Posted on Oct 24, 2015
Parris Island SC Boot Camp Celebrates 100 year Anniversary..Any Memories Of This Island??
Responses: 6
Sgt Tom Cunnally
You missed the cold, rain, heat, mud, fog and last but not least those dam "Sand Flies"..
Here's my DIs S/Sgt Kendall and Pfc Kelly...Kendall was one of the oldest DIs ar Parris Island & very bitter he was only a S/Sgt & Kelly had been passed over for Cpl twice for too many fights with recruits. Kendall enlisted in '45 when he was in his early 30s and served in China and in Korea. So he was 40 years old as a DI.. I could not understand why the Marines had a DI that old and that bitter with everything and everyone.
That causeway, The sandfleas, the humidity, E-Beach, having allergies for the first time (felt like I had a cold continuously for months).
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