Posted on Feb 10, 2014
MSgt Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Driver
"Hearts and minds" has been the statement that we have all heard in the past few years. I ,personally , do not agree with this new vision. I can not see how it will continue a legacy of being the greatest Air Force in the world. Does anyone else have light to shed on this subject?
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Responses: 31
1SG(P) First Sergeant
Military sucks comparison
This discussion is begging for this:<br>
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Omg that is very funny.
SFC Jim Ruether
SFC Jim Ruether
7 y
This is a good one! Have to send it to my son in the AF.
SFC Jim Ruether
SFC Jim Ruether
7 y
We need more shots of humor on this site we are getting to serious some days!
SSgt Boyd Welch
SSgt Boyd Welch
7 y
HAHA usually the guys working at USAF Comm sites are pirating Netflix! Used to be my war stories (after joining USAF) were "Son...I remember back in the great mud storm of '77, power went out in the shop AC! why back then with all that radio equipment in there, the temperature got up a serious 79-80 degrees! That was some tough times I tell you!"
Or maybe while overseas "Son once a flight came back from the US with a load of Coors in the weapons bay. We had to actually drink that beer at room temperature! They just don't make airmen that tough anymore!"
Now my army days...different story.....
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MSgt Vehicle Operations Superintendent
<P>The Army is always full of jokes.&nbsp; I've spent enough time with your branch to realize that many soldiers love the suck.&nbsp; They want it to suck so they can talk about how much it sucks and compare who had it suck more because they love it!</P>
<P>Truth is though - ya'll are just jealous of the USAF!</P>
1px xxx
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>1 y
SSG McCulley, I laughed at the "brotherly/sisterly" comment.  The implication was well noted! lol
MSgt Vehicle Operations Superintendent
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>1 y

SSG McCulley - we are supposed to be getting a 'newer' system sometime soon...  bullet writing in the AF has gotten completely out of hand and you are absolutely correct about how the EPR barely speaks on the individual!  It's a bunch of inflated bullet statements, and very few speak to the actually person.

SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
TSgt D.  Hahaha.   It was an APR when I was in.   But it was already inflated then. 
SSgt Boyd Welch
SSgt Boyd Welch
7 y
SSgt (Join to see) - Yep! I remember my first APR was the first time I learned that could walk on water!
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LTC Paul Labrador
You mean it can get softer...?!?!?! ;o)
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
Sir, we were all thinking it.....but didn't say it! lol
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
>1 y
I'm still waiting for the "that's what she said...." joke.... ;o)
MSgt Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Driver
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SPC Unscheduled Services Team Leader
SPC (Join to see)
7 y
That's what she said...twice
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New, "softer" Air Force...any thoughts?
SFC Michael Hasbun
Edited >1 y ago
<span style="color: rgb(21, 21, 21); font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;">New, "softer" Air Force</span><div><span style="color: rgb(21, 21, 21); font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;"><br></span></div><div><span style="color: rgb(21, 21, 21); font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;"><br></span></div><div><span style="color: rgb(21, 21, 21); font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;">Redundant?</span></div>
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
>1 y
Maybe the Israeli Air Force?
MSgt Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Driver
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
I know it seems like we couldn't be any softer on our troops, but it is. No more yelling in basic? seriously?!
SPC Brendan Kearns
SPC Brendan Kearns
>1 y
i dont know i hear the Luftwaffe in the 40's was pretty rough 
1px xxx
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>1 y
SSG Hasburn!!! Quit taking my comments before I have had the chance to say them lol
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LTC Executive Officer To Afc A Co S G 3/5/7
Although I'm not Air Force - I have a younger brother who is SMSgt stationed in Japan. He also did about 3-4 years as a T.I at Lackland.  He has mentioned that standards have dropped since his time as a T.I (and even through-out his tenure as a T.I).  BUT - the same can be said for the Army.  Things aren't like they were back in 92 when I came in.  (Vietnam Vets, I'm sure…said the same thing about my generation).

