I guess I have to ask you a few questions before I get into the meat of this rant. Does it bring you to tears when you hear the Star Spangled Banner? Are you in awe at the beautify of this countries majestic mountains, wildlife and nature? Do you love what America stands for and if asked are you American do you proudly say yes? Do you believe in the words Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? Do you stand and place your hand over your heart and or remove your hat when you hear the Star Spangled Banner? Do you love the freedoms and rights all Americans enjoy?
Well, if you answered yes please read this because our history, culture and what makes America, America are disappearing due to cultural correctness. Here are some examples of how our history is disappearing. The word “In God We Trust” on our currency, “God Bless America” Thanksgiving, and Christmas are offensive to immigrants coming to this country and some minorities in this country. I say if you are hell bent on coming to this country and becoming and American then you must assimilate to our countries culture and our history. If you find it offensive don’t try to change it or make it culturally correct, keep your comments to yourself or go back to where you came from. In other words assimilate or get the hell out.
I read this article and became very angry because who gives a Principle the right to alter our culture to cater to the majorities cultural differences. They are here in America and if they want to be an American then accept and learn about our cultures history and beliefs. This is our heritage, our history and our country not to be altered to cater to the beliefs and cultural differences of immigrants or minorities.
Example: School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance; Published December 13, 2015, New York Post
Santa Claus is banned. The Pledge of Allegiance is no longer recited. “Harvest festival” has replaced Thanksgiving, and “winter celebrations” substitute for Christmas parties.
New principal Eujin Jaela Kim has given PS 169 in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, a politically correct scrub-down, to the dismay of teachers and parents.
“We definitely can’t say Christmas, nothing with Christmas on it, nothing with Santa,” PTA President Mimi Ferrer said administrators told her. “No angels. We can’t even have a star because it can represent a religious system, like the Star of David.”
Kim, 33, did not return a call or e-mail seeking comment.
A memo last month from assistant principal Jose Chaparro suggested a “harvest festival instead of Thanksgiving or a winter celebration instead of a Christmas party.” He urged staff to “be sensitive of the diversity of our families. Not all children celebrate the same holidays.”
Ninety-five percent of the 1,600 kids at PS 169 are Asian or Hispanic
This is happening more and more our culture, our history is slowly being erased in order not to offend other cultures. Hmmmmm, let me see if I were to go to let’s say Saudi Arabia, China or Malaysia I would have to assimilate to their cultural rules and respect their history and RELIGIOUS beliefs or suffer at the hands of their justice systems. Why can’t immigrants assimilate and accept this country’s history, heritage and beliefs and keep their comments and beliefs to themselves. I do not understand why we strengprimary language, you want to come here learn English, this country was founded and established by Puritans and thus has a rich history in the belief of a supreme being.
You want to wear a Burqa feel free but do not try to force your belief on those who wear bikinis, shorts, crop tops and or other revealing clothing. America is a melting pot and that is what makes this country great. Early immigrants assimilated and accepted this countries rich heritage and became a part of it. Recent waves of immigrants have come to this country and tried to change this country and make it more like the one they left. Why? You left your old country to come here because this country offers the chance for a better life. If you desire to be an American, then become and American, embrace our culture and make it yours don’t try to change it!
I just have to touch on this, the words “Religious Freedom”, the Founding Fathers, Pilgrima and those who settled here and birth this great nation were seeking this inalienable right. This country is built on tolerance and understanding. Do not take the words “In God We Trust”, to mean the God of just the Christian Religion. The word God is a reference to a supreme being no one god of a specific religion. Do not get offended in the use of the word. The definition of God is conceived of as the Supreme Being and principal object of faith and is non-denominational. GET OVER IT!!!!!!!! Or Get the Hell Out!!!!!
I am sorry to be so rash, but I am getting tired of immigrants coming to this country and trying to change it or how our politicians want to be ”Politically Correct”, “Culturally Correct”, “Religiously Correct”, “Racially Correct” or trying to be everything to everybody. Focus on what this country needs and making it strong, safe, and a place where the words “Proud to be and American” mean something again.
Well, if you answered yes please read this because our history, culture and what makes America, America are disappearing due to cultural correctness. Here are some examples of how our history is disappearing. The word “In God We Trust” on our currency, “God Bless America” Thanksgiving, and Christmas are offensive to immigrants coming to this country and some minorities in this country. I say if you are hell bent on coming to this country and becoming and American then you must assimilate to our countries culture and our history. If you find it offensive don’t try to change it or make it culturally correct, keep your comments to yourself or go back to where you came from. In other words assimilate or get the hell out.
I read this article and became very angry because who gives a Principle the right to alter our culture to cater to the majorities cultural differences. They are here in America and if they want to be an American then accept and learn about our cultures history and beliefs. This is our heritage, our history and our country not to be altered to cater to the beliefs and cultural differences of immigrants or minorities.
