Posted on Jan 14, 2015
SSG(P) Instructor
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We have seen many things about our POTUS that many do not like about him, and while we have all had leaders we did not like, we could usually pick out a few things, or traits/characteristics you could use or emulate.

So, list the things you do like, keep it professional as always. What did momma say? "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing all."

I'll start:
(1) President Obama broke the racial barrier. He earned an education, became a Senator and a lawyer and is now the President.
(2) He has given millions a hope that one day they can do something great, especially those from under privileged areas.

(3) He has largely supported the military until as of recently with the downsizing, which is inevitable in every decade, our leaders have to make cuts...we keep only the best and brightest, right?

(4) He is a very supportive husband and father, and we need strong father role models in today's society where fathers are as rare as a long term-marriage.

I believe he honestly wants good things for America...I don't necessarily agree with the way he is going about it.

(5) He authorized the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

I know there aren't many fans on RP, but if there is something you like, share it if you dare.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 346
MSgt Russell Davis
Edited >1 y ago
As far as helping the military I'll give him credit for VRAP, but that's about it. As far as breaking "the racial barrier" (OP: President Obama broke the racial barrier. He became educated, and became a Senator, a lawyer and now the President"), there have been plenty of Black people who've been educated, a Senator and/or a lawyer before him.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
I think my point there was already clearly shared...but he gives many young black men the desire to strive for more. I would hope he is a mentor to our minority youth. While we may disagree on the details, one can argue anyone that bring racial tension to the front page...inevitably, it initially makes it worse. See bus sit-ins, and peaceful protests of MLK...see where that got him.
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LCpl Senior Staff Writer
He goes on vacation a lot, which means actual work can get done.
LCpl Senior Staff Writer
LCpl (Join to see)
>1 y
Sgt Jay Jones The above is not a point in fact, it is as the term goes a witty retort, or a piece of snarky monologue, a quip, or more simply, a joke, in response to what I'm assuming was intended to be a humorous premise above.
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
9 y
SPC Don Stringer I fail to understand the down vote for accurately reporting a fact. I can only assume you like what the fact states or you don't like the truth!
1SG Rick Davis
1SG Rick Davis
9 y
I am curious where you found that information, just his golfing days adds up to more down time that all 2 Bushes combined. You must be watching MSNBC
1SG Rick Davis
1SG Rick Davis
9 y
Research says that G Bush took more vacations than Obama. But Obama took vacations at a huge expense to the people who pay the taxes. Hawaii, several, Marthes Vinyard on and on. Bush went to his ranch in Texas and family home in Maine. Little expense to taxpayers. He also quit playing golf because it wouldn't look good because our troops were in battle. Obama stopped a round of golf after several of our troops were killed to say a few words to the press and then went right back playing golf. Now do you think he gives a rats ass about the troops?
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CPO Jon Campbell
It is difficult to see the positive in the work of a President that you do not agree with or share party affiliation, but this is a country that draws it's strength from its diveristy and ability to work together as one. I can respect the President for his work on healthcare even though I don't like the outcome. He was able to accomplish what others couldn't or wouldn't do. I personally hope that the system eventually collapses and that health insurance is banned and drives healthcare into a free market system though this is too radical a leap to make in our current society.
I also like the way the President speaks up every once in awhile about gun control. This helps drive the pro gun lobby, sends people flying to the gun stores and keeps the industry strong and the 2nd ammendment strong. It also must infuriate the far left.
Cuba - There just isn't anything good that has come from being enemies with Cuba and by paving the way for diplomatic relations, he undermined Putin's influence and set the stage for a new free market boom as well as strengthened the US position in North American.
Cash for Clunkers - As derided as the program was, it got rid of a lot of polluting vehicles, drove thousands of shady used car dealers out of business, and boosted the economy a little. It was a bold and unique program and I give him credit for at least trying something new.
So that's 4 things that I can think of.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
I tried to find a few points...and try to find the good in everyone...because if you can't, you die a miserable, old, lonely man. Thank you for contributing in a positive manner even though you may disagree completely politically. I think many hear can't and won't ever get over his redistribution of wealth plan...which I totally disagree with.
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
>1 y
I honestly believe his redistribution of wealth statement was taken the wrong way. In my humble opinion, what I believe he was trying to say is that present tax laws favor the rich and put an unnecessary burden on the poor and middle class.

