Posted on Jan 14, 2015
SSG(P) Instructor
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We have seen many things about our POTUS that many do not like about him, and while we have all had leaders we did not like, we could usually pick out a few things, or traits/characteristics you could use or emulate.

So, list the things you do like, keep it professional as always. What did momma say? "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing all."

I'll start:
(1) President Obama broke the racial barrier. He earned an education, became a Senator and a lawyer and is now the President.
(2) He has given millions a hope that one day they can do something great, especially those from under privileged areas.

(3) He has largely supported the military until as of recently with the downsizing, which is inevitable in every decade, our leaders have to make cuts...we keep only the best and brightest, right?

(4) He is a very supportive husband and father, and we need strong father role models in today's society where fathers are as rare as a long term-marriage.

I believe he honestly wants good things for America...I don't necessarily agree with the way he is going about it.

(5) He authorized the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

I know there aren't many fans on RP, but if there is something you like, share it if you dare.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 346
SPC Todd Fitzgerald
Absolutely love this question, oftentimes detractors simply cannot or will not employ critical reasoning in order to ascertain a single positive quality, but I will always find something I like for each of our leaders. He recently came out in support of making community college available for free to those "willing to work for it". I joined the service in order to afford going to a full university and I have a great appreciation for what it's worth to me, but I really love that when he had an opportunity in front of the camera that day he chose to espouse the importance of available and accessible higher education. I think that is something he truly believes in and that it is an incredibly important focus for our society as a factor of our collective and global contributions to humanity.
Sgt Alex Bane
Sgt Alex Bane
>1 y
Don't worry about the student loans comment. I just had someone call me the other day saying the president and congress passed a law four years ago; that will relieve most or all of you student loan debt. If you make less than 50k they will relieve upwards of 90% of your debt. This is very easy to do according to the telemarketer, and the more people you add to your household the better. Those are his exact words.
SPC Charles Griffith
SPC Charles Griffith
>1 y
TSgt Bell K-12 is mandated in the Constitution. And to be honest if you have kids in school you know it is failing. Not only in as much as academically our students lag behind most of the rest of the World. But as a parent we are expected to provide supplies for their education that are supposed to be provided for them under the Constitution. So if we can't meet the Constitutional mandates we already have how do we extend those benefits an additional 2 years with out additional funding.
SSgt Robert Clark
SSgt Robert Clark
>1 y
SPC Todd Fitzgerald, and yes I do agree the education system in this country is broke. It's a very complicated issue that I am glad I don't have to solve. I can say, for one thing, is several millions each year need to quit being spent on athletic scholarships. If kids are going to be rewarded then reward them based on academics. Sad thing is, last I heard there is a huge push, if not already in place, to pay student athletes while they attend school....really!!? Several already have full ride scholarships and then they are going to be PAID to play sports. No wonder it cost's 100k+ to send a kid to school. Don't get me wrong, I love sports as much as anyone, just seems to be a large part of the problem is there is no value on kids who are gifted academically, there sure as hell is with kids who can catch a football, dunk a basket or throw a wicked curve ball. Let them be rewarded for their skills when they reach pro level, not in the arena if supposed higher education.
SPC Todd Fitzgerald
SPC Todd Fitzgerald
>1 y
SPC Griffith brings up an excellent point as far as our country's education system is concerned. It is failing in many places, enough to impact our global ranking. I think that's even more reason to provide more attention to it. It's not just a matter of providing a higher education but that a higher quality education is given. A lot of other countries are years ahead of ours in primary and secondary schooling, not to mention the numbers of those kids that go on to seek higher learning. We really need to put education on a pedestal in our society and pay it some mind.

Edit: SSgt Clark, I just wrote this while you were responding. That's exactly what I mean by putting education on a pedestal. We put sports on a pedestal, for better or worse, but we need to reward academic growth and even competition with the same enthusiasm.
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SSG Joe Huizar
Edited >1 y ago

All he does is talk but no action.

1. Look at Syria
2. Look at Iraq - Here we go again, same O shit again!!!
3. Now we run from the terrorist. he wants to stop the media from posting anti-islam cartoons and articles....!!! WTF.
CPT Craig Church, ASLA, LEED GA
CPT Craig Church, ASLA, LEED GA
>1 y
That used to be a great Jody Call, "Here we go again!". Haha
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
SGT (Join to see), A Marine Sgt just received an OTH discharge for using social media to criticize the Cmdr-in-Chief. As an SM, you aren't at liberty to say everything that you are thinking... unless of course, your career and future aren't that important to you.

