sergeant. Sergeant was the best job in the Army. When I became a Sergeant, all I ever wanted to be was a Platoon Sergeant. Platoon Sergeant was the best job in the Army. When I became a Platoon Sergeant, all I ever wanted to be was a First Sergeant. When I became a First Sergeant I knew this was the best job in the Army. Now that I am a chained to a desk in the 3 Shop, all I ever want to do now is put the Diamond back on and be a First Sergeant again...
SPC Fred Lytge
SPC Fred Lytge
>1 y
I only made it to Spec-4 but, I am still kicking myself for echo-tango-suitcasing...I should have stayed in...but, you are now at a desk in 3rd shop.....that has to be,,you could grumble a lot and fly R.C. helicopters around in your office though...hehe...just kidding.
SSG Laureano Pabon
SSG Laureano Pabon
>1 y
lol SPC Fred Lytge that was funny. lol
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
Well glad to see you here anyhow.. I appreciate your service.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
10 y
Great ideal, 1SG is the position to hold and enjoy. But, we age physically w/ time and then happen to serve w/ CSMs that fail to inspire or lead. Little choice, go for the E-9!
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Good question. There are several points in my career where I think I should have been an NCO, because I enjoyed the company and challenges of dealing with soldiers more than the management issues and bureaucracy of being an officer.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca That is the kind of answer that I was looking for. Because the pay and prestige naturally seems to be in favor of being an officer but the attendant issues with being an officer may take some of the joy and casualness that happens with NCOs. Good reply, thanks!
LTC Substitute Teacher
LTC (Join to see)
10 y
Officers seem to deal more with the management and NCOs with actual personal leadership. That's why I respect the NCOs who desire to remain such.
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MAJ Staff Crna
Edited >1 y ago
Yes and I have been both. There are many positive sides to both career paths. Best rank I ever made and the one I was the most proud of myself for making was SGT/E-5. It took a lot of work due to cutoff scores being very high in my field at the time. I loved the day to day soldier management of being an NCO, the teaching, etc. But at times I wavered between wanting to move up the NCO channel or go back to school. Eventually got out of service and went reserves, started going back to school and turned down SFC board in favor of becoming an officer. Commissioned active duty now, and wouldn't change, and not just because of the pay and bonuses but because I absolutely love my job in the Army. I do surgical and obstetrical anesthesia, stateside hospital and currently in Afghanistan. Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than taking care of our service members, their family and dependents, the retirees and their dependents. I treat all patients the same, regardless or rank or status. I try to make them feel they are important to me.
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