Many people have accepted "Reagan's Trickle Down Theory". Which turned out to be a bad "Theory". The other misconception is that businesses create jobs. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

It is the consumer who creates jobs. Nobody else! Every business does one of two things they offer a product or a service. If nobody buys their product or service then that business will fail. I don't care what kind of business or service your provide you have to have a consumer. When you think about large corporations such as Lockheed Martin or Boeing, their consumer is the Federal Government and the Aerospace Industry. The Federal Government has consumers when they provide service to the general public and taxpayers. YOU provide a service to the country with your military service and protecting our freedoms. If you have no consumers you have NO JOBS! Consumers determine which businesses succeed and which ones fail. The oil industry is suffering right now, because their consumers, the American public is buying their product at a price that their business cannot sustain a profit. Hence, layoffs in the oil industry since they are no long making record profits. All I'm saying in my opinion I believe President Obama meant that we need to get money into the hands of the middle class and the poor so they can drive the economy, instead of the rich who built dams at the top of President Reagan's Trickle Down Hill.
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Sgt Adam Jennings
I like absolutely nothing about the man, and yes it is because I absolutely despise him. He could save a helpless baby and I would be happy that the baby was saved but is still wouldn't even like that about him.
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
>1 y
At least you are not trying to mask your hatred of him. I appreciate your honesty.
Sgt Adam Jennings
Sgt Adam Jennings
>1 y
I never once said the word hate, despise and dislike, yes, hatred, no. The only person I've ever hated on my life was Osama bin Laden.
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MGySgt Christian MacMillan
He has helped increase the awareness of golf.
MGySgt Christian MacMillan
MGySgt Christian MacMillan
>1 y
First, you don't need to add "@" in front of the name when you are answering directly to the original poster. This isn't Twitter. Second, your attack on me personally does nothing to a) challenge my assertion or b) change my mind. That would be the point of a counterpoint. You would put forth a well thought out argument that would achieve both a) and b). I would expect more from a Sgt who thinks himself more professional than others. How's that for anything pertaining to intelligence?
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SPC Christopher Morehouse
That he will be gone in 2 years.
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MSG Greg Kelly
Edited >1 y ago
I like the fact he is black I think it showed this country turned a corner. Other then that he and his cabinet have done more damage to this country than any POTUS in my life time or my Grand Parents. From disrespecting the military to causing a racial divide in this country. I really cant stand his ass I see him on TV and I know the shit coming from his mouth is not true and for God sakes man up take the heat for something stop pushing it off on someone else. I wonder did he take office with a plan to wreak this country.
SPC Christopher Morehouse
SPC Christopher Morehouse
>1 y
We turned a corner, we turned from one flavor of ignorance to another.
MSG Greg Kelly
MSG Greg Kelly
>1 y
So cleaver a statement some people get very upset when the current POTUS is spoken or written badly about, when someone dares speak their heart or mind they are called racist, fascist, closed minded or many other useless titles. But I speak my mind with a picture on my page and I am not afraid to be seen when I thumbs up or down someone. But the bottom line is this, if Obama was not such a divisive leader who has completely ignored the constitution and the letter of the law, he has ignored his own voting public and went against them. I have spent hours looking into the issues which concern me as an Independent voter and actually supported Obama on a couple of issues until the details became known to me that he had no plan to execute his ideas. they were just talk IE The Polosi statement "we have to pass the bill to know what's in the bill" that is completely wrong so ladies and Gents do your home work on Obama.
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PO2 Lester Sullivan
Nope, can't think of anything good! Except that he's a good example of pure evil:(
PO2 Lester Sullivan
PO2 Lester Sullivan
>1 y
Oh yeah, I'm not white, so can't call me racist;) I'm an equal opportunity hater! Way world is now, very few I care to be friends with:(
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1SG Charmaine R.
Active Duty, Guard, or Reserve we are all Service members who serve this nation. Service members whose Commander and Chief is the President of the United States (POTUS). Whether you agree or disagree with his actions disrespecting him for the sake of doing so is unprofessional and contradictory to the good order and military discipline of our force(s). Reading some of the comments posted within this thread is embarrassing to say the least. Those of you that are Seniors (Officer and Enlisted) within this thread "openly" ridiculing and belittling our Commander and Chief are setting the wrong example. Agree to disagree, have an opinion.....but do it in the privacy of your homes NOT IN AN OPEN FORUM!

I previously posted the regulatory guidance, posting the information again. READ IT! Despite popular belief as service members our actions and words have consequences. Those of you who believe you're untouchable and you turn a blind eye to your OBLIGATIONS as members of the U.S. careful. You have no idea who is reading these comments, taking screen shots, and trying to look you or your unit information up. No idea why the moderators of this site are not cleaning this thread up or simply deleting it.

DOCTRINE - Respecting Elected Officials | Commander and Chief

United States Constitution - Article II Section 2 states: The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.

As the Commander and Chief (an Officer to/for our force) any words spoken ill or against the President, or any elected official falls under the following of the UCMJ......

Article 88 — Contempt toward officials

Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Article 89 — Disrespect toward a superior commissioned officer

Any person subject to this chapter who behaves with disrespect toward his superior commissioned officer shall be punished as a court martial may direct.

Article 134-12 — Disloyal statements

(1) That the accused made a certain statement;

(2) That the statement was communicated to another person;

(3) That the statement was disloyal to the United States;

(4) That the statement was made with the intent to promote disloyalty or disaffection toward the United States by any member of the armed forces or to interfere with or impair the loyalty to the United States or good order and discipline of any member of the armed forces; and

(5) That, under the circumstances, the conduct of the accused was to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces or was of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces.

