Posted on Nov 12, 2023
MSgt Retired
I've never asked this question, and I've never seen anyone else ask it, but I'm curious. What do you say when someone thanks you for your service?
My Military ID is right next to my driver's license and debit card in my wallet, so it's visible if I have to show my driver's license for something or if I'm taking my debit card out to use. Very often, someone who sees it will ask what branch I was in. Then they will thank me for my service. My usual answer is "Thank you for your support." But I'm curious about how others respond to that.
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Responses: 336
LTC Kevin B.
"Thank you. It was an honor to serve."
SPC Timothy Smith
SPC Timothy Smith
4 mo
My response most of the time is, You are very welcome, thanks for your support. Lots of time no matter if they were Veterans or not, we will get into a deeper conversation. I for the most part enjoyed my eight years in the Army.
PO3 Gregory Hott
PO3 Gregory Hott
3 mo
proud to serve
SGT Michaline Morrison
SGT Michaline Morrison
3 mo
Thank you. It was my honor.
SSG Terrence Brooks
SSG Terrence Brooks
1 d
“Thank you for your support.”
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SGM Bill Frazer
Thank you, I was my privilege to serve!
Maj Robert Larkowski
Maj Robert Larkowski
8 mo
Thanks for your support!
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
4 mo
I always thot of my Dad, & my 3 brothers, when someone would say that to me, because I was the last of my family to enter the US Military. I normally reply, thank You for saying that, & I would do it again, if I could!
PO3 Gregory Hott
PO3 Gregory Hott
3 mo
I had uncles in Vietnam Army and Navy all came home. I also had Uncles and great Uncle in WWII. Army all! One was in Philippines, fought Bataan wounded death march died as Japanese POW October 1944 on Hell ship! His older brother fought under MacArthur up New Guinea and finished war in Philippines. Great Uncle fought Europe from fall 1944 to end and an uncle fought Europe till end and occupier of Japan. I served during Vietnam but never in country. A Vietnam combat Veteran 66-67 asked me once "IF I WAS ORDERED INTO NAM WOULD I HAVE GONE-YES" He made me feel better about myself.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
3 mo
The FEW, THE PROUD! God Bless You, & family.
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CSM William Everroad
MSgt (Join to see) Thank you for your support.

Most of us do not serve for the "thank you for your service" aspect.

This country's treatment of veterans (and to some extent service members) has come a long way since WWII and Vietnam. But there will always be a mix of people who see service members as some random selection from the spectrum of "baby killing stooge of the military industrial complex to the unquestionable heroes of the republic. We all know Soldiers and Veterans who run that spectrum and earn the derision or praise.

At the end of the day, we aren't special. Veterans day used to be about remembering why the military exists and what is could prevent in the future and not a way to pat each other on the back. And much like Memorial Day, it has become diluted by commercialization. Discount hounds, "thank me for my service" types, and the civil military gap widening for every WTFArmy or reported sexual assault moment has lowered the perception of professionalism that used to accompany service.

So every time someone thanks me for my service, I thank them for their support, no matter how performative.
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
4 mo
SGM Bobby Langford Sr - I served in the 70's, pre-Tailhook. When my squadron cdr told me to go see the deputy wing cdr off duty, I was E-3, halfway around the world, in a country under martial law. I did see the JAG.. His advice, which I believe was well meant, was that if I complained, I "would be lucky if nothing happened." That is verbatim. So, it's not surprising you never heard what might have been going on. BTW, the first evening I went to the Col's quarters, he had a dozen or so other officers in for drinks. Nobody raised an eyebrow, and they all moseyed along after awhile. It was a small base, very few women, and if they never saw me at the O club, they knew I was enlisted.
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
4 mo
CSM William Everroad - So, why the heck bring MST into the thread at all? It should indeed be a topic on its own. That's a rhetorical question, and I really don't see any point in continuing any exchange with you.
SGT John Overby
SGT John Overby
3 mo
Don't forget we were "suckers" and "losers".
SN N.M. Craig
SN N.M. Craig
29 d
Oh, my. Yes, "suckers and losers," indeed. That didn't age so well, nor should it. Some of the best people I know were "suckers and losers" at one point in their lives. That phrase should be treated like the slight it was. The only suckers and losers are Trump supporters, bringing our republic to its knees. Let the mourning begin.
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