Just be careful what you say. A sure sign of an illegitimate Administration is when it demonstrates little tolerance for criticism of its policies.
SGT Scott Bailey
SGT Scott Bailey
>1 y
I have outlined some of the things I like earlier. So now, I will say what I liked about President Bush.
1. Inside, I believe he is a kind person
2. I too, think he'd be great to have a beer with.
3. He too, was serious about the immigration problems.
If Dick Cheney never would have got involved, I think President Bush's record would have been reflected in a much more positive way. I disagreed with almost all of his policies and hold him accountable for the mess he left. But he was still a sitting U.S. President, and I would still take a bullet for him. It's about honor to this Country and the values we all used to have. Our military, while active, should show a strong bond and let all who command them know they can count on you to get the job done. The rest of the world may think we are vulnerable when they see the majority of ACTIVE soldiers sound almost like they are ready for mutiny. Honestly, some people have given that impression. I hate seeing the military this way.We need to go back to our old self imposed rules and just keep our negativity to ourselves and express our feelings in the voting booth. JMO
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
LOL poor captain crunch does not like me, but I will be here in 2016 and then we can talk or we can talk now.... Capt Rose that is....
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SSG Aviation Operations Specialist
I honestly tried to think of something good, but came up short handed. Finding something good about the man who is purposely destroying America as we know it is by far the hardest thing I've done.
SFC Dave Hopkins Jr.
SFC Dave Hopkins Jr.
>1 y
I am with you on that
MSG William Wold
MSG William Wold
9 y
I have the following list of what I like about our current President.

