Posted on May 29, 2016
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
I know we have a plethora of published authors on RP, so I figured I would ask the question here.

I just "finished" (and I use that term very loosely) my Alpha Draft of a manuscript I have been working on. I know it needs to go out to Editing, but that process is "daunting" to say the least.

I figured I would ask the community for any and all advice, so I could avoid any potential pitfalls.
Posted in these groups: 5d645c33 Writer1 1 Sci-Fi3ba2bd29 Editor
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Responses: 8
SSG Pete Fleming
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, congrats!!! Now comes the hard part. First off do you wish to publish traditionally or self publish both have pros and cons. Before I cover a few of those allow me to stress one key factor; Never... Never pay for publishing. No legitimate publisher (self or traditional) charges you a publishing fee. Now there are some expenses you might be charged for, editing, cover art, marketing/promotion. But never pay to get it published.

Self-publishing companies like Authorhouse and Trafford charge you a fee based on which publishing package you choose. It can cost you a couple hundred to thousands before they have even looked at you stuff.

Createspace (amazon), Smashwords, Lulu are examples of self-publishers who do not charge you to submit and publish your work through their company. They only charge you a small percentage fee per sale. This is the same as traditional publishing houses.

You can choose to register your work yourself, but no need whether you use self or traditional publishing they will assign it an ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Now you can choose to purchase these as well.

Traditional publishers are great in that they have a vested interest in your book. This is how they make their money. But they typically will own the editing, movie, and other rights (until you become famous). They control the marketing. And it can be a long process from submission, approval, reworking, printing, and sales. Usually they don't take submissions directly. you need a literary agent. They take a larger percentage of the sale price, but more top sellers have been traditionally published.

Self-publishing is also great. You retain all rights. Just furnish you an outlet to get your book out there. You can stop using them at anytime (usually). But they are limited in the additional services they provide, for free. They make their money with editing, cover art, marketing and such. You submit your work directly to them, most are now set-up so that if you don't additional support (editing, you already have cover art) you can submit your work directly and have it go live almost immediately. Self publishing has gained in popularity and many have gone on to have great success.

Either way, editing is key. Both traditional and self publishing companies make your book available in almost every format, available both on line and in brick&mortar stores. Most have contracts with Amazon and most will assist with the overall process. There are strict guidelines when submitting to traditional publishers. Self publishers have guidelines but they are also vey user friendly with simple instructions you can download.

Congrats and good luck!!!!
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Capt Richard I P.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS Congrats on the manuscript, that's awesome, I bet it'll be a great book! Steven Pressfield writes on writing and also on Publishing along with one of his favorite publishers Shawn Coyne on his blog:
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
8 y
Hopefully. Right now it's a turd that needs polishing. No, wait... that's not right.. A rock that needs painting!! That's more like it.
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LT Mark Morgan
Without knowing the subject of the manuscript (novel? techno-thriller? bio? history?), first step is to ID possible publishers, such as Schiffer, which specializes in historical subjects and books on collectables (brother Rick and I used Schiffer for the A-6 Intruder history, he followed up with a second on carrier aviation, 1975-2010 or thereabouts). Check the publisher's web page, find out what the submission requirements are (generally a CV, outline/summary of the book's story line and a few sections which display your writing skills), and send a package in. And keep at it, eventually you could just hear from a book editor about taking your manuscript and putting it into publication. Good luck!
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
8 y
It's Fiction (Sci-Fi), which makes the "main" publishers companies Tor (Thomas Doherty), Penguin, and Baen. It's a little short for Baen's guidelines, as they like 100k+ and I sit at 80k now (doubt I could add 20k).

Submission guidelines are pretty simple. I'm in the middle phase of getting it getting it submission ready.
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Published authors on RP, what are the next steps after writing a complete manuscript?
Nicholas Efstathiou
Hello Sergeant, I think your best bet would would be to prepare a small section, maybe 4K - 5K words, and post the job on a site like Upworks. You can hire three or four likely candidates and see whether or not you like the way they edit the piece. Just make sure you have them sign an NDA, just to protect yourself. Feel free to message me if there's anything I can help with.
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SN Greg Wright
Edited 8 y ago

I was going to link some editors that I think are good, but it's really kind of a subjective thing, so I think you're better researching and settling on one yourself, after reading reviews, requirements, prices, etc. I couldn't agree more with the article I linked, however: you will multiply your sales by an exponential factor if you involve a professional editor. (I know you know this, Aaron, I'm writing this for others who may be interested, upon seeing your thread.) This article includes some good links to editors, but again, I'd be thorough and do my own research. You have a good product that you sweated for. You'll want your best foot forward with it, right out the gate.

On another note, I'll keep my promise and see you by the end of the day.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
8 y
Greg, no worries. I think I've added 5k words since the last draft you saw.... (quite a bit in chapt 10-11). I really appreciate all the help you've provided on this project.

