Posted on Jun 14, 2016
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
Here is a good opinion piece on radical Islam.
If 1% are radical, there are 1.5 billion Islamic followers and 99% are loving and good people, but 1% of 1.5 billion is 15 million radicals. Equal to every person in NYC (8 mil), LA (3 mil), Chicago (2 mil) and Houston (2 mil)!
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Responses: 22
SPC Dawud Makonnen
In addition, unlike Africans who were brought to America, UK thru Slavery and can't go back to Africa...Arabs come to the West on their own. If they don't like Western values or lives excuse me but please take your butt back to YOUR country were you can practice Islam as you see fit. Everyone is blameworthy make choices & decisions in your life and stop playing victims Gee Wiz Charlie Brown.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
8 y
I know some that would say that should apply to everyone that came here after 1492

By the way, I believe you will find Muslims were here before we became a nation. The shooter in Orlando was born here. Where do you draw that line?
SPC Dawud Makonnen
SPC Dawud Makonnen
8 y
First point, take it as far back as you wish. Point is simple if you don't like where you are due to policy, govt structure, life style make a decision and move its really that simple. If I didn't like America cuz it's people were bias then I'd have to look to live elsewhere or work in a peaceful way to bring about change. 2nd point this FLA shooter to me things get overly saturated in a social media world so pardon if I don't weight in much on those narratives.
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
8 y
Very clearly said, why come to a country to reestablish what you were trying to get away from?
SSG Satellite Communication Systems Operator/Maintainer
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
SPC Dawud Makonnen - To the typical Islam practicer that would make sense or anyone of any race or religion, however, Radical Islamists goal No 1 is to see non-believers dead. In a country of fewer islamic believers it should make sense that they have the greatest opportunity to achieve that goal. Therefore, they would not leave of their own will.
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PV2 Scott Goodpasture
There is only one solution
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MSG Dan Castaneda
We can stop it, but America needs to get serious about the problem. Then we kill them all. We need to stop worrying about political correctness and show the world what happens when they declare war on the United States. Take the gloves off and start hitting below the belt. Unconventional Warfare at its best.
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
8 y
I think declaring war on ISIS would be a good first step to implement your solution. That was we can go into full combat mode. I know America is tired of war, but I am sure mass killings will grow more tiring then anything.
MSG Dan Castaneda
MSG Dan Castaneda
8 y
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman - You are absolutely correct Chief, but the war that is needed is like no war we've ever seen before. Or not in a long time atleaset. We need to unleash our dogs of war, and violently kill them all. No Geneva Convention, no rules of engagement. Allow us to do what we are trained to do, and the world will see a better place once the smoke settles.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
8 y
MSG Dan Castaneda - We should get the rounds that are lubed with pig fat, or the shotgun shells with )) buck and bacon bits. Fropm what I understand if they have any evidence of pig in them, heaven and the 72 virgins are no longer an option!
MSG Dan Castaneda
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How do we stop radical Islam in America?
CPL Patrick Brewbaker
First is to identify the problem. Political correctness (I like what it's real name is cultural Marxism), isn't doing the trick. Call it what is and stop sugar coating it. ISIS is the ancient form of Islam. It doesn't mean peace, It means submit.
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LTC Paul Labrador
I honestly believe that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are good people who want to live and let live. The problem is that they are letting the 1% represent them...which further encourages us non-muslims to stereotype an entire religion. For us to truly stop radical Islam, the 99% of non-radical Muslims are going to need to stand up and clean house themselves. Again, there are 1.35 billion non-radicals. They have more than enough manpower to do it. But do they have the will.....?
PO3 Sandra Gomke
PO3 Sandra Gomke
8 y
That's my question! Why don't the non-radical Muslims do something about the radicals? Are they just turning a blind eye?
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
8 y
PO3 Sandra Gomke - IMHO, some of it may be tacit approval. Some of it may be "not my problem".
PO3 Sandra Gomke
PO3 Sandra Gomke
8 y
LTC Paul Labrador - "Tacit approval", that's the phrase I wanted! That Orlando shooter's father can't understand why his son did it. But who do you think put the idea in his son's head that gays are evil and must be destroyed? He won't say it aloud but I'd bet good money he thinks what his son did was just. By Islamic law.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
8 y
It's a lot more than 1%. Just saying... [login to see] &comments=1
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SSG Senior Maintenance Supervisor
This may be harsh, but we seem to cater to any religion that complains they are not being catered to.

Everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs. However, we need to stop catering to them. When we do so, it becomes the norm, and people want more, and more and more. Until its too late.

Full body covering. Ok.. I can not walk into a bank in a full body wrap. Why should ANYONE be allowed to.

Now there is outcry that Muslim women should not be searched below the neck at airports! How could this possibly go wrong. They want more and more and more...

I cant take a DMV picture with my face covered. Why should ANYONE be allowed to.

If I am a Muslim and I own a bakery shop, no one would expect me to bake a cake saying 'Jesus is the most Awesome ever." Yet, time and time again, people with addenda's do this to Christian owned businesses.

There needs to be a line drawn. Else they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing until they get what they want.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
8 y
SSG (Join to see) - How about a couple of black youths sitting at the lunch counter of the local Walgreens?
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
8 y
SSG (Verify To See) - 1960, Nashville, Walgreen lunch counter,,, history, my friend, American history.
"On February 13, 1960, twelve days after the Greensboro sit-in (see "Greensboro, NC, students sit-in for U.S. Civil Rights, 1960"), students in Nashville entered Kress, Woolworth, and McClellan stores at 12:40 pm. After making purchases, the students sat at the lunch counters; two hours later, the owners closed the counters without serving any of the students. Storeowners claimed that it was a “moral right” to decide whom they would or would not serve to. During the next three months the sit-ins continued, not only at the three stores initially targeted but also at the Greyhound and Trailways bus terminals, a Grant’s variety store, a Walgreens drugstore, and major Nashville department stores Cain-Sloan and Harvey."
SSG Senior Maintenance Supervisor
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
That was a racist incident.

