Posted on Aug 24, 2014
How to raise funds for a veteran's medical bills?
I have a Vetnam Vet that has Stage 4 cancer and I run a Non-Profit. My question is, I am raising fundnds for his Medical bills! He only has 6-12 weeks and doesn't want to leave his wife with the bills. If I do a fund raiser for him would anyone be willing to help me? We are looking at around $9 K as of now! I am Paul Cottrell on FB!!
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
You have two ways that you can take care of the bills.
1) The fastest would be to utilizing crowd sourcing. Here is a list of the top ten crowd sourcing sites.
2) If he has reached the income level required he can get additional assistance from the VA. Due to his situation and the press about secret waiting list and long waits, he is very likely to get immediate attention.
1) The fastest would be to utilizing crowd sourcing. Here is a list of the top ten crowd sourcing sites.
2) If he has reached the income level required he can get additional assistance from the VA. Due to his situation and the press about secret waiting list and long waits, he is very likely to get immediate attention.
Top 10 Crowdfunding Sites For Fundraising
Unless you’ve been living in a remote island for the last few years, you’ve heard about crowdfunding or stories of people raising thousands or millions of dollars online. In fact, there’s been so much chatter out there about crowdfunding that people love to throw out the line “yeah, I’ve heard there [...]
You'll need to check on this to verify, but my understanding from what I've heard from others is that MD Anderson has programs that will get someone treated for "what they can afford" without racking up a bunch of debt.
I just sent you a message on your FB but I think it went to your others folder on there.
I just sent you a message on your FB but I think it went to your others folder on there.
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