Posted on Jun 14, 2016
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
Here is a good opinion piece on radical Islam.
If 1% are radical, there are 1.5 billion Islamic followers and 99% are loving and good people, but 1% of 1.5 billion is 15 million radicals. Equal to every person in NYC (8 mil), LA (3 mil), Chicago (2 mil) and Houston (2 mil)!
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Responses: 22
TSgt Kenneth Ellis
Its hard when Obama calls it a religion of piece. If you say or do anything you are branded a homophope. And they are good a misdirection. Take the San Bernadino terrorist . You should bust anyone who's involved and but them in jail for life. Maybe that's would stop these converts.
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Capt Jeff S.
Go after the families of the perps. Why? Because it works!
MSG Dan Castaneda
MSG Dan Castaneda
8 y
I agree with you too Jeff. We must pass a message that if anyone in your family commits mass murder or acts of terrorism, your entire gene pool will leave the US. You'll have brothers and sisters reporting each other most rickity tick.
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MSG John Wirts
Deport them, and permanently bar them from entering the U.S.. Check out their Mosques, they are recruiting and training centers for terriorists, they store militiary grade explosivea and arms inside the Mosques, and their thites support radical Islam.
MSG Dan Castaneda
MSG Dan Castaneda
8 y
I agree John. We need to stop trying to be so politically correct and start rounding up those that do not belong here even if their visas are still current. "Sorry, your visa just expired."
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
8 y
You're assuming that they came into this country documented and legally! I dare to suggest that most of them are ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS! I agree that Muslims need to be deported as they will not coexist, they will take over and forcably convert everyone to Islam or kill them!
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SCPO Investigator
Paraphrasing what the sign says: cut off every head of every radical Muslim, and continue to do so, ad infinitum.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
8 y
Or we could take a few pags from their playbook! They took some casptured military, Locked them in a cage, alive, and sank the cage. Or they chained captured military to a bar so they hung 1 foot off the ground, which was sand, and saturated it with gasolie, and burned them to death. My idea is to lubricate slugg with pig fat, then since they have pig in them they can't get to heaven to get their 72 virgins. To make sure capture them and feed them only pork, then executre them and feed them to the pigs, collect the pig shit and ship it back to their relatives. Will they attempt to bury their relative, or abandon them in the desert?
SCPO Investigator
SCPO (Join to see)
8 y
Well, I must admit that fleshes my idea out quite a bit!!!
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MCPO Roger Collins
And so many thing Trump is inciting violence. It would appear that the LGBT should support him, since most of the Democrats want more of these crazies in our country. Hillary, is this a "Radical"?
PV2 Scott Goodpasture
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
8 y
Not getting that one, Scott. And I'm certainly not a Hillary fan.
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LCpl Rifleman
The answer is simple; you can kill people, but you can't kill an idea. We can't stop radical Islam in America, we can just try to slow it with restrictions, at a certain point we have to accept that no matter what we do there will always be people who disagree with us to a point of absurdity.
LCpl Rifleman
LCpl (Join to see)
8 y
MSG John Wirts - Possibly the most hypocritical thing I've read this year.

1. You are denying the truth that Islam is not an intrinsically radical religion (also the mudslinging example of Clinton is irrelevant -- all presidents lie, you know Richard Nixon was a Republican who lied?)
2. You are pulling the victim card here, you are using the terrorist attacks as an excuse to augment the central government, and marginalize the people.
3. Distort, oh good... Somewhere convoluted in your mind you "distorted" the actual facts to reinforce your obviously biased agenda.
4. "DECEIVE: When necessary, lie. Go on the attack" I'm fairly certain that is an attack in and of itself, hence my presumption of hypocrisy.
5 & 6. The entire demeanor you take when arguing is an attempt to demonize and discredit me.
7. Hmm.. how could you possibly change the subject, maybe copy+paste a prewritten article completely irrelevant in an attempt to destroy my ethos.
8. Discourage, I feel like you're trying, but it's not working.
9. Destroy, see 5 & .
10. Do, we haven't progressed that far yet, but given time I'm sure we will get there.
11. You are still disagreeing.
12. See 10.

These are not exclusively tactics of democrats, and saying to the contrary is ignorant, everybody uses almost all of these tools in arguments. Granted most of these words are dysphemisms of what is actually done, the former remains true.

