Posted on Aug 3, 2015
CPT Jack Durish
Here we go again. Soon the Army will be bereft of its NCOs and company grade officers. Only this time it isn't them abandoning the Army. It's the Army abandoning them. Even if the current Administration is replaced with one committed to defense, will it arrive in time and can it turn around the situation?
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Responses: 12
COL Jean (John) F. B.
CPT Jack Durish - Our country and the military have shown extraordinary abilities in "fixing itself" when required, however, for the most part, that was accomplished with the full support of the American people and the Administration. For the military to dig itself out of the hole it is now finding itself in, we must, first, stop digging, and second, get people in office with the desire to have a military capable of defending our country. The liberal policies of the current Administration continue to cause the deterioration of the military in every regard, from social experimentation, to budget, to manpower, to modernization, to training, and on and on (many of which are inextricably linked, such as budget to so many other issues in the military). In addition, the social/moral degradation of our country may fail to produce personnel with the patriotism or will to do what it takes to fix the military.
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SFC Mark Merino
Our armed forces can survive anything. It is that long standing American spirit. The more you throw at me the taller I stand. Now, briing it.
SMSgt Thor Merich
SMSgt Thor Merich
9 y
I would not call it "broken." Throughout its 200+ year history, the Army (and the other services too) are always tweaking things to meet current circumstances. Its too bad that politics plays such a big role, but that is the world we live in. The Army will always be "fixing" itself.
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CW3 Operations Officer
I don't think the Army is even close to broken. However, this century will present significant challenges for our military. First, the rest of the world has realized that no standing conventional military in the world can stand and fight the US military. Their answer has been adaptation into irregular warfare, proxy warfare, and cyber warfare where there are no "rules of war," clear battlefields, or easily defined end and beginning. The US military and our national policy must evolve to efficiently fight these types of warfare. Second, our country has just fought the longest war in our history with an all volunteer military while simultaneously overcoming the great recession -- both events took a considerable amount of money. It will take a lot of sacrifices from all areas of government to address our national debt. A broken Army -- hell no! An Army facing significant challenges, for sure.
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How many times can the Army fix itself before it is irrevocably broken?
1SG Military Police
History has proven time and time again that this is not only possible, but probable. As others have mentioned in this thread, there has been a flood of Soldiers that were promoted either before they were ready or that should not have been promoted at all. Part of that is due to a lack of intestinal fortitude on their part, it's a tough thing to say "I'm not ready." Apparently, it's even tougher for those that are just in the Army for a paycheck. There are a significant number of NCOs that uphold the standard and do all they can to take care of Soldiers. Are they now a minority? I think it varies by unit. However, change is in the wind. By all appearances, the new SMA is less about how pretty something is and more about how functional it is. This return to common sense professionalism has a chance to make a real resurgence in the Army. Hopefully, he will have the backing of the new CSA and we can make new inroads in Congress in the upcoming elections.
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1SG Robert Rush
I have written the President and my leadership in Congress about their cut backs in the military. This is not the time to be making such cuts. Have they not learned anything in the last 14 years? Our service personal are burnt out from so many deployments, both in Iraq and Afghanistan. With current events, i.e., Russia flexing its muscles and ISIS taking over the middle East. Their plan to fight ISIS is the same as our plan to fight a war in Vietnam. You can not win a war from a defensive posture.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Its a shame considering many of the leaders bleed red, white, and blue.
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SGT Kristin Wiley
When I joined the Army, the NCO Corps was held in high esteem. They were supposed to be the backbone of the Army, and proud of their uniform and service. After being in the Army for 6 years, I have come to the conclusion that our NCO Corps is nothing like what I idealized. Officers turn a blind eye labeling it "NCO business" and it's difficult to find NCOs who truly hold the Army values as their own personal values. Not being able to trust your leaders and being bullied and threaten into submission is not the Army I signed up for.
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
9 y
I have seen Ukraine army work up close. They have no use for NCOs at all. They are just the muscle to enforce what the officers say. They have no leadership rolls what so ever and can make no decisions without officer approval. The Ukraine Army is next to useless as a fighting force. I would hate to see us move to that.
CPO Cryptologic Technician (Interpretive)
CPO (Join to see)
9 y
That is the military that we have allowed our political leaders to make. Financially sound, but without much military experience in any of the political offices, we are not creating a military that is tactically or functionally sound. Vote in a new way and pay attention. Your votes do count.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
9 y
When I "Like" a comment like yours I'm not really "liking" it. I'm simply rewarding the honesty of it and the courage in posting it
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LTC John Shaw
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SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
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Maj Chris Nelson
It is truly a travesty that this happens, however, it is just like a good rollercoaster. It will go up and down and round about.....well, probably forever. The troops that are there will continue to do what they HAVE TO DO, to keep it all working. We can only hope that the political types pull head out of a$$ sooner then later so we, on the front lines, don't suffer as long as that!
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