Posted on May 4, 2021
Is it very possible or even likely that a very organized group of Elite, Rich Leftists cause the population to become dependent on them?
Question: Is it possible for a large organization of elite leftists to cause most of the people in the United States of America to become Totally Dependent on them and a Government that gives them everything to Control the Country in a socialist or communist manner???
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 8
I highly doubt it. However, I do know that one rich heir can certainly cause a very large percentage of Americans to become totally dependent on his cult of personality and his strongman leadership style, thereby letting him completely undermine our Democratic way of life.
LTC Kevin B.
Cpl Mark A. Morris - What exactly did he do that he promised? Tax cuts and justices are about it. He didn't build the wall, and Mexico certainly was never going to pay for it. He never repealed and replaced Obamacare. He didn't return manufacturing jobs from overseas. He didn't prosecute Hillary. He didn't do anything with our infrastructure. He was never "too busy to play golf." He never reduced the debt. Etc. Etc.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
LTC Kevin B. - NAFTA was corrected giving us equal footing in trade. The unfair trade with China was reduced as well as their illegal activity. Illegal aliens invading were reduced and removed. Israel was looked on as an allied State. Not the PA terrorists. ISIS was beaten up in the field. He took us off the UN agenda 21 BS. The economy soared.
Your boy with a mental disorder, is reaping the benefits of Trump's economic policy as well as the less time the EPA needs to OK medis.
So far, oil is up, pipeline jobs are cut, trucks and trains have to transport oil, debt is through the roof, illegal aliens are invading in mass, Russia, China and Iran are not worried the US will defend it's interest, POTUS stated America is a racist country to it's core and wokeism, which is not a word except in Ebonics, is the dividing our country.
Your boy with a mental disorder, is reaping the benefits of Trump's economic policy as well as the less time the EPA needs to OK medis.
So far, oil is up, pipeline jobs are cut, trucks and trains have to transport oil, debt is through the roof, illegal aliens are invading in mass, Russia, China and Iran are not worried the US will defend it's interest, POTUS stated America is a racist country to it's core and wokeism, which is not a word except in Ebonics, is the dividing our country.
LTC Kevin B.
Cpl Mark A. Morris - So he had a handful of foreign policy accomplishments. Nothing major there. The economy didn't "soar" during Trump's presidency. It just continued at the same pace as the economy he inherited from Obama....that is, until it completely imploded due to his mishandling of the pandemic. There was an historic level of job losses under Trump. He owns that stain.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
LTC Kevin B. - What? How did he mishandle the Red Death? With operation Warp Speed. Closing traffic with the CHICOMMS that had already allowed their people contaminated to travel across the world.
I was involved for the very beginning. Everyone thought the flu was really bad in 12/2019. A few weeks later, we find out it is a Pandemic and people started dying. It has been stated the CHICOMMS knew in 09/2019. I watched it unfold across the globe and wondered if I would die too performing exams on covid-19 patients. Come to find out, I had it is 12/2019. Because why?
Because the CHICOMMS allowed their people travel who they infected due to protesting, It appears.
NAFTA placed American middle class on an even footing in trade and Trump spanked the CHICOMMS in tariffs due your boy DaOne allowing the Marxists to get over on America. Not to mention Europe and NATO ponying up their money for defense.
Trump, as per the Constitution, tried to protect American citizens from the CFR North American Union open border policy.
Trump may be far from perfect. But he at least as not sold out to the open border, America last Globalists.
I was involved for the very beginning. Everyone thought the flu was really bad in 12/2019. A few weeks later, we find out it is a Pandemic and people started dying. It has been stated the CHICOMMS knew in 09/2019. I watched it unfold across the globe and wondered if I would die too performing exams on covid-19 patients. Come to find out, I had it is 12/2019. Because why?
Because the CHICOMMS allowed their people travel who they infected due to protesting, It appears.
NAFTA placed American middle class on an even footing in trade and Trump spanked the CHICOMMS in tariffs due your boy DaOne allowing the Marxists to get over on America. Not to mention Europe and NATO ponying up their money for defense.
Trump, as per the Constitution, tried to protect American citizens from the CFR North American Union open border policy.
Trump may be far from perfect. But he at least as not sold out to the open border, America last Globalists.
SGT (Join to see)
Actually I think it's backed up and spilling out of his mouth.