I decided to pop the question out here because I was looking at the "system" or "process" at this point, and seeing where I can "attempt" to save cost or streamline so I don't duplicate my efforts later.

Basically Crowdsource Knowledge and learn from others successes (and challenges).
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
8 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS - No problem. Like I said, this was intended mostly for other aspirants who might be drawn to your thread.

Having said that, though, now I worry that I don't have the latest, since the last was about 5 days ago? Send it please, if that's not the latest.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
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MSgt Electrical Power Production
How about trying Amazon to see if you can get it published.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
8 y
MSgt (Join to see) - Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS MSgt, you're saying Amazon proofed/edited it for him? If so, he surely got picked up by 47 North, Amazon's imprint, which means, he lost his rights to it, but has the cash payout and royalties.

In any case, Aaron, this is something you might look into. I can't imagine Amazon doesn't use good editors.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
8 y
SN Greg Wright -
He tried every avenue to get it published and Amazon was his best option. He just wanted to get it out there and knew the profits where not going to be great. Just a way to get his foot in the door. I think he is working on another.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
8 y
SN Greg Wright - Looking into it now.
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Capt Daniel Goodman
I was just curious, on what topic? I was just wondering, so far as you might care to mention, I have thoughts that might possibly jelp you, possibly, as to where to turn for help, however, the more you might be able to elaborate, the more I might be able to suggest, that's all I'm trying to say, hope is of interest, would be most eager to hear more, many thanks.
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
8 y
I follow, can you elaborate any further ? Also what aspects are you seeking to edit, so far as you can initially judge ? Can you explain any of the basic topic, without going into excsv specifics I realize you might obv prefer to not mention, of course? Anything further might help; you might try for student help from English and or literature departments at colleges by you. Then there are, of course, prospective literature editors I suppose could neppbe hired, though those might cost, of course. Also, very def look at to search for literary groups for prospective writers, they exist for prospective playwrights, I've seen those, as I'd had thoughts about an historical thing that I'd been most eager to see filmed, though I'd only toyed with the idea, I'm total perm VA disabled, so I can't do anything anymore, it was just an purely hobbyist level thought, though if it might interest you, I'd be glad to explain it, I'd hoped to interest others, if only out of literary cinimatic hobbyist level interest, that's all, it's a good site, you might possibly find a group by you, though you might have to hunt a bit through their site, obviously, if you've never used it, it is useful, though, promise, hope to hear more, eager to hear, hope is of help, answer anytime, many thanks.
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
8 y
The link didn't open use Google, you should see it, easily, promise.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
8 y
Capt Daniel Goodman - No worries at all. Simple story.

Basic Plot: Man retires and "attempts" to return home (Earth) to find that the political realities have changed, and he is no longer allowed. Chance meeting gives him the opportunity to bypass that restriction.

I am at the Alpha Draft phase (Manuscript Complete). Likely need an Editorial Assessment and/or round of Betareaders to identify flow, pacing, & plot issues. I think.

I "think" the Developmental Edit comes after those, but since I've never done this before, crap if I know. Editing costs are expensive, but I want a good product.

Then we get into more betas, and then lines edits, etc. As I said above..."Daunting" not to mention expensive, especially when paying by the word.

I'll definitely check out the meetup
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
8 y
I'm glad, please understand, I'm obviously not entirely certain what exists for prospective authors or writing groups, however, I quite honestly think that, along with possibly college students seeking to do such work, as part of their training, that either of those possibilities could be your best approach for being able to realize what you're seeking to accomplish. The idea I'd had, that you'd mentioned, concerns a true story of the Revolutionary War, if you'd care to possibly explore that, as well, I'd just be most eager to see it filmed, as it involved one of the meanest British soldiers of that war, about whom no film has ever been made? I dug out as much as I could of the true story, which involves some pretty graphic horrorsmof that war, as well as sevl little known historical anecdotes , that I've long felt well deserve ver serious talent , major Hollywood actors, to do right, with a release, asmive been dreaming of, on either Meml Day, hence a propitious time to explain it, lol, or maybe the 4th of July. If you'd be interested in hearing more, I'd just love to see it donez you want a REALLY amazing topic for a TRUE story, a nightmare few know of, even among vets, and svc mbrs, I'd be glad to explain more, I'd just love to be there to see it on the big screen, you want a REALLY serious possible screenplay project, boy oh boy, have I got an idea for you, lol, if you'd really want to do it. It's take time, serious time, but I'm positive that if it were done right, it'd win every award available, honest. Hope that was of interest, be eager to hear more anytime or to chat further anytime. I just love good cinema, and trust me, this'd be a beaut, honest, many thanks.
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A1C Flight Engineer

congrats Sgt Aaron Kennedy to completed book. I have read this book and really beautifully describe.
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