Posted on Dec 21, 2018
MSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
Under Article 2 of the UCMJ, the Army maintains court-martial jurisdiction over retired personnel. Army Regulation 27-10, Military Justice, states “Retired members of a regular component of the Armed Forces who are entitled to pay are subject to the provisions of the UCMJ.
Posted in these groups: 61c89c28 Donald TrumpOriginal Crime34198fd5 SpyingUcmj UCMJ
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Responses: 1365
LTC Gary Earls
So the FBI can lie to you and not be punished but if you lie to the FBI then you go to jail. Something is wrong here.
SGT Frankie Hice
SGT Frankie Hice
2 mo
Yes something is wrong! It's a Treasonous government that uses the law as THEY WISH. It's good for Thee, but not for ME.
CDR Cynthia Ramsey
CDR Cynthia Ramsey
2 mo
yes, the police, NCIS, etc. are allowed to lie to you. that’s the way it is. we need them to b able to catch criminals, traitors, etc
MSgt Allen Chandler
MSgt Allen Chandler
21 d
The man was a general and your telling me he didn’t know the law. He worked for foreign governments and did not report it. He lied to the vice president, and you are defending him
COL Victor Hagan
COL Victor Hagan
2 d
LTC Gary Earls - LTG Flynn is a 3 star general. A specialist knows that you never lie to a federal law enforcement officer.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited 4 y ago
I say leave his military pension alone if his infractions did not occur in service to the military. They are unrelated.
CDR Cynthia Ramsey
CDR Cynthia Ramsey
2 mo
SP5 Jerry Sandusky i hope not. he and his son r not supporting is democracy. quite the opposite!!
SGM Buck Bowman
SGM Buck Bowman
2 mo
Unbecoming of an officer
Sgt Robert Albertson
Sgt Robert Albertson
27 d
CDR Cynthia Ramsey - Pathetic. On what planet did you deserve the rank of CDR? Did you ever take THE OATH? It's obvious you have NO IDEA what form of government we have. dEmOcRaCy?? You. are. an. IDIOT. READ OUR CONSTITUTION. We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC... there is a HUGE difference between the two. FIGURE IT OUT. Nazi Germany was a "democracy". Yeah, "socialist" was the word before 'democracy'. I get the impression that's what you think we are. You should be shot for abetting TREASON.
CDR Cynthia Ramsey
CDR Cynthia Ramsey
27 d
Sgt Robert Albertson You should be removed from this app for violent rhetoric. Flynn is trying to destroy the country. He should be prosecuted for any and all crimes committed. He was pardoned once, hopefully not again
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SGT Lou Meza
I'm of the opinion that Gen. Flynn should not be punished twice for the same offense.
CSM Thomas Ray
CSM Thomas Ray
4 mo
Amn Joseph H. - Are you deliberately ignoring this guy trusted with national security secrets was taking money from an enemy country not automatically a traitor? What about members of Congress and the current President?
SP5 Chester Horton
SP5 Chester Horton
4 mo
I believe every member of the military is a U.S. citizen and the laws of the land still apply to all citizens. Therefore, it would be a violation of our laws to try a citizen twice for the same offense. Yes, I was subject to the UCMJ when I served in the Army. I didn't agree with the double jeopardy then and I am of the same opinion now.

Just sayin'.
PO2 Bernard Spriggs Jr
PO2 Bernard Spriggs Jr
4 mo
In my opinion, While I agree with you SGT Meza, that general fin should not be punished twice. In actuality, he has not been punished at all. He was convicted once and he then used his get out of jail free pass (Presidential Pardon), but that doesn’t relieve him of the military responsibilities annd regulations since he WAS using the cloak of General no one relieved him of the UCMJ would not be double jeopardy..
PVT Alejandro Rivera
PVT Alejandro Rivera
27 d
CSM Thomas Ray - So is Biden,taking money from China while being vice-president not filling taxes.
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