Posted on May 23, 2015
SGT Craig Northacker
Memorial day with boy
This Memorial Day please remember our veterans suffering with toxic conditions, for the families who have experienced losses whether by active duty or by resulting toxic conditions such as AO, GWI and Nuclear exposures - and for those who have returned physically but not emotionally.
Please also say a prayer for the spouses who were exposed to our exposures, and our children, and their children - for the premature deaths of babies and our children due to these exposures, and to those deformed or born with medical conditions.
Stand with us as we push for critical research and acknowledgement.
Finally - thanks for those of us who remain, and for those trying to make a real difference.
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Responses: 3
LTC Stephen F.
Memorial Day is remembered by the surviving family members primarily and secondarily by the thankful within this nation.
SGT Edward Perez
SGT Edward Perez
10 y
Spc. Manrique, Spc. Brown. Both KIA Operation Just Cause. Thank you brothers, for your sacrifice. You keep me motivated every day. Love You Airborne Daddy's.
These men and other that have died ultimately for there brother's in arms. They make me want to tell the stories to the younger ones.
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SGT Edward Perez
Wow, love it thank you to all that are gone with no life because of exposure. You may work you may not. But i bet while in pain mentally or physically your not enjoying life for one reason or another. But to say you live, but are dead inside. It's going tobe good friend. Keep fighting at the least in your mind. Try to get to higher ground i feel your pains. maybe not on the same scale 1-10 but I feel you. Thank you Men and Women.
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LTC Jason Strickland
SGT Craig Northacker
SGT Craig Northacker
10 y
Thanks - we are finally closing in on getting the track - the bank holding the note on the foreclosure has been very difficult to deal with - they have serious capitalization issues, and me being the good forensic COA, had to point that out in a couple of different forums to get them motivated. Turns out they may not have the capital necessary to recognize the loss on the loan...but they took over $1 million in dividends last year. We are getting an 800,000 square foot hospital that would be an outstanding permanent location for a branch of your group.
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