Posted on Sep 6, 2014
SSgt Gregory Guina
SO yesterday morning one of my Marines left the shop for a planning conference well he never made it and I didn't hear from him all day. Last night I got a phone call at 3 in the morning saying the Sheriff's dept had him detained. Well I spent all day today taking him all over the base to talk to people and pretty much got nothing accomplished that I had on my plate nor was I able to provide guidance to the rest of my shop on some projects that we have upcoming. I can't wait until I don't have to worry about what a guy does when not actually at work.
Posted in these groups: Ucmj UCMJ
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Responses: 11
COL Strategic Plans Chief
Bah! I love dealing with these. These guys self select to make my unit a better place by flying their over-sized freak flag in public, removing them from the service and ensuring the future success of the Squadron. Being a utilitarian, I praise the actions of people, not their past successes. Sometimes your only purpose in life is to serve as an example for others. When those Troopers are symbolically sqinging from the flagpole with their innards hanging out, they serve as a great motivational tool for others. 1) They see that the chain of command cares about the welfare of the Squadron enough to quickly and publicly eviscreate these bags-o-donuts, and 2) They have a blinding example of what happens when you cross the line and get beat with the Big Red Book of Soul Crushing Power (UCMJ). While it drains the NCO leadership for a short while, it is addition by subtraction...and I do it with zeal and glee.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
10 y
"Sometimes your only purpose in life is to serve as an example for others".....absolutely 100% on target. Rounds complete!
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
6 y
I wish I had seen this four years ago, COL (Join to see)! While it is truly hilarious to read, the fact is, you have made the proverb of "making of a silk purse from a sow's ear" take on entirely new meaning! Your words are simply priceless! Well done!
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Ahhh, the joys of babysitting. I feel for you SSgt Gregory Guina and yes it is much better when its only your own kids you have to babysit.
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CPT Jacob Swartout
SSgt Gregory Guina this part of the job that no one wants to deal with. I had days where I have to ask PVTs here why they are quitting for reasons other than medical issues. I have NCOs who make decisions without the proper guidance from their PSGs and causes a stir among the unit. Part of me wants to retire in a few years and the other half wants to stay in until the Army tells me it is time to go. I hope I don't have to pickup anyone again from the police station...that makes it a long day on finding out what happened the previous day/night.
SFC Mark Merino
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