Posted on Jun 5, 2014
Sgt Melinda Enfinger
Do civilian or military daycare providers have a right to encourage young boys to dress as princesses since many people now believe that a child should be able to "choose" their gender?

If that is the case, would the same daycare be within its rights to serve bacon to Muslim, Jewish, or vegetarian children under the premise that the child should be able to choose their own religion and diet?
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Responses: 4
Maj John Bell
While in service I had the privilege of having a teacher tell my 2nd grader several "social truths" 1) People in the military are killers and war criminals and just plain bad people. 2) That it was OK to spike trees so that lumberjacks would be hurt if they tried to cut down the trees etc. etc. I put on my Dress Blues and presented myself to the teacher and the principal. I explained that my daughters socio-political views were my province and that is was not up for discussion. They told me that they were in charge of the curriculum and that I should get used to it. I explained that I would be at the next school board public meeting and that it would be in their best interest to be there also.
We (about 150 military members whose children were slightly less than half of the student body at that school) showed up at a meeting that never had more than 30 in the audience before. We also had letters of intent from about another 300 military parents that were in that school district declaring our intention to remove our children from the school system and enter them in private schools or to homeschool them. The issue was satisfactorily resolved in about 5 minutes of discussion by the board members. Never forget we live and die as a unit and no one knows that better than us.
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LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
That is a parent's job to do. The childcare should be all about providing safe environment so if that child decides and that parent says ok go with a dress for a boy or play with GI Joes as a girl to allow them to do that. It is all about safety and caring for that child.
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SSgt Tom Kavanaugh
First, I don't believe anyone should introduce contrarian ideas and concepts to a child's familial upbringing; mainly, because a child's psyche is vulnerable and impressionable, and that would be considered "steering".

As for the comment about "many people now believe that a child should be able to 'choose' their gender"; who, specifically, are you referring to when you say that? Are they people who are credentialed in that field of psychology or just "They"?
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