Posted on Oct 23, 2015
Trey Gowdy destroys his own hearing: The Benghazi committee chairman goes completely off the rails. What are your thoughts on this article?
I had the live testimony playing in the background while I was at work yesterday and to be sure this proved to be a passionate if not deliberative testimony. Both sides played their usual roles, with Republicans attempting to pin the attacks and tragic death on Ambassador Stevens and the Democrats throwing softballs but also decrying the partisan nature of this investigation. Chairman Gowdy's questions were the most interesting in my opinion. He is an experienced prosecutor and I expected him to ask non-partisan questions with truth as the ultimate goal. It wasn't the case. When he was called out by other committee members on the partisanship being displayed he let his emotions get the better of him and at one point responded testily then adjoined before anyone could retort. THIS article is exactly what I thought of the 11+ hour testimony.
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 11
CPT Ahmed Faried - The article you posted is very biased towards the liberal "protect Hillary at all costs" agenda. I also watched the entire hearing and saw bias on both sides, however, the blatant support of the Democrat members towards Hillary, instead of being interested in finding the facts, was very disturbing. To me, the hearing just validated what everybody already knew... Hillary was lying then and she is lying now, and the Democrats simply don't care about it and will do anything to protect her, to include perpetuating the lies.
SGT Jeremiah B.
MSgt (Join to see) - I've heard that but it doesn't make much sense. There was no way to reasonably contain the truth past the first few days. And lets be fair - "It was a terrorist attack and we're going to murder the sons of bitches as soon as we figure out who to point the flashy end at" has always played extremely well with the American public.
MSgt (Join to see)
SGT Jeremiah B.
Most times I find it very difficult to understand what goes through a politicians head at any certain moment. And why they do what they do.
Most times I find it very difficult to understand what goes through a politicians head at any certain moment. And why they do what they do.
SGT Jeremiah B.
MSgt (Join to see) - I'm often convinced there isn't ANYTHING going through their heads.
CPT Ahmed Faried
I'd agree with you on this. If it mattered they'd have stop the political gamesmanship.
MSgt (Join to see)
SSgt Alex Robinson CPT Ahmed Faried
Political posturing or 'gamemanship' happens with all these hearings that look to discredit. Democrats nor Republicans are immune to the fact. It all comes down to a matter of opinion and where your loyalties reside. If you criticize one side for their actions you best look in the mirror because you have done the same. The real losers in this whole affair is the American public and their tax dollars.
Political posturing or 'gamemanship' happens with all these hearings that look to discredit. Democrats nor Republicans are immune to the fact. It all comes down to a matter of opinion and where your loyalties reside. If you criticize one side for their actions you best look in the mirror because you have done the same. The real losers in this whole affair is the American public and their tax dollars.
Sir, I've read other articles on other sites and most have said the same thing that it proved that this was a political based witch hunt with HRM in the middle. It would also appear from the sites I've been to that the McCarthy was only telling the truth, and for someone who's looking "carefully" through emails, didn't get this one. I wanted to read Fox's and Briehart's version so I didn't just get a one sided view, but this makes the third site I've visited today on this, and they all seem to say overall this committees a joke and a waste of taxpayers money. But it's not over till HRM sings.
One thing that bugs the hell out of me and it's not limited to a political side is the importance of a title to show life is worth something. Four people; four AMERICANS died there that day. But it's often written as The Ambassador, a SEAL, and two other "random" dudes died. This bothers me as much as when the MG died in the Stan. He is a service member. Has some more rank on his collar, but he bleeds red just as PVT Schumketelli did when he was killed. I think and believe that the use of titles is only to inflame those who would find fault in anything, even made better if you don't like the current administration. All of those lives meant something to someone, somewhere, and the use of a title to make it seem more "important" is ignorant, immature, and self gratifying. Hence why I won't support BLM or #copslivesmatter when I believe #alllivesmatter equally.
One thing that bugs the hell out of me and it's not limited to a political side is the importance of a title to show life is worth something. Four people; four AMERICANS died there that day. But it's often written as The Ambassador, a SEAL, and two other "random" dudes died. This bothers me as much as when the MG died in the Stan. He is a service member. Has some more rank on his collar, but he bleeds red just as PVT Schumketelli did when he was killed. I think and believe that the use of titles is only to inflame those who would find fault in anything, even made better if you don't like the current administration. All of those lives meant something to someone, somewhere, and the use of a title to make it seem more "important" is ignorant, immature, and self gratifying. Hence why I won't support BLM or #copslivesmatter when I believe #alllivesmatter equally.
MSgt (Join to see)
SSG Warren Swan
Sean Smith who died in the initial assault, was an information management officer with the U S Foreign Service. He had served previously for six years in the Air Force.
Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods both where former Navy Seals and were part of Global Response Staff (GRS) contracted by the CIA. They died in the forth and final assault which was on the annex about a mile away from the main compound.
Sean Smith who died in the initial assault, was an information management officer with the U S Foreign Service. He had served previously for six years in the Air Force.
Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods both where former Navy Seals and were part of Global Response Staff (GRS) contracted by the CIA. They died in the forth and final assault which was on the annex about a mile away from the main compound.
SSG Warren Swan
MSgt (Join to see) - Thank you for this. YOU know the names of each of them, and something about them. You also treated them all equally as men. Why can't all be treated as such?
MSgt (Join to see)
SSG Warren Swan
If you are interested you should check out this book. It is a very interesting read from those who where there.
If you are interested you should check out this book. It is a very interesting read from those who where there.
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