Example: School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance; Published December 13, 2015, New York Post
Santa Claus is banned. The Pledge of Allegiance is no longer recited. “Harvest festival” has replaced Thanksgiving, and “winter celebrations” substitute for Christmas parties.
New principal Eujin Jaela Kim has given PS 169 in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, a politically correct scrub-down, to the dismay of teachers and parents.
“We definitely can’t say Christmas, nothing with Christmas on it, nothing with Santa,” PTA President Mimi Ferrer said administrators told her. “No angels. We can’t even have a star because it can represent a religious system, like the Star of David.”
Kim, 33, did not return a call or e-mail seeking comment.
A memo last month from assistant principal Jose Chaparro suggested a “harvest festival instead of Thanksgiving or a winter celebration instead of a Christmas party.” He urged staff to “be sensitive of the diversity of our families. Not all children celebrate the same holidays.”
Ninety-five percent of the 1,600 kids at PS 169 are Asian or Hispanic
This is happening more and more our culture, our history is slowly being erased in order not to offend other cultures. Hmmmmm, let me see if I were to go to let’s say Saudi Arabia, China or Malaysia I would have to assimilate to their cultural rules and respect their history and RELIGIOUS beliefs or suffer at the hands of their justice systems. Why can’t immigrants assimilate and accept this country’s history, heritage and beliefs and keep their comments and beliefs to themselves. I do not understand why we strengprimary language, you want to come here learn English, this country was founded and established by Puritans and thus has a rich history in the belief of a supreme being.
You want to wear a Burqa feel free but do not try to force your belief on those who wear bikinis, shorts, crop tops and or other revealing clothing. America is a melting pot and that is what makes this country great. Early immigrants assimilated and accepted this countries rich heritage and became a part of it. Recent waves of immigrants have come to this country and tried to change this country and make it more like the one they left. Why? You left your old country to come here because this country offers the chance for a better life. If you desire to be an American, then become and American, embrace our culture and make it yours don’t try to change it!
I just have to touch on this, the words “Religious Freedom”, the Founding Fathers, Pilgrima and those who settled here and birth this great nation were seeking this inalienable right. This country is built on tolerance and understanding. Do not take the words “In God We Trust”, to mean the God of just the Christian Religion. The word God is a reference to a supreme being no one god of a specific religion. Do not get offended in the use of the word. The definition of God is conceived of as the Supreme Being and principal object of faith and is non-denominational. GET OVER IT!!!!!!!! Or Get the Hell Out!!!!!
I am sorry to be so rash, but I am getting tired of immigrants coming to this country and trying to change it or how our politicians want to be ”Politically Correct”, “Culturally Correct”, “Religiously Correct”, “Racially Correct” or trying to be everything to everybody. Focus on what this country needs and making it strong, safe, and a place where the words “Proud to be and American” mean something again.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 2
You do know that Christmas was illegal at one time, here in the United States of America; right?
In fact, if you researched the origins of our "holy days", you might not celebrate them yourself.
Anyway I could resonate with a lot of what you said, but for me there is a thin line between Nationalism and Patriotism. I feel that most Americans never question things and actually believe this to be the best country in the world.
The best country? it's never been but could be . The best country would hold at least the top ten in fields such as Education, etc.
Here is a link to the International Rankings
Assimilate or get out? Sorry but that doesn't line up with our Constitution. If they become an American citizen, they have a right to believe whatever they want to believe.
The very things that the Pilgrims left Britain to escape, are the very things we have become. We essentially have a Monarchy ourselves.. We just don't place a crown on one person's head, because there are many...This Country was meant to be a Republic, not a democracy for one....lot's of things like that would not line up with the Pilgrims way of thinking, and founding fathers would not agree with it either. In fact, they would have it that minorities such as myself have no rights at all... fair?
In fact, if you researched the origins of our "holy days", you might not celebrate them yourself.
Anyway I could resonate with a lot of what you said, but for me there is a thin line between Nationalism and Patriotism. I feel that most Americans never question things and actually believe this to be the best country in the world.
The best country? it's never been but could be . The best country would hold at least the top ten in fields such as Education, etc.
Here is a link to the International Rankings
Assimilate or get out? Sorry but that doesn't line up with our Constitution. If they become an American citizen, they have a right to believe whatever they want to believe.
The very things that the Pilgrims left Britain to escape, are the very things we have become. We essentially have a Monarchy ourselves.. We just don't place a crown on one person's head, because there are many...This Country was meant to be a Republic, not a democracy for one....lot's of things like that would not line up with the Pilgrims way of thinking, and founding fathers would not agree with it either. In fact, they would have it that minorities such as myself have no rights at all... fair?
SGT Jose Perdelia-Torres
LTC Braxton Anderson - I had just learned about Oligarchies in my Anthropology course, I am ignorant on a lot of things. So thank-you for the education. I hope my way of thinking could be ascertained, regardless if it is believed or not.
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