Posted on Apr 12, 2021
SSG(P) Engineer
Has anyone seen the story out of Virginia about 2LT Caron Nazario. I'm looking for some feedback on his actions and the police reactions. Is this acceptable conduct for an officer in the US Military Has anyone else had this kind of interaction?
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Responses: 88
SSG Edward Tilton
As a former police officer I believe the Officers created the problem and then mishandled it
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
3 y
As a retired officer I am shocked at thepolice officers. It appears half of them are not fit for the job and half of the remainder are poorly trained. The Police Unions are in the grip of the Republicakaan Trumpees.

The rich don’t want Law Enforcement, they want thugs to protect their loot
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MAJ Deputy S1
I watched that video when it was first made available. I was incensed. I was angry. I was disheartened. I would have been confused, too, if I were that young man. The commands of the VA Police officers involved were confusing and contradictory. Neither of them was in charge of the situation yet both of them acted like they were in charge. One officer would give a contradictory command to the other officer and the other officer would inappropriately escalate the situation because HIS commands weren't being obeyed. I would have been scared for my life had that been me.

I don't know what led up to that altercation (there are two sides to every story), but what I did see was unprofessional and the VA Officers involved were borderline hysterical (not in the funny, ha ha sense but the deriving from or affected by uncontrolled extreme emotion sense). Neither of them had control of the situation and each was overcompensating.

I wonder how many other drivers those two have done this to and have been found "justified" in their actions because there was no camera recording the incident.

In my humble opinion, 2LT Nazario did absolutely nothing wrong. In fact, he did everything right. He pulled over into a lit area for everyone's safety, he tried to obey their orders, and when he was confused he expressed that confusion explicitly.
SSgt Ian Arnold
SSgt Ian Arnold
>1 y
There's a reason they fired the scumbag.
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MSG Clyde Mills
Edited 3 y ago
Alas, but if you go back and do more research, he was pulled over just 2 weeks prior for the exact same thing by another Police Dept. for the exact same thing. I don't condone the actions of the Windsor Police Dept. Officer's at all and the one who maced the Lt. should have and was fired. But this Lt. was warned about the Tinted windows of the Van and having the Temporary License Plate in the window which could barely be seen was a bad choice. He should just put it in the normal License Plate Holder and no more issues would arose about the Temp Tag. But in fact it did just a few weeks later indeed in Windsor.
SSgt Ian Arnold
SSgt Ian Arnold
>1 y
MSG Clyde Mills lt did what most LEOs prefer. Slowed to indicate compliance and pulled into a safe, well-lit area. KKKop immediately went in the offensive. Screaming commands. Sergeant countermanded KKKop’s commands.

Lt did nothing wrong. If you think he did, maybe your command needs to take a look at you.
MSG Clyde Mills
MSG Clyde Mills
>1 y
SSgt Ian Arnold - Good lord man, the cop was wrong and the Lt. was wrong for not fixing the Temp. Tag from the window to the regular License Plate Holder where it should have went in the first place. He had already had another Traffic Stop 2 weeks earlier and warned about the Temp. Tag not being Visible thru the tinted windows on the van. So all in all if he'd of followed the directive from the prior Stop. This stop by the Tyrant cop would never have happened. If you can't understand this from all I've typed, then maybe you have the Rose colored Glasses on and can't see the bigger picture from the whole Incident.
SSgt Ian Arnold
SSgt Ian Arnold
>1 y
MSG Clyde Mills - Totally get that the Lt had a brain fart. We've all done it. Like reminding yourself to replace your windshield wiper blade then realizing you haven't done it when it rains. Maybe the Lt should have called 911 and asked for the desk sergeant or shift command to respond--but that might have gotten him shot.
SSG(P) Engineer
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
What position of my has been race based ? SSgt Ian Arnold
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PO2 Jeffery Reiser
Edited 3 y ago
In my "Opinion"... This Junior Officer had a chip on his shoulder and was looking for a confrontation so he could demonstrate his "Superiority" and get his minute(s) of fame and notoriety on social media. He was using his position and rank in the military as an excuse to get out of a possible ticket which further escalated the whole situation unnecessarily but he was caught up in the current political environment and trying to make a name for himself. Many law enforcement officers have served in the military and are veterans themselves. If this officer had taken the time to recognize that, he could have de-escalated the whole situation. The officers explained this at the end of the traffic stop. They cut him a break but he was intent on suing anyway otherwise why would he have taken the time to meticulously place his camera in a position where it could capture everything. The average person does not do this. My "advice", Just comply and let them do their job and everyone goes home. Instead, he was looking to create a conflict and his conduct was just Deplorable! Instead of being reprimanded by his Command and others, he was applauded for his "Bravery and Conduct" further, he was commended by the CSM of the Army. If this is the way today's military conduct themselves then I would be ashamed to serve. This conduct was never tolerated by any branch of the service during my time in the military and our officer corps was always held to a higher standard than our enlisted personnel. Cancel culture, politics and fear have all entered into the arena and are running rampant throughout the service. This officer brings much shame to the uniform and those who wear it! It is not to be used as a bargaining chip at the poker table. I spent my time serving in both the Army National Guard and Active Duty Navy not to mention 26 years in the fire service 12 of which I was a Company Officer and Chief Officer. I have been stopped by law enforcement a few times and never used my position as a means to get out of a traffic stop. If I did something that warranted a traffic stop the I took my licks just as any other citizen and had my day in court. My advice to young troopers, sailors and airman... Comply with the lawful orders of a law enforcement officer. You don't have to like it or agree with it but the street is never the place to have your argument. You'll get your day in court be it civilian or military and in that setting you can argue your case. If you win, you will leave with not only the apology of the court but the officer as well. If not, play stupid games... win stupid prizes.
SSgt Ian Arnold
SSgt Ian Arnold
>1 y
He drove to a well lit area. Less than 2 minutes after being hit with the red light. Crazy cop with a gun in his hand threatens to shoot him and tells him he's gonna ride the white lightning. Crazy cop is sc

reaming commands at him and the other cop is countermanding them. The Lt didn't know whether to shit or go blind.

