Posted on Jan 31, 2015
SFC Coach
I have seen over the last two years that everyone is too wrong about being politically correct and hurting everyone's feelings. I feel that a lot of times we spend more time dealing with this than training Soldiers and doing are job what do you think?
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SGM Matthew Quick
Does 'political correctness' cater to a small group of individuals and/or alienate the masses?<br><br>Examples: &nbsp;Same-sex marriages, religious grooming standards, etc.
Responses: 3
SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA
Edited 10 y ago
Agreed...many forget, especially the younger troops, that we are a Military and individualism is the fastest way to killing unit togetherness and the "battle buddy" belief.

So much butt-hurt comes from our society as a whole. These days every child is told they can have whatever they want, parents go to school and demand a passing grade, little league games give everyone a trophy as a winner and we as a people expect to get what we want becasue our Nation is "the greatest in the world".

You may think I am wrong, take a look at the new troops and the comments, even here on this page. No respect for others, they do not listen, they do not care, they only care about their opinion and what they want and will go to great lengths to make life hell for everyone around them to make that point.

Obviously I am generalizing, only we need to address this not only in the military but in our society as a my opinion.

Steady on
SGT(P) Human Intelligence Collector
I can see both sides of what you're saying. I was once reprimanded for using the phrase "10-man front" because it was not "inclusive to the women in our formation", and as a woman I thought that was ridiculous, especially as "man" can and is used as a gender-neutral word in the English language.

On the other hand, I've seen NCOs constantly use the term "f*gg*t" towards soldiers, even when their soldiers included openly gay or lesbian troops. I thought that was extremely unprofessional and out of line, and I didn't feel terribly sorry for that particular SNCO when he was removed from his position after a complaint.

So can political correctness go too far? Sure, I think it can. But I also think the majority of problems can be solved by sucking it up and abiding by professional language in the work place.
CSM David Heidke
Political Correctness is the bane of modern society.

Pretty soon we won't be allowed to even speak to each other.

And most of it is from morons.

Join nearly 2 million former and current members of the US military, just like you.