End of list.
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Cpl Software Engineer
I like that he can't spend more than 2 terms in office.
SGT Michael Glenn
SGT Michael Glenn
>1 y
Be careful Cpl Sain, he has voiced his determination many times that he doesnt want to give up his position.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC Scott Mayhew, where's Jar Jar Binks when we need him? (Sarcasm)
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Jar jar binks
SPC Scott Mayhew, hehehe!!!
SGT Jim Filey
SGT Jim Filey
>1 y
SPC Scott Mayhew, No matter what happens, unless the consitutition is changed, come 12:01pm EST on Jan 20 2017, Obama will no longer be in office. Thats 2 years, 2hours and 43 min from now. Ya, im counting :)
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SGT Steven Montgomery
That he only has two years left mostly. I like him as a person and he's obviously very smart and well spoken but his foreign affairs policies scare me. Not just because he didn't go to Paris or anything like that but radical islam is on the rise and if we don't do something about it soon I think the US is in BIG trouble. He doesn't seem to acknowledge that, at least in public, hope there is more going on behind the scenes than what we get to see.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
That is a legit concern...I agree.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Guess Obama will just have to get over this, though his staffers are saying there will be a price to pay. They act more like spoiled babies than they do grown men.
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PO3 Tom Allen
I am a Navy Vet. After following this President for the last 6 years, I find him to be an appalling, lying and treasonous coward, period!
PO1 Gregg Moyer
PO1 Gregg Moyer
>1 y
He's part of the reason I departed! I'm with you.
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MSG William Wold
The only thing that I can credit Obama of being able to do good, is read. He's a good reader (That's an "R", not with an "L") However if he doesn't have the teleprompter in front of him, he can hardly hold a conversation.
I've worked in the private sector for many a years. I've had blacks, Hispanics, women work for me. Frankly, I hired the most qualified. I didn't look at their skin. When hiring entry level, I had a couple manual dexterity tests, that did not require talking or writing, so their language or educational degree didn't mean anything. I had the biggest amount of women and non white people working for me, and my crew out did the other two shifts. There wasn't any drauma, they came to work, gave me both quality and quantity time. They are out there, go find them.. And you will be happy.
Fact is a lot of people voted for him solely because of the color. But he is not black. He has a biological white mother. Some voted for him solely because they thought it was time to have a black person in power to set a precedence.
To say he has supported the military, when he took office, as uneducated as he was and still is of the military, told the troops to get their own health care, after all, you volunteered..
I'm not sure where you want to Bash Bush in the off topic statements and put this guy on a pedestal I certainly am not going to put him on any pedestal, unless it's one heading out of town.
Since the comments have already gone off track of the original question, I will bring myself down to that level and do the same. this information is public record, not made up.
January 3rd, 2007 the DOW was 12,621.77
GDP was 3.5%
Unemployment rate was 4.5%
George Bush's Economic policies set a record of 52 straight months of Job Creation. (That is going back to the second year in office by the way)
I mention January 3, 2007 is when Democrats took control of both the House and Senate.
Bills do not start at the top and work down. Presidents can only suggest, unless he wants to get out his illegal executive order pen, which our current president feels he can do. But the sadder part is, he's being allowed to do it. And how can anyone still blame Bush when Democrats have had total control of the total government system from the top down for well over 6 years?
During Bush's term, he asked congress 17 times to dismantle Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae's policies, created during the Clinton era of sub prime home loans, and he was called "chicken little" by Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd was standing behind him in that public statement and was snickering. Barney Frank was the head of the Housing Financial Services Committee, and Chris Dodd was the Senate Banking Committee. Just 18 months after that public statement was made, the banking and real estate industry started falling on it's face, for mostly the toxic sub-prime loans to people who should not have had them in the first place, and as true to prediction of the before that time parameters of risk factors that would have prevented or at least reduced the effect, they walked.
The total Democratic congress got away with massive spending bills because of the little disclaimer within the laws is when they can't come to an agreement, they can pass a "continuing resolution" , bypassing the President's veto signature.
So where was Obama in all this? A member of that congress. He voted for the massive spending bills, or Continuing Resolutions, when he was there. His attendance at the job he was voted in for he was absent more than he was present. (congressional attendance is public record)
If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2006 deficit, the last of the Republican's budgets, which at that time was the lowest in 5 years, and the 4th straight decline in deficit spending.
The military is being dismantled not because we no longer need it, it's because of the concept of the unaffordability of it, because so much money is being spent on social programs and handouts to people that have not earned any of it.
The world is living proof that sitting around the camp fire, joining hands and singing Kum-by-ah, with the people that would rather slit your throat isn't going to work.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Good talking points, and no way was I bashing Bush, nor placing Obama on a pedestal. I am a Marine, Soldier, Doctor, Father, Christian and while I have to pick Republican, but I am more probably an Independent, I have voted across party lines, I usually vote straight across the Republican spectrum. My few *plus*points for The current POTUS are hardly worshipping him...if anything I could also start a forum that asks what you don't like about POTUS and the list would be endless, and that could go for any President, Republican or Democrat. You are jumping to conclusions @MSG William Wold based on a few talking points. I respect the position only, and honestly thought for years he was solely elected based on his inexperience...a puppet easily manipulated by the the military - industrial complex. Follow the money, is what I've always said. For every stat you listed the pundits can come back with an equally challenging number. Depending on sources. So don't go assuming and labeling off of one discussion. This is a toxic question, purposely posed as such.
MSG William Wold
MSG William Wold
>1 y
True, just like how many denominations of churches are there? Because there are so many people with opinion on what the Bible says. All earthly opinions of the same exact written word.
With that thought, just how many others in the secular world can get opinions by skewed opinionated statistics written by people with agenda's?
Democrats do stupid things right next to Republicans, and the Independent's. 545 people elected to office, creating a fiasco, then campaign against it. They vote one way for something then vote against it; can't agree on anything. Seems their vote is swayed to the highest bidder. If they wanted a balanced budget they would have one.
I was thinking that they should wear coveralls like race car drivers do so we can see the sponsors names.
Well 34 years of military service, 5 children of my own, 6 step sons, 22 grandchildren, one stepson is a Major in the Air Force one was a Marine, another was in the Army. Two other sons in the Army, one just got out, other E-5 promotable. Independent thinkers. Never encouraged nor discouraged any of them to join, all I did is when they asked a question, they got a straight answer, not a misleading or partial truth one.
I was scheduled to go to Iraq, I already had both biological son's there on the main push in when they pulled my orders, and ended up with retirement handed to me. At the time I was also working as a dual status mil-tech, and should have been terminated because of the dual status issue. But they let me stay the 8 more months on the tech side to be eligible for it's retirement. Not sure why I spend time on these sites provoking animosity anyway, too many fish to fry, lol... literally.. Brook trout for breakfast.. mmm..
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
9 y
Talking like a true M/Sgt and leader. we need more like you. I always said: treat people like people and they will respond.
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
I retired under President Obama as Commander-In- Chief and I have a Certificate of Achievement to prove it!
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
>1 y
TSgt Hunter Logan sweet
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SGT Richard H.
Edited >1 y ago
Haha....after a couple minutes reading, I'm not touching this one.
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MSgt Timothy Johnson
He became president. I would not want the job and the stress.

That said -
I feel he is systematically tearing this country apart. Look at some of his appointees. How did they become qualified for those positions? Illegal aliens, Health care reform. Does not support his military. Can not make a decision concerning the terrorist. Disrespecting local law enforcement departments. He is not race friendly. The list goes on and on.

I hope we still have a country when he is done.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
No doubt. A tax cheat for Treasury? An anti-military for Defense? A crook and racist for AG? Too many to list.
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