Posted on Mar 1, 2014
VA’s time to resolve disability appeals shoots up, is this fair to our Veterans?
WASHINGTON — The average time for a denied claim to work its way through
the cumbersome Department of Veterans Affairs appeals process shot up
to more than 900 days last year, double the department’s long-term
the cumbersome Department of Veterans Affairs appeals process shot up
to more than 900 days last year, double the department’s long-term
The average time for a denied claim to work its way through the cumbersome Department of Veterans Affairs appeals process shot up to more than 900 days last year, double the department’s long-term tar...
Posted 11 y ago
This is a duplicate discussion. Click below to see more on this topic.
WASHINGTON — The average time for a denied claim to work its way through
the cumbersome Department of Veterans Affairs appeals process shot up
to more than 900 days last year, double the department’s long-term
the cumbersome Department of Veterans Affairs appeals process shot up
to more than 900 days last year, double the department’s long-term
The average time for a denied claim to work its way through the cumbersome Department of Veterans Affairs appeals process shot up to more than 900 days last year, double the department’s long-term tar...
Responses: 2
Here in NC, the Time of an Appeal has actually decreased lately. However, I have talked to two of my friends on the wrong side of the process and both were denied originally and again at the appeals process.
No, lengthy appeals is not fair to anyone, not just vets. Fair and speedy process is something all of us expect and want. I have contacted my congressional representative and Senators. (Not that I think it will do any good since none of them ever served in the Armed Forces and are not really our friends.)
However, I do recommend that if you are getting the runaround, contact your Senators, someday this gridlock will end. Contact your Congressperson too.
SFC Gary (Bigsarge) Portier USARMY RET.
As a last Resort I contacted my Senator and all his office has said so far is . The VA is back logged on responding to Congressional complaints. And I don't think they care either or will help.
CMDCM Gene Treants
Do not give up. Your representative in Congress may be of more help than your Senators. Usually Senators are so full of themselves and so busy making deals they seem to have lost all touch with the people who put them into office. Good luck.
No surprise to me I have one that has been out there somewhere since 2005. Been filing claims since 1998. One more appeal pending, a new case started.
Have not heard anything about either of them as it sits in Seattle WA and I sit in Texas. Just another part of VA that needs reforming and some heads removed. VA turning out bad all the way around. if there's a problem with my claim just talk to me.
Have not heard anything about either of them as it sits in Seattle WA and I sit in Texas. Just another part of VA that needs reforming and some heads removed. VA turning out bad all the way around. if there's a problem with my claim just talk to me.
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