Posted on Apr 12, 2021
SSG(P) Engineer
Has anyone seen the story out of Virginia about 2LT Caron Nazario. I'm looking for some feedback on his actions and the police reactions. Is this acceptable conduct for an officer in the US Military Has anyone else had this kind of interaction?
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Responses: 88
Sgt Jay Jones
Unless you are a Black Man and fully understand our fear of being stopped by Law enforcement, I really don’t feel that question is relevant. I seriously doubt they would have drawn their service weapons if the Lieutenant was white!
Just for the record I am the son of a Police Officer. My father was on the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department for 27 years. I use to pray that he would come home. I now have six grandchildren, three boys and three girls. I now pray that they don’t ever have to deal with law enforcement officers in any capacity.
CW4 Information Protection Technician
CW4 (Join to see)
3 y
Maj Pat Dominic - Totally agree with your comment and regardless of what is depicted in the media, yearly; hundreds of thousands of minorities have experienced vehicle stops without issue and prejudice.
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
3 y
CW4 (Join to see) - you are absolutely correct. There are hundreds possible thousands of police/minorities encounters that end peaceably. However, it’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. All it takes is one or two officers whom you would qualify as “bad” to add to the perception that some police officers are out of control.
SrA James Cannon
SrA James Cannon
3 y
He demonstrated the fear that you claim he, you, and all black people have of law enforcement by standing up to the man. He demonstrated contempt, not fear. There is a difference.
LCpl Sidney Green
LCpl Sidney Green
3 y
Would you care to give us an example of that contempt.
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SFC Intelligence Analyst
Edited 3 y ago
Edit - if this incident happened in Dec (as someone stated) then this didn't apply as it didn't exist yet in law. But good to know for the future if this were to happen again.

In Virginia: "A law enforcement officer must have a reasonable suspicion that a traffic infraction occurred or was committed by the driver or there is a violation of public law. The trigger for the stop is a reasonable suspicion that the person did something wrong. The officer turns on the lights and may use the siren to signal to the driver to pull over to the side of the road. The person should try to find a reasonable stop as soon as possible to avoid the appearance of eluding the officer."

The person should try to find a REASONABLE STOP. He was in no way eluding the officer. He, from what I have read, drove slowly with his hazards on until he got to the gas station and pulled in. That's what else I found: "A driver can let the officer know they are looking for a safe place to pull over by slowing down, and turning on their blinker or flashers. That signals to the officer that the driver is aware the officer signaled them to pull over and they are trying to find a safe spot to do so. Typically, turning on the emergency lights or the blinker signals to the officer that the driver got the message and is proceeding to find a safe spot to pull over."

I have heard that from multiple police precincts across the country as well. So why are they advising people to pull over somewhere they feel safe and then this happens?

Oh I found this too:

21 March 2021 is the date on this article.

"New legislation taking effect Monday makes it harder for authorities in Virginia to pull over drivers.

Several minor infractions, while still illegal, can no longer be the primary reason police stop you while you’re driving."

"An expired inspection or registration sticker can only get you pulled; however, it has to be at least four months late. The legislation lists more changes here."

They can't even pull you over for an expired registration tab unless it's FOUR MONTHS overdue. They claim they stopped him because he had no plates - but he had a temp tag. Hmm.

SO what the cops did was illegal. Not him. He did NOTHING wrong.
SSG(P) Engineer
SSG(P) (Join to see)
3 y
SFC (Join to see) - It was meant as sarcasm sorry if you didn't gather that with your eyes rolling and all.
I was trying to discuss in a way to help myself understand what if any could have made the outcome for all in this situation more favorable and less incendiary. I was trying to understand if my feelings that he could have done things differently were warranted. I do still believe there is some questionable actions that the LT made that elevated the response. That being said after some of the view points made here today that the overaction by LE were also of an escalating manner instead of de-escalating. For all of those comments I am thankful.
As far as your mostly emotional and absolute evaluation... it serves no positives. If you don't understand what an AAR is suppose to accomplish (A process for analyzing what happened, why it happened, and how it can be done better) then I can't help you. The Instagram reference was in response to your grammar/spelling correction as if it contributed to the discussion on some juvenile level. (My way of saying "like totally leave it on Instagram like for sure OMG"! in my best valley girl voice. w/ *eye roll and hair flip)
TSgt Chuck Mankin
TSgt Chuck Mankin
3 y
Not displaying a tag is probable cause for a traffic stop. Continuing to drive even slowly is considered fleeing. Yes he had a valid reason but at the time the officer could only assume he was fleeing. This caused it to turn into a felony traffic stop. Yes their tactics were poor as only 1 officer should issue commands, however. He refused to exit the vehicle and got pepper sprayed.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
SSG(P) (Join to see) - Here's what should have happened.

The cops claim they didn't see any plates or the temp tag. Once they walked up to the vehicle and saw it (which they claim is the reason for the stop) what SHOULD have happened is the officer saying "I thought you didn't have any plates but I now see your temp tag. Sorry to bother you, have a nice day."
SFC Intelligence Analyst
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
TSgt Chuck Mankin - He had a temporary tag in the back window that everyone can see in the video. How could they not see it once they go closer? So IF that was the reason for the stop, once they saw that, the stop is now illegal.

He didn't "flee." He drove to a safe place AS HAS BEEN RECOMMENDED BY MULTIPLE PRECINCTS AROUND THE COUNTRY! It's even in driver manuals to pull over as soon as safely possible. That's driver's ed 101.

He didn't refuse to exit - he