Posted on May 12, 2024
SGT Krisandra Daniels
In 1973 I entered college at age 19 and i enlisted in the Army ROTC program with a 6 year contract for when I graduated. Then in 1975 the United States withdrew from Vietnam and began down sizing the armed forces and that included the Oficer corp and those in the ROTC training program. I was one of those released from mi contract and i did receive a DD214 at that time. I did not thimk of myself as a veteran at that time. Then in 1980 I again enlisted in the Army only this time as an enlisted soldier ant not as an Officer. I did my 6 years and got out as my spouce objected to me reenlisting. Fast track to 2021 when I receive a letter from the American Legion HQ with a membership card and when checking their website , I see they have me listed as a Vietnam Veteran. My question is : I am
i a Vietnam veteran even if I did not put feet on the ground in "Nam? And is it wrong for me to wear a Vietnam Veterans cap?
Edited 5 mo ago
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Responses: 19
COL Randall C.
Edited 5 mo ago
I wonder about the "I received a DD-214 for enrolling in ROTC" statement, but assuming your information is correct, by the legal definition*, you are not.

However, you are a "Vietnam-era Veteran" as you served on active duty (even if it was during training) between August 5, 1964, and May 7, 1975 (for those that weren't "in country").
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
5 mo
SP5 Peter Keane -All of these things bother me a lot less than most people as I am very comfortable with what I did and did not do. Never fired a round outside of a stateside range, never left the wire, and was totally a REMF. I can tell my teens I took care of Taliban and Al Queda and had more interactions with Afghanis than most SM. I have heard the A10 fire it's huge gatling gun and artillery and fireworks do sound very similar. Anyone with better stories, true or made up is welcome to tell them and at the end of the day, I still know what my service meant to others and my nation.
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
5 mo
MAJ Byron Oyler -Brother Byron, I consider you one degree shy of a Saint, Doc!!! And your Father also. I was in the Delta along with the 9th Inf. Div.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 mo
ROTC time does not count as Active Duty and if I counted correctly, had not even completed Advanced Camp. Just being picky. I got my Lottery Number in 1973 (123) and the Draft went away in 1975, the year I would have actually been eligible at 19 1/2. I don't consider myself anything Vietnam related.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
5 mo
SP5 Peter Keane -
Quite Often Someone Says Something I Disagree With, I Notice They're Choking And Can't Seem To Breath, I Have To Ask Myself, "I Wonder If He's Dead, And Whether Or Not I Should Remove My Hands From His Throat"?
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Edited 5 mo ago
SGT Krisandra Daniels Your rank was SPC instead of Cadet PVT so the link below can be used to aid in correcting your profile information.

Being a Vietnam Veteran has been a hard road for many of us. When I see a veteran wearing a Vietnam Veteran cap, I will ask them their branch, where they were in-country and the time period. I do this to see if we humped some of the same ground. I am happy to hear that you will wear a different cap.
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CPT Staff Officer
I think most would draw the line if you were awarded the Vietnam Campaign Ribbon or not on your DD214.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
5 mo
I Served 06/29/1961 ~ 06/10/1965 ~ DURING Vietnam,, NOT In Vietnam ~~ Therefore
I WOULD NOT Consider Myself To Be A "Vietnam Veteran"
Because I "AIN'T" Never Even BEEN There....
~~ It's An "EARNED And HONORED TITLE" ~ And I Simply DID NOT Earn It.~~
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
5 mo
You said it all
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