On a side note:  If could do it all over again…I would go Air Force.  So - I'm not hating on the Air Force at all!
LTC Executive Officer To Afc A Co S G 3/5/7
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Additionally - someone mentioned all the cool toys the Army has. We had some TACPs attached to our aviation squadron that had some pretty cool toys…better than ours.
SSgt Gary Lanza
SSgt Gary Lanza
>1 y
well Maj you came in late I was in 1980 and believe you me it wasn't easy. Your right the standers have dropped. It also depends on the TI's you get. Mine was a real ball buster.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
7 y
SSgt Gary Lanza - Yep, and I'd say it changed a lot from when I went to basic in 1966, I was impressed with some of the phrases the TI had when addressing us, one I'm sure that couldn't be used today. If I had to do it all over again though I'd still go in the Air Force.
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Maj Chris Nelson
I am prior active duty Army, Prior Army Guard, and now Air Force.....There are pros and cons with both branches.  Army has tradition, history, and a bit more disipline.  The Air Force has better family accomidations, nice bases, and less swamp land for training.  There are days that I miss the Army....other days that I am REALLY glad that I am Air Force.
SSgt Gary Lanza
SSgt Gary Lanza
>1 y
glad your AF now Maj. Aim High.
SFC Jim Ruether
SFC Jim Ruether
7 y
Ha ha I have never ever heard of anyone complaining that they went AF from ARMY. But if they went the other way I can still here them complaining and telling everyone how good they had it and why oh why did they ever leave?
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MSgt Mark Bucher
I was active duty from 82-05. I saw first hand how the AF became a corporate entity instead of a branch of the military. I had more trouble justifying a 3 EPR I wrote on a problem child troop, than I ever did writing decoration citations. Pretty sad eh? If I had to trace it back to one leader who screwed the whole up more than anyone, it would have to during Merrill McPeak's tenure as the AF CoS. We had changes just for the sake of changing. I could write for hours about all the bullshit we had forced down our throats by that idiot.
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
7 y
Decorations? You mean PCS presents?
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1LT Infantry Officer
It's a trend across the board and reflects a larger cultural shift in America.  I got yelled at and occasionally threatened with sexual assault (it was actually kind of appropriate)  in BCT.  However, I have never seen someone taken out back to the wood line to be beaten to a pulp nor have I ever credibly heard of it happening.  Much in the same way, Soldiers can run off and get married to an exotic dancer while drunk, if they so choose.  It used to be that you required command's permission to get married.  Heck, the standing militaries of old had you staying in the barracks even if you managed to get married somehow.

We can debate the merits of this shift all we want, but here's a stark reality:  We draw our new Service Members from the same pool that is changing.  We cannot create a military in which recruits cannot fit into because we completely alien to America.  We must adapt and make the best of it for the sake of our mission.
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GySgt (Other / Not listed)
this Marine is lost for words
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SSgt Fair.  

HOORAH!!!  I always loved the Marines!!!  

Warmest Regards, Sandy

The 1st Amphibious Reconnaissance Company, FMFPAC can be credited with the introduction of "Ooh-rah!" into the Marine Corps in 1953, shortly after the Korean War. Recon Marines served aboard the USS Perch (ASSP-313), a WWII-era diesel submarine retrofitted to carry Navy UDT and Recon Marines. Whenever the boat was to dive, the 1MC (PA system) would announce "DIVE! DIVE!", followed by the sound of the diving klaxon: "AHUGA!" In 1953 or 1954, while on a conditioning run, former Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps John R. Massaro, while serving as company Gunnery Sergeant of 1st Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion, simulated the "Dive" horn sound "AHUGA!" as part of the cadence. Legend has it, he took it with him when he went to serve as an instructor at the Drill Instructor school at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. He there passed it on to the Drill Instructor students and they, in turn, passed it on to their recruits where it eventually and naturally became a part of the Recon cadence, and thereafter infiltrated Recon Marine lexicon. Over time, "AHUGA!" morphed into the shorter, simpler "Oorah!" Today, the official Marine Corps Training Reference Manual on the history of Marine Recon is titled "AHUGA!"

"Oorah" was originally a Comanche war-cry that meant "All-right" or "Let's go!" in the Comanche Language.

Owing to its relatively recent adoption by Anglo-American military culture, it is less common for Marines who served in the Vietnam War or earlier to be familiar with "Oorah!", but most post-Vietnam Marines and Vietnam War Marines who continued to serve after the war will have learned it throughout their careers.

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SSG Williams, 

Marine gallantry, bravery, and action speak louder than words.

When you give an order to the Marines it is executed exactly!!!

Careful when giving Marine orders; you get what you ordered!!!

The Marine lifestyle is what we may call getting back to basics!!!

The Few, The Proud, The Marines!!!  Gotta love their uniforms!!!

Warmest Regards, Sandy      :)

GySgt (Other / Not listed)
GySgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Williams, true. &nbsp;I wouldn't know how to engage in this primarily Army dominant network if it wasn't for serving in a joint service environment and having Airmen, Soldiers, and Sailors to lead. &nbsp;Most Marines stay in the Fleet Marine Force and never get to see the joint world, the quotas for us is tiny there. &nbsp;Most FMF Marines wouldn't know what to say about what's posted on RP except comment in ways that most people on here would get butt hurt about. &nbsp;When I saw this post, I wanted to say something Marine like, but, that has backfired way too many times here. &nbsp;I will say, that profile picture is soft, perhaps they should start looking at a harder image before venturing off into making more things about the Air Force hard. &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
1px xxx
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SSGt Fair,

HOORAH!!!  ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING!!!  We need a few more Marines representing your branch of the services here ! ! !

