Posted on May 16, 2015
CW2 Joseph Evans
Img 9406 pakistan peshawar motorbike ak47 guy
There was a recent YouTube post about police reaction based on the color of an individual exercising open carry privilege. The discussion moved to what would happen if confronted with Achmed carrying his AK slung in San Antonio...
Then it hit me, there are enough veterans that seeing someone walking around in a man dress with an AK has been normalized by our overseas tours, that it may not even register that it was out of place until someone brought it to our attention.

How long would it take you to realize what was out of place?
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Responses: 45
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
I'm a little curious on how you know someone is a "foreign national/refugee"
CDR Michael Goldschmidt
CDR Michael Goldschmidt
9 y
@Sgt Frank Rinchich, first of all, I like you analysis, but why exactly did you single me out. Furthermore, I disagree with your conclusion. Why would you call 911 simply for seeing someone exercising his rights under the Constitution? You may not like someone carrying an AK47, but exercising the right is enough reason to do it. If we don't exercise our rights, we lose them. History has shown that over and over again.
SPC Joshua Dawson
SPC Joshua Dawson
9 y
If the constitution were actually taken in "literal" terms then almost everyone in this country could be in prison. Non-citizens do have certain protections like basic and fair treatment under the law but it is not the same thing. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to get a recent political science or political ethics book instead of taking things for a direct word for word meaning.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
8 y
SSG David Gentile - Not in Az brother ... this is a full up OC state. The only thing that constitutes "brandishing" in this state is flat out Agg Assault ! See 114 / SB 1243 / §13-421 / Defensive display of firearms protection. Also .. when you make a statement of fact ("fingers on the trigger") you really need to back it up with some proof. I have seen many photos of the demonstration you reference and at no time did I see a finger on the trigger.
Sgt Frank Rinchich
Sgt Frank Rinchich
8 y
CDR Michael Goldschmidt - Sorry sir I did not write either of those post, this is the first I have read anything about it, but now that I am here what I would do if that was an open carry state I would keep one eye on the road and the other eye on the gun. And that would hold true regardless the nationality, and to make it more clear I would not know an AK 47 if I fell over one. I think rally point is slipping a little. Although I was in the Corps when the Chinese were using AK 47s I don't really remember what they look like if you were carrying one, 62 years is a long time to think back and try to remember something.
I would like rally point show me my original post on this if they can.
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GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Frankly, if I saw ANYONE walking down the street with an AK (or similar weapon) slung over their shoulder, I would be calling 911.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
10 y
If the law says it's ok to carry openly(KY just a few miles north is like this), what is the problem? Are you going to ask if he paid his $200NFA stamp, and has a paper stating that his SBR is ok?
We are very close to having open carry here in TN. Some don;t like it, others do. I have no problem with it because it makes it a lot easier to spot the trained, untrained, and miscreants.
Cpl Robert Snyder
Cpl Robert Snyder
10 y
This is an apples to oranges comparison. Its obviously not the same place or the same time and not the same cops. Its just more race baiting nonsense imho.
Like we need more of that...
Here's how I see it. 1.) We have a second amendment right to keep and bear arms. It goes on to state that it shall not be infringed, right? So where ever you happen to be in the US - Its legal. The only infringement I'm willing to accept is for convicted felons to be barred this right, at least until such time as they can make the necessary legal adjustments to reinstate their rights. Any law that would seek to infringe upon your individual right to carry anything you can pick up, open or concealed, is unconstitutional. If I want to lug a rocket launcher around with me, its my right to do so. Until such time as I point it at someone or threaten someone with it, I've committed no crime. You have the right to think I'm an idiot for carrying a RPG around, and be as offended as you want to be about it, but you have no right to DO anything about it. Each of us took an oath (Or affirmation) to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic. I have never been properly relieved of that duty, and neither have you.
2.) Foreign nationals or whomever... You need to look at were these rights came from. The Declaration of Independence say we are endowed with these rights by our creator. No by our "Guberment." We hold these truths to be self evident, that ALL men are created equal. Not just natural born citizens, not only naturalized citizens. So anyone who is in this country legally and has the right to be here, has the same human rights as the rest of us. Why not illegal aliens/Undocumented democrats? Last I checked, that's a felony. So just by being here they are in commission of a crime, it doesn't matter why. If they are carrying a weapon while being here, its an additional felony.
3.) I'm than a little concerned that a person who attained the rank of Gunny in my illustrious Marine Corps would react in such a manner - to a slung weapon... I surely hope he doesn't soil himself before he make that 911 call! (Just messing with you Wayne, LOL!)
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
10 y
Yea, people are all products of their environment. So if you are from Arizona, you wouldn't give open carrying a rifle much thought. However, if you're from a gun grabber place like DC or New Jersey, you might have a "the sky is falling" moment because you've been indoctrinated to feel that way.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
8 y
SSG David Gentile - Exactly.
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SGT Robert R.
Seems like anti-gun, anti 2A, supporter trying to bait a conversation with some bigoted bull crap to me. The best answer for this question is to understand the posters true intent of asking the question frame the way it was framed.
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
10 y
The question is more to do with normalized behavior. I spent time down range, saw people carrying weapons all the time. Celebratory fire in the evenings outside of the FOB. It was because I realized that I might very well take a while for it to register that it was out of place. He's not waving it around... just going about his business, see it all the time... whoah, yeah, now that you mention it, the open carry dude isn't wearing a duster and spurs... Personally, I'm very 2A friendly, an armed society is a polite society.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
10 y
KY, and in a year or so, TN will both be open carry(KY has been for some time now). Some of my friends don't like it, but I prefer it. I got used to carrying a rifle or pistol on two deployments everywhere I went. I still to this day feel naked without a weapon. Open Carry allows one to recognize the 'trained', the untrained, and the ne'er do wells, as each carry's a certain way that is fairly simple to recognize(it's like porn, you know it when you see it).
Would I carry a Benelli(nah, too heavy), or an M14SBR(nah, too heavy), an AR(heck NO), a 45(yes, often), or maybe set aside money to buy that new SBR SigXW in .357Sig. Yeah, small, compact, wicked caliber, 7.5" barrel, collapsed wire stock, fits on messenger bag right nice!
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