There's a reason the chief fired the overly aggressive cop.

And as far as positioning the dash-cam, every black or brown person I know who has one does the same thing. It's gotten more than one bullshit charge dropped.

I'm white and I've done it when the one dirty cop in my little town pulled me over. He's well-known for "malfunctions" on his body cam and tends to run up the charges.

In my case, he pulled me over for no front plate, but he'd been cruising the bar & grill where I was eating dinner and recognized the car as having been parked at the curb. The anger and frustration he evidenced when I was passing the field sobriety test with flying colors was starting to scare me. Then an off-duty cop pulled up and told him to get his ass to the major incident like dispatch kept telling him.

Turns out he was so busy trying to decide how to stitch me up he ignored calls of multiple stabbing victims just a few blocks away.
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LT Tom Grugle
The number of people here (and elsewhere) proclaiming that one should comply with all police orders, lawful or not, is alarming.
SrA James Cannon
SrA James Cannon
3 y
Your suggestion that folks should buck the police is even more alarming.
SSG Fred Angelo
SSG Fred Angelo
>1 y
who said to comply with an unlawful order? But why resist inflating the situation and risk harm, unless it would result in you harming others.
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Capt Raymond Lewis
I feel that the liberal media and public just look for ways to make law enforcement officers look bad. Our local TV stations routinely show what some officer did in some state far distant from us. When you consider that we are a nation of over 350 million people, you must realize that law enforcement officers are constantly involved with an altercation someplace at all times. Would you risk your life for less than $40,000 a year? The military may not pay as much to some, but you do have food, clothing, health and lodging provided. I have noticed that many times the video shown has been edited to only show what the officer "supposedly" did wrong. Many of the "victims" are hardened criminals out on bond for another crime they committed and are awaiting court date. I wish that these LEO bashers would start riding with these officers during high crime time and in dangerous areas. They may start having a different opinion as to who is doing the abuse. Just think what would happen if all law enforcement officers quit at the same time. Just call you local liberal news person to come to your aid. Just remember, don't roll the dice if you can't pay the price. I am sure I will be labeled a racist for my opinion, but I was an auxiliary police officer for 20 years and have seen what really happens.
PO2 Jeffery Reiser
PO2 Jeffery Reiser
3 y
I agree Captain, the video that was edited for release by the "Drive-by-media" was only that which supported the narrative that they wanted to push... If people had taken the time to watch the whole four minute video you would have seen a much different situation play out. But after all, we live in a country that now makes martyrs out of common criminals and vilifies the ones whom we ask to keep the peace.
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Sgt David Scott
The Law Officer could have handled it better, however a 2nd Lt should have acted completely different, scared, wow wouldn't he be a good one to go into battle with, scared, WAIT, he is only a 2nd Lt, we called them "Butter Fingers" as most of them had to be told how to walk and chew gum. Sad for the PD Officer, but he did over react, possibly more of a "pissing" contest you might say.
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LTC Bob Hattler
I was standing next to my disabled Rent a car, and a police car stopped to help me, Ltc in uniform. I had picked up a rag from the litter on the ground and checked the oil. There was none. I dropped the rag on the ground where I found it. The officer ordered me to pick it up. I did not like the insult, but he had the gun. Maybe the young man had served in VN and did not like Army officers. This young man abused his authority and is an example of a bad policeman. He probably would have enjoyed sticking it to a person of some rank. Sometimes you just have ignore a piss ant.
Ltc Bob Hattler
USA Ret.
PO1 Timothy Strunk
PO1 Timothy Strunk
3 y
So just to get this straight. You picked up litter and used it and then you threw it back down on the ground. The officer was right to ask you to pick it up as you took possession of the rag when you picked it up making the rag now yours. You are lucky you weren't sited for littering which the officer would have been in his legal right to do. You really didn't think this comment out before you posted it now did you?
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
3 y
PO1 Timothy Strunk - Do you really need to be rude here man?
PO1 Timothy Strunk
PO1 Timothy Strunk
3 y
How was I rude by pointing out a fact?
MSG Clyde Mills
MSG Clyde Mills
>1 y
Why would you pick up a piece of litter to use to check your Oil, then throw the litter back on the ground. Once you pick up the litter it now becomes your responsibility to dispose of said litter after using it to check your oil. The guy who replied to your comment was not being rude, he was being truly honest and asking a question. You being a LTC. have the personal responsibility to set examples for all who see your actions. Of which the Police Officer saw you throw the litter back on the ground. The Officer didn't see you pick up the litter from the beginning. He in fact could have given you a citation for littering if he wanted to push the issue. But he didn't and he was being nice by picking up the litter you threw on the ground. Which was totally wrong on your part.
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PO3 Tamara LeMay
I concur.
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1SG Billye Jackson
No! Or For anyone else!
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