Posted on Dec 3, 2014
1SG Company First Sergeant
With the recent amount of stolen valor it is hard to keep up with all the different threads being posted here on RallyPoint. From this point forward if you have a stolen valor question, comment, and or post, then add it here. The posts that currently exist will stay, as we don't want to lose the already existing discussion content. If you have started a stolen valor post prior to this and wish to have it merged to this one then feel free to let me know and I will merge that for you. The initial post will be gone but the discussion content will be merged to this posting.
Posted in these groups: 524395 331088503647420 191451722 n Stolen Valor
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Responses: 380
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
No we cannot. The problem are those ass-clowns who get money for representing. It is a whole hell of a lot different than Ducky Dynasty Camos and people in special forces have to be particularly grieved.

The second part is there was a time when very few would be caught wearing their uniforms off-base. The good will established over the years is a commodity and it won't always be that way.
SSG G3 Aviation Air Movement Request Nco
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>1 y
But, the problem as I see it, is that YOU and I agreed to act like a Soldier/Airman/Marine/Sailor. The person you are judging made no such agreement. He is exercising (until he crosses the line defined in the law) the rights WE defend for him.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Okay let him put on a Sheriff's badge and see where that goes. Or, put on a secret service badge and try to enter the White House.
SSG G3 Aviation Air Movement Request Nco
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SSgt L OI, he has ZERO obligation to do so. By living in the USA he has the right, and we have the obligation to defend that right, to act as he wishes within the law regardless of what you think of it.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
You are stolen valor Douglas. No NCO acts like you do......
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SN Jennifer M.
I think it should be that same punishment as someone that impersonates a police officer or someone like that. Certainly jail time with hard labor.
1SG Craig Moody
1SG Craig Moody
>1 y
You make an excellent point ... members of our uniformed services wear those uniforms as official representatives of our federal government. Claiming to be or to have been such an official should most certainly be punishable.
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
This idiot is not worth someone getting in trouble over. He obviously has a screw loose.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
>1 y
Roger that!
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
I'd love to teach this guy some Army stuff like how to fire the M119. I could show him where and where not to stand the hard way.
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SGT Ben Keen
First off, great job on point out the guy like that!&nbsp; I just hope he didn't leave and try it again.<br><br>Secondly, I believe that the Stole Act of Valor law states that if a person receives any sort of money or personal gain while impersonating a service member, he or she can be thrown in jail under fraud charges.&nbsp; <br><br>Personally, I feel the problem continues because of the ease that one can get their hands on a uniform and ribbons from countless stores or online.&nbsp; These stores, while trying to provide a much needed service, do not vet these customers.&nbsp; The man hours involved to vet every customer would probably put the businesses out of business so I can understand why they don't.&nbsp; Either way, you set the example on a way that we are service members can help bring light to these idiots and hopefully get them to see what they are doing goes beyond freedom of speech.<br>
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
No Problem, continue exposing these fake for what they are. Non-hackers trying to experience the life of a hero when they are actually a coward.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
CSM Uhlig, thank you. Theses guys are the lowest cowards. Sometimes they try to use a fallen brothers name and DD-214. When I was going through PTSD counciling at the VA, believe it or not, I flushed out two imposters. I went to the department head and told them these guys were faking PTSD. When she dug deeper, I was correct.
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CPT Jack Durish
You can't legislate morality. Yes, the law may be employed to define criminal activity and proscribe appropriate punishments. In the case of stolen valor, it rises to the level of criminal when the perpetrator obtains something of value through the activity. It is a form of larceny by fraud.

If the person only uses stolen valor to call attention to themselves, get a pat on the back, or otherwise inflate an otherwise poor ego, what harm is there in that? No, isn't criminal, but it steals a pat on the back that rightfully belongs to a real hero. Should the "perpetrator" be punished by the law? Of course not. However, a good punch in the nose isn't out of reasonable consideration...
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
If I ever run into one of these jack wagons at the end of our conversation they're going to be walking out it in the skivvies.
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SGT Journeyman Plumber
Edited >1 y ago
As unpopular as this opinion undoubtably is going to be here, I don't think stolen valor should be illegal. I despise stolen valor. I'm liable to get arrested for assault and battery when I see it in person if my public shaming of these people heats up. I believe that anyone who steals valor by wearing an unearned uniform/valor award or claiming to have earned something they haven't should be exposed as the filth that they are in as public and humiliating fashion as humanly possible.

All that said, to make it illegal would have too many unintended consequences. It would create a foothold to be used to further erode free speech protections granted by the First Amendment. As the Supreme Court ruled, any stolen valor act must survive "strict scrutiny," the most rigorous First Amendment standard, because it imposes content-based restrictions on speech. That is incredibly dangerous legal territory that deservedly demands the greatest caution possible when setting legal precedent.

To sum up, making it illegal is bad, but we should and in my opinion are obligated to publicly shame and make these frauds lives as painful as possible within the constraints of the law when their deception is discovered. This includes here on RP too. Don't start a witch hunt, but if over the course of natural events a fraud is discovered we should know what to do.
SSgt Carpenter
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>1 y
SGT (Join to see) Tried to give you a thumbs up, but I already had...
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1SG Craig Moody
1967 ... soldier arrives at unit from Viet Nam wearing 1st Cav combat patch, purple heart and silver wings of some sort. Said he was a door gunner for a while when first in Nam. A SP4 who had washed out of WO flight school at Ft Wolters spoke to him for a few moments then became irate, reached out, tore the wings from the guys uniform and loudly told him he would beat the sh*t out of him if he ever wore them again. Turns out they were pilot wings neither earned or authorized. The "washout" was a fine soldier who put his all into earning wings but had not succeeded. In a few weeks another soldier come to us from the same outfit in Viet Nam. We asked if the Purple Heart was for real. With a laugh he told us it was indeed real as the "lard-ass was too slow to make it to the bunker during a rocket attack and now he has scars on his butt (literally) to prove it."
1SG Company First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
The good 'ol days right there!! Thanks for sharing 1SG
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1SG Michael Blount
Army SGT Ryan Berk calls out a fake "veteran" while shopping at a mall in Pennsylvania.

SGT Berk - hat's off to you for stopping this crap in its tracks

1SG Blount
SSG Assistant Team Leader
SSG (Join to see)
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1SG Michael Blount ,

You've got that right 1SG! Although this imposter SSG would have passed most non-serving persons test had they not known about the HMMWV driver MOS part...f

The phone call mid-conversation was a good tactic too, glad SGT Ryan Berk ( SGT Ryan Berk ?) had the patience!
SPC Timothy Durette
SPC Timothy Durette
>1 y
if some ask me on my service records or info ,I can clearly provide info and/or paperwork to provide clear fact that real service cannot be called out as fakes or phonies as this video clearly did on the person in question and that they having access to parts of the uniform or uniforms should not be allowed to them unless proper info or data can be given even online.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
>1 y
SPC Timothy Durette - I believe that falls under the ACV called INTEGRITY. Too few people have it. Only REAL service members do.
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SSG Robert Burns
Merge me!
1SG Company First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
You have enough rights to merge your own!! LOL ;-)
1SG Company First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Actually was kidding, just merged it for you.
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