Blindness is no impairment against a smelly enemy.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
8 y
Talk about hypocrites, , you take the cake! You say just because of a few outliers? I am condemning "ALL THE INNOCENT MUSLIMS"! Look at their Mosques they store guns, ammunition, and military grade explosives in them and recruit for ISIS and Al Queda, they use part of their collections to fund terriorism. They maintain a low profile until they get enough Muslims in to demand we convert to Islam, or die!THIS IS TRUE ISLAM A RELIGION OF SLAVERY, APPROVED DOMESTIC VIOLENCE against wives(note the plural), their children ,and "HONOR KILLINGS" for disrespectful children, or doughters who date against their father's wishes. YEH RIGHT! "PEACEFUL" Rapists, Muders, Pedophiles. ALL IN THE NAME OF ALLAH AND HIS PROPHET MOHAMMED!!!! You are either delusional, crazy, or an out and out liar!!!
LCpl Rifleman
LCpl (Join to see)
8 y
MSG John Wirts - Okay, so if all Mosques store guns and recruit for ISIS, then all Christian Priest and Pastors must be pedophiles right? Because one Mosque had guns (or recruited for terrorists) means they all do? In normal arguments they call that a logical fallacy. You should read this article (, it may help shed some light on your delusion of ubiquitous radicalism in Islam.

The Quran states: "The worshippers of the All-Merciful are they who tread gently upon the earth, and when the ignorant address them, they reply, 'Peace!'" This is just one of the plethora of quotes I can pull from the Quran that advocates a peaceful Islamic agenda.

Listen, I am not trying to tell you, you're stupid or believe the wrong things, but you should take a step back and look at what you're saying. Talk to someone else about this, and not just people directly around you... Reach out, diversify your discussion partners. If the majority of them think you sound like a lunatic, you should really pause and contemplate your perception of Muslims for a bit longer. Socrates once said "The unexamined life is not worth living."
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
8 y
Well not since the Crusades, have Christians Invaded the Middle East with the intent of wipeing out Muslims. At that time they were also wipeing out Jews (the Muslims loved that!) any Heretics(Non Catholics), Witches, and just about anyone else they didn't agree with! The Muslims went through the Mediterrian and got as far as Spain before they were driven back. The European nations were converted to Christianity, and for 300 years were involved in slave trade. That was ended in the 1800's for the Eurpopean colonies. Now Islam(the Purported religion of peace) has had SLAVE trade for over 700 years and still practices this today, supposidly with the full support of the Quran! PEACEFUL MUSLIMS can "HONOR KILL THEIR WIVES, CHILDREN, SLAVES, AND ALL INFIDELS". TAKE YOUR "PEACEFUL RELIGION" and jump in the lake with it!
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SPC Dawud Makonnen
Go back to 1980s when you had to put pen to paper, meet F2F to communicate or actually be in your home to talk on the phone. Get rid of social media so #IGNORANCE no longer has a platform! Start there.
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
8 y
I understand the social media agreement (not that I agree) but how does pen to paper, F2F and talking on home phone vice cell phone solve the radicalization problem of Islam in America?
SPC Dawud Makonnen
SPC Dawud Makonnen
8 y
I'll answer that in this way. If we had to fight wars with swords, shields in hand do you think we'd be so gun ho for war? If the Commander and Chief had to saddle his horse and ready his armor nah I don't. Every idiot today has an outlet to spat their anger, hatred and mostly ignorant views about someone and it incites to masses who are just as child like in their response. Where are the Men? Look to ages ago how Kings rules kingdoms and it wasn't always through brute force they used wisdom. Children fight cuz they don't have patience we are adults not irrational boys/girls. We are just as much responsible for the mess as those radical grps War "evidently" isn't remedying the problem.
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
CW5 Andrew J. Foreman
8 y
Honestly I think we would have just as much hate and wars. Looks at the Dark Ages, the history is Europe during that time is one war after another.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
8 y
Even in the 80's computers were becoming more the norm, we can communicate faster, use computers to make things more precise. But ask any cashier to make change in their head today! They don't know the basic math to do it. Everyone today is getting offended by the smallest thing. "I'm an Athiest" I'm offended by the Star of David, and the Christian Cross,Remove them from my sight, OH! I'm going to look very hard to find them and be offended! When we were using logrythmetic tables, slide rules, adding machines, and manual cash registers, and manual credit card machines. People had to know how to use these devices and remember formulas to get their answer. We were too busy surviving to worry about bein offended, trying to figure how many sexual identies there are and how we can put everyone else on the defensve. If we would spend less time on social media and more time interacting with each other directly I think our lives would be richer.
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SPC Greg Carr
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CPO Amb. Terry Earthwind Nichols
Close down the KKK. Close down the John Birch Society. Close down the White Supremacists. The world's people do not have an example of honest people helping each other for the common good. Instead they see corruption in every corner of the globe.
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MSgt John McGowan
CW5 We stop it by preventing them from coming into the USA. We can help those in need but we don't have to in the US. Any act or proof that any or radical are deported. Close our borders would be the first thing. Tell those that want to do away with borders to take a hike. But this in only a start.
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