DA PAM 600-60, Chapter 6 - Forms of Address (6–2) High officials
Address high officials such as presidents, ambassadors, and Cabinet members by their TITLES ONLY, never by name.

By regulation (AR 600-25, FM 7-21.13, AR 600-20, DA PAM 600-60, and the Manual for Courts Martial) we address our Officers by Sir / Ma’am or by their rank (e.g., CPT Snuffy, President Obama, Governor Romney, or Mr. President). Addressing any superior by their first or last name is a blatant sign of disrespect and dishonor to our traditions customs and courtesies.

Hatch Act: - This act covers the utilization of Social Media for federal employee's and service members.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Junior or not, Chief, she's correct.
SPC Stewart Smith
SPC Stewart Smith
>1 y
SSG V. Michelle Woods - I think you sort of proved my point with your actions. You said that you think senior NCOs deserve more respect, but here you are showing more character than an E7. I feel that while SCPO Joshua I made some pretty funny comments, you showed better leadership qualities and higher character. Aside from your hilarious sarcastic comment about all knowledge ever in life, I would say that you deserve more respect from your comments.
I've never been wrong about anything, ever, in my entire life so I doubt I'm wrong now. ;)
SCPO Joshua I
SCPO Joshua I
>1 y
Believe as you all wish -- the comment was a light hearted way of pointing out an error among people who one would normally think would have thicker skin. I guess we teach that better in the Navy... ;)

On another note, if you don't really know what you're talking about, "correcting" people with incorrect information is generally not a good plan. Correcting people senior to you is fine -- if you understand the meaning of the words you sling. When you're a junior, one-term troop trying to tell people who are nearly at retirement age how the military works, you're probably going to get told to go fly a kite if you're wrong. If you have accurate information to impart, more power to you and I'm always glad to listen.

Banter is not disrespect. Discussions of people's interpretations of regulations are not always fountains of hugging and unicorns and flowers -- again, disagreement is not disrespect. Many fail to understand that distinction.

If I were to apply the same metric to the SSG's comments she applied to mine, she is being disrespectful to me -- but I won't use that metric because it's absurd. If she wants to make a funny comment about my comments to her, it's no skin off my back.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
Trust me, my first reaction wasn't as tame lol, but I've learned there are people who will never budge.

Also, I just so happen to love sailors so ehh...I'll leave chief to his ornery comments ;)
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SGM Lavoris Henry
As a 30 year recently retired veteran I proudly voted for the President twice and have been disgusted by the disrespect shown by members of the military (civilians can do as they please as they are not bound by UCMJ). Without spewing talking points from the rightwing I ask for anyone to factually state anything that Mr. Obama has done to "tear down" this country. He brings a mature intellectual approach to government as he deals with issues both international and domestic. The knee jerk reaction of disrespecting any President is unacceptable from any person but it is truly bothersome when it comes from the military. My advice is to turn Fox news off and do some research on your own to gain some clarity of the progress our country during this administration.
PFC Chip Des
PFC Chip Des
>1 y
re: "captain" why do you insult anyone who has real facts instead of typical lies via fox news? and always every "officer " i had the great displeasure of meeting had the "mental" excuse for us enlisted? you are a typical COWARD as every single "officer' i met and i met allot of them!!!
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Did that raise your self-esteem?
SSgt Jessie Bolado
SSgt Jessie Bolado
>1 y
I could barely choke the original thread down. I'm in agreement with you Capt Schwager....
CPT Craig Church, ASLA, LEED GA
CPT Craig Church, ASLA, LEED GA
9 y
I am perplexed also how race has gotten webbed into this thread. And I am perplexed as to the assumption that because someone is named Lavoris that she/he is biased because Obama is black? It is obvious that the truth about the warped view of Obama is driving the right's agenda. What were you saying when Bush was bumbling through his administration and the quest for weapons of "mass destruction"? Probably nothing as the right or the left normally do when "their man" is in power. Many people died in Iraq for nothing and now look at what we have. What administration has not had scandals? Reagan's? Clinton's?, Nixon's, Bush's? Sir you have revealed your true identity by making those ridiculous statements. If you know so much I suggest you run for president yourself so we can fix all the problems you state Obama has created (Probably not). The bottom line is he is far from perfect, he has made some mistakes like any of the bums before him but one thing is for certain when he got into office they served him a shit sandwich and you know what? He had to eat it. This ridiculous swinging of the political pendulum from the right to the left, from the left to the right every few years bores the shit out of me. The American Century is not over. We are still the greatest nation on earth. There is no threat from any other superpower to take the world as we have. The only danger now is America destroying itself with its stupid political bias revealed in this thread. Where are the moderates and middle thinkers?
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