Warmest Regards, Sandy  :)

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1px xxx
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Edited >1 y ago
SSgt Michael C.

Oh, come on guys, don't you believe that life in the Air Force is just like the Infantry?  :)

n.b.  Please, pretty please, no offense intended to our good friends in the Infantry !!!  :)

Wait a minute, didn't I hear somewhere that the Air Force puts women in combat jobs?

Please don't get me wrong!!!  I really do love our brothers and sisters in the Air Force !!!

But, as observed elsewhere, there is a perception USAF may prioritize comfort at home.

Could you please shed more light on precisely what you mean by a "softer" Air Force???

Perhaps you meant "kinder and gentler" in the sense of "carrying the biggest stick" ?  :)

Warmest Regards, Sandy

SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
She's so sweet about it but dang, you know it's bad when Sandy is calling y'all out haha!
MSgt Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Driver
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
<span style="background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248);"><font color="#4d4d4d"><span style="font-size: 12px;">(After reading through this and trying to post 10M times, I realize it sounds a lot&nbsp;word than I intended. No disrespect was meant.) Ok, LT, yes you are right in your interpretation of me intending "kinder and gentler". I can't help but think you may have a hint of sarcasm in your response. However, I must point you to this article about an Army MP Sgt.&nbsp;</span></font></span><a href=" [login to see] 551.html" target="_blank" style="font-size: 12px; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248);"> [login to see] 551.html</a><span style="color: rgb(77, 77, 77); font-size: 12px; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248);">&nbsp;. So, the Air Force is not the only branch seeking to become "kinder and gentler." If I'm off base please redirect me. It seems that anytime the Air Force has a comment about anything relating to combat missions, other branches jump to the defense. I will also point you in the direction of the military heritage. Do you recall that the start of the Air Force was back in August of 1907 when the Army decided to create the Aeronautical Division? We all serve as an integral part of the military. There is not one branch that could survive without the other. We all work together, whether it be behind a desk or behind an M-4. Although, I think I may have chosen the more comfortable route, I have done my fair share of combat related missions right along side you all. :-)&nbsp;</span><div class="pta-link-card"><div class="pta-link-card-picture"><img src=""></div><div class="pta-link-card-content"><div class="pta-link-card-title"><a target="_blank" href=" [login to see] 551.html">Soldier Earns Silver Star for Her Role in Defeating Ambush</a></div><div class="pta-link-card-description">World news headlines from the Washington Post, including international news and opinion from Africa, North/South America, Asia, Europe and Middle East. Features include world weather, news in Spanish,...</div></div><div style="clear:both"></div><div class="pta-box-hide"><i class="icon-remove"></i></div></div>
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Brigadier general james stewart
SSgt Michael C.  

You are so right.  I was being defensive and trying a bit too hard to be humorous about a very serious matter.  You are entirely correct there are many USAF personnel including our sisters in combat arms who have fought in the dirt and the mud side by side with every other branch of the services. They really deserve every honor and bit of gratitude we can extend to them.  

This does not even begin to cover the bravery and daring of Air Force men and women who have for well over a century flown dangerous and unpredictable high performance aircraft under some of the most difficult conditions (e.g. daylight bombing over heavily fortified enemy territory where as many as five out of a flight of twenty one aircraft would routinely be shot down and/or exploded with the crew during every single sortie for many days and/or months on end.)  The USAF has played a critical role in so many battles, suffered so many wounded, maimed, and departed service members that their fair share of comfort was perfectly well earned.

Let's not forget the overwhelming majority of prisoners of war held in Hanoi (North Vietnam) were USAF personnel.

As you so rightly point out, we all fight together or we die together.

Warmest Regards, Sandy

p.s.  I have only a partial list of USAF women lost during OIF/OEF

Operation Iraqi Freedom

Airman First Class Elizabeth N. Jacobson, USAF

Senior Airman Elizabeth A. Loncki, USAF

Technical Sergeant Jackie L. Larsen, USAF

Operation Enduring Freedom

First Lieutenant Tamara Lee Archuleta, USAF

Staff Sergeant Anissa A. Shero, USAF
Senior Airman Alecia S. Good, USAF

First Lieutenant Roslyn L. Schulte, USAF

Senior Airman Ashton L. M. Goodman, USAF
Lieutenant Colonel Gwendolyn A. Locht, USAF

Master Sergeant Tara R. Brown, USAF

Captain Victoria A. Pinckney, USAF

p.s.  For older USAF service members, you may find it interesting that Brigadier General Jimmy Stewart flew a B-52 Arc Light mission near Saigon, Vietnam on 2/21/66.

MSgt Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Driver
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