What I find troubling are Republicans seem to have given up on everything including our Democratic form of government.
What I find troubling are Republicans seem to have given up on everything including our Democratic form of government.
MSG Stan Hutchison
SGT (Join to see) - The ONLY thing today's Republicans care about is retaining as much power as possible. And, they know they cannot do that is they allow an open and free election.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
MSG Stan Hutchison you continue to prove just how ridiculously ignorant you are, my little waterheaded friend.
Liberties forfeited:
The government continually cracks down of free speech via department of education policies and local policies of universities.
The government has sought to limit free speech by pressuring telecommunication providers to ban certain programs and individuals via the FCC.
Each and every gun law passed is, by dint of being repugnant to the constitution, a violation of our rights, and the restrictions are pushed further and further each year.
Protections guaranteed under the fourteenth amendment have been given exceptions for discrimination against whites, Asians, and jews in the area of college admissions.
The fourth amendment, guaranteeing a protection against unreasonable search and seizures has been violated numerous times in the past two decades, starting with actions under the patriot act.
The persistent assault on the right to life, derived from the our Declaration of Independence and furthered under the constitution, has been all but abandoned, supplanted by a "right", constructed entirely out of whole cloth, that let's women murder their children--and we've seen this get broadened out further to authorize the killing of recently born babies.
The list goes on and on, bud.
And, it goes without saying, but each of these violations, couple with the observable apathy of the citizenry, amounts to tur ing away from the founding principles.
As for your utopian delusion, guides by what you call "progressive" activism (read terrorism), it's all bunk. There has yet to be a single progressive reform to yield positive results. And before you turn to women's suffrage or the civil rights movement, these were the result of making explicit the original protections and rights under the constitution, not a progression into something novel.
Liberties forfeited:
The government continually cracks down of free speech via department of education policies and local policies of universities.
The government has sought to limit free speech by pressuring telecommunication providers to ban certain programs and individuals via the FCC.
Each and every gun law passed is, by dint of being repugnant to the constitution, a violation of our rights, and the restrictions are pushed further and further each year.
Protections guaranteed under the fourteenth amendment have been given exceptions for discrimination against whites, Asians, and jews in the area of college admissions.
The fourth amendment, guaranteeing a protection against unreasonable search and seizures has been violated numerous times in the past two decades, starting with actions under the patriot act.
The persistent assault on the right to life, derived from the our Declaration of Independence and furthered under the constitution, has been all but abandoned, supplanted by a "right", constructed entirely out of whole cloth, that let's women murder their children--and we've seen this get broadened out further to authorize the killing of recently born babies.
The list goes on and on, bud.
And, it goes without saying, but each of these violations, couple with the observable apathy of the citizenry, amounts to tur ing away from the founding principles.
As for your utopian delusion, guides by what you call "progressive" activism (read terrorism), it's all bunk. There has yet to be a single progressive reform to yield positive results. And before you turn to women's suffrage or the civil rights movement, these were the result of making explicit the original protections and rights under the constitution, not a progression into something novel.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Charlie L. What a poor, and rather sloppy argument against what I've laid out. As I've stated, I'm done caring, and I'm just watching everything come down. I didn't get the first check, and I'm not going out of my way to stop money from being directly deposited into my account. Frankly, I don't care if they continue to send out checks--though, I find the entire policy ridiculous and terrible--because I don't pay taxes on my income in the first place. It's the taxpayer who should be most upset with the giant tax hikes required to start paying down the trillions in debt added to the deficit. But hey, if you morons support it, power to ya!
But I love most how you didn't bother to address anything of consequence. It goes to show how woefully unprepared you are for this discussion. Now, go sit at the children's table and let the grown ups talk.
But I love most how you didn't bother to address anything of consequence. It goes to show how woefully unprepared you are for this discussion. Now, go sit at the children's table and let the grown ups talk.
MSG Stan Hutchison
SGT Joseph Gunderson -I see you cannot or will not carry on a discussion without personal insults. That is OK. You have your opinion, wrong as it is. I will not waste time trying to show you facts because you just reject them anyway.
So, have a nice day.
So, have a nice day.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
MSG Stan Hutchison take the easy exit without ever addressing the arguments presented. Again, you've proven yourself incapable of defending your inane position.
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