Posted on Aug 19, 2014
Sgt Andrew Pouliot
I've been a writer for much of my life, and after my deployment knew I was going to write about it in some way or another. I know a lot of military personnel write books about what they did during their deployments (while deployed I read 'Lions of Kandahar' among other works). I also know that there are rules about this pertaining to the DoD. What would I have to do in order to write a book about that? What are policies regarding using other people's names? What are your thoughts on writing a book about such experiences?
Posted in these groups: Writing logo WritingImgres DeploymentIraq war Warfare
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Responses: 3
1SG Steven Stankovich
Edited 10 y ago
I have a friend that you need to get in touch with Sgt Andrew Pouliot . Matt Gallagher is a former Army Scout Platoon Leader who has wrote about his time in Iraq with his platoon in the book "Kaboom: Embracing the Suck in a Savage Little War." He co-edited "Fire and Forget: Short Stories From the Long War." He was also a Senior Fellow for the IAVA. He is up on Twitter, Facebook, and even have a Wikipedia page. He and some of his friends are avid supporters of veterans who want to write about their experiences. Look him up.
MSG Recruit
MSG (Join to see)
10 y
Good Afternoon MSG Stankovich:

Thank you for the referral and I will look him up today and see if we can connect.

Warmest regards,
MSG Baisden
A Loving, Praying Mother & Heartbroken Grandmother
Sgt Andrew Pouliot
Sgt Andrew Pouliot
10 y
Thanks for the info Master Sergeant, that's a great help. I will definitely look into him.
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SGT Ben Keen
One of the topics we discussed at RPx2014 was the importance of writing and how it can help you not only land a job but also help those that come after us in learning from what we have done and been through. While I'm not working on book or anything, I've published a article on LinkedIN. I didn't write it for any specific reason other than to just vent.

I think it's very important that we write things done. As we all know history is a circle so things will repeat themselves. It's good to have some where to go for some possible answers.
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SFC Mark Merino
You are going to have a publisher. One of the admins posted about just writing a book. Stand by..................
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
10 y
Navy LT Ryan Haag is your man to get with.
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