Posted on Sep 3, 2023
What topics should I study before going to 35S school?
I signed up for 35S and leaving for BCT in less than a month. I got my TS so I was wondering if there is any advice on topics I could study in preparation. Thanks.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
We used to call you "Spin and grinners" way back when you would rotate analog dials to tune in signals.
What can you do to prepare? Aside from reading up on what SIGINT is* and how it fits within the larger intelligence structure, not much.
Enjoy your time before you go because you won't be doing a lot of studying at night as you won't be able to take any of the material back to your room (aside from very general theoretical stuff) and will be doing late nights in a SCIF.
If you really want to have some 'exciting' reading, you can look through the Soldier's Manual for a 35S* - should help you to get to sleep at night if you have insomnia.
* SIGINT overview from NSA -
* STP 34-35S14-SM-TG (Soldier's Manual and Trainer's Guide for Signals Collector/Exploitation Analyst (35S)) -
What can you do to prepare? Aside from reading up on what SIGINT is* and how it fits within the larger intelligence structure, not much.
Enjoy your time before you go because you won't be doing a lot of studying at night as you won't be able to take any of the material back to your room (aside from very general theoretical stuff) and will be doing late nights in a SCIF.
If you really want to have some 'exciting' reading, you can look through the Soldier's Manual for a 35S* - should help you to get to sleep at night if you have insomnia.
* SIGINT overview from NSA -
* STP 34-35S14-SM-TG (Soldier's Manual and Trainer's Guide for Signals Collector/Exploitation Analyst (35S)) -
National Security Agency/Central Security Service > Signals Intelligence > Overview
The National Security Agency/Central Security Service leads the U.S. Government in cryptology that encompasses both signals intelligence insights and cybersecurity products and services that enables computer network operations to gain a decisive advantage for the nation and our allies.
The biggest topic for you to study before AIT will be algebra. If your math is weak you will struggle with some of the topics. Also, you might want to have a look at radio wave propagation and have a solid grasp on map reading. But don't be too worried if you don't have this stuff down before you start. It will be covered pretty thoroughly in school.
Something I wish I'd been told when I went to this MOS's precursor AIT (98J EW/SIGINT Noncommunications Interceptor/Analyst) - get plenty of sleep when you can. Some of the topics are dry as dust and you do NOT want to fall asleep in class.
Something I wish I'd been told when I went to this MOS's precursor AIT (98J EW/SIGINT Noncommunications Interceptor/Analyst) - get plenty of sleep when you can. Some of the topics are dry as dust and you do NOT want to fall asleep in class.
You being granted a TS won't allow you to get access to any TS until you get to AIT. You definitely won't be doing MOS specific classes until you get to AIT. Basic will be basic soldier tasks. So for basic go look up the manual for those. I'm not sure what they still do - if they do any land nav or any of that. Here is the FM for Level 10 tasks: STP 21-1-SMCT
This says as of 2021. But there's really nothing you can study outside of class if you guys do anything SCI. I'm a 35F but 35 series all can do TS/SCI stuff.
When you do get to AIT, you only get read on to two caveats of SCI - I'd assume 35S do too. You probably don't have your TS yet - you'll have an interim at school if it's not adjudicated. Depends on when you did your SF86 on eQIP but the average for TS getting adjudicate is 80 days. I know when I was in AIT I had an interview with the investigator at school. I think it was closed and adjudicated near the end of AIT.
I'd focus on basic first because you have to make it through that before you even get to AIT at all.
This says as of 2021. But there's really nothing you can study outside of class if you guys do anything SCI. I'm a 35F but 35 series all can do TS/SCI stuff.
When you do get to AIT, you only get read on to two caveats of SCI - I'd assume 35S do too. You probably don't have your TS yet - you'll have an interim at school if it's not adjudicated. Depends on when you did your SF86 on eQIP but the average for TS getting adjudicate is 80 days. I know when I was in AIT I had an interview with the investigator at school. I think it was closed and adjudicated near the end of AIT.
I'd focus on basic first because you have to make it through that before you even get to AIT at all.
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