No one is saying that Afghans will not be served etc.. What I am implying is that if ANY religion says that they are to be covered head to toe, that's fine. However, want to fly in a plane, then you are getting searched regardless of your beliefs.

If you want to work for Coors, knowing they make, sell, and distribute beer, and its 'against' your religion. DONT WORK THERE. Don't apply, get the job, work for a month or two, then decide Company policy needs to change to accommodate you.

A Flight attendant has a reasonable expectation of serving alcohol on flights. If that's a problem, then don't be a flight attendant. You could go so far as relying on other flight attendants, but what happens if none is available? You need to be ready for that, not force a Company to bend to your religions will.

Lastly, If your religion does not allow you to shave your beard. Why join a Company that has a clear, strict, grooming policy, and then ask for exceptions? (the military)

I truly applaud your patriotism, but if you cant shave, and the job requires you to do so.. why force them to bend the rules?
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
8 y
SSG All religion with the exception on Christians. Obama is trying his best to crush religion in the military. A high ranking retired officer was invited to speak at a affair but his views of religion he was dis invited.
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SSgt Charles Freeman
I don't think love, and understanding is gonna do it.
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PO3 Sandra Gomke
What do we do with a dog that bites the hand that feeds it? We send it back to the pound or we put it down. If that dog fathers puppies that do the same, we respond in the same way. I am so tired of the non-radicals saying we're being mean to them when they won't do anything about the radicals in their homes and mosques. Who do they think is teaching the radicals? I'm fairly sure it's not coming from churches or synagogues. Does a radical have to open fire in a mosque before these "peaceful" people will do anything? If they think that it's "not their problem" when one of theirs murders Americans, then they need to pack up and head back to where they (or their forefathers) came from. Born here or not. They should not be called Americans. Murdering in the name of their religion is still murder. Here's an interesting legal definition: "A criminal charge of aiding and abetting or accessory can usually be brought against anyone who helps in the commission of a crime, though legal distinctions vary by state. A person charged with aiding and abetting or accessory is usually not present when the crime itself is committed, but he or she has knowledge of the crime before or after the fact, and may assist in its commission through advice, actions, or financial support. Depending on the degree of involvement, the offender's participation in the crime may rise to the level of conspiracy." "THROUGH ADVICE, ACTIONS OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT". Sound familiar?
*sigh* I'm getting so angry. We're so busy worrying about hurting someone else's feelings that we're letting someone else hurt more than just our feelings. In our own home/country. My forefathers immigrated to this country for a better life. Others want to do the same. That's one of the great things about the US, our freedoms. But if they come here to hurt us, they need to go back to where they come from. Take our freedoms away from them. If your religion promotes the killing of those who do not agree with your religious laws, then DON'T COME HERE!!! Freedom to practice your religion does NOT mean your religion gives you the right to kill in the name of that religion. Freedom of Religion: The right to choose a religion (or no religion) without interference by the government. Freedom of religion is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Nowhere does that say freedom to murder. Radical or extremist Muslims act in ignorance of their own holy book and in pride. The ones who should teach them better are not doing their job. That's where the true fault lies.
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Col Joseph Lenertz
Identify and legally name the threat as Radical Islamic Terrorism (RIT). Change the narrative globally. Domestically, we need to draw a thick solid legal line between religion and religious-fomented conspiracy to overthrow the US government (Sharia as an example). Define the caliphate threat, to educate the population and empower all Americans (including Muslims) to identify the difference. Identifying and fighting against RIT is not Islamophobia. It is the only way we will retain our hard-won liberty and freedoms in this nation. It is the ethical, legal, and moral right thing to do. It will save lives. Prosecute religious leaders (any religion) for conspiracy, or advocating crimes. Remove the PC handcuffs on law enforcement, business owners and religious leaders to identify to law enforcement those who have made religious-fomented conspiracy threats. Hold Muslims and non-Muslims accountable for their tacit support of RIT. As to foreign policy, cut all funds to all nations who harbor RIT. Either Destroy or Depart. If our nation decides it is necessary to Destroy, then remove the shackles. The Russians know dumb bombs work in ways that smart bombs do not. Dumb bombs are cheap and send a message. The message is, "we are serious. you will ALL suffer until you decide you are against them and with us. and we can do this forever."
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CW5 Andrew J. Foreman

I am looking for some real thoughtful solutions not a pile on of the problem. We all know (well some don't accept) that there is a problem. If you were king/queen for a day how would you solve the problem. I know there is not a simple answer.
SSgt Charles Freeman
SSgt Charles Freeman
8 y
If I were King. I would place a moratorium on Muslim immigration. I would use the intelligence assets that I have to ferret out the radicals that are already here. I would try and enlist the help of the moderate Muslims. I would put boots on the ground in Iraq, and Syria with the chains off, and deal with the whining of the world court of opinion later. Now none of that would probably end it all, but it would give them the assurance that we're not playing anymore.
MGySgt Force Readiness Analyst
MGySgt (Join to see)
8 y
A false religion and a cult that has been around for 1400 years. Only one event and one King will ever change it. The return of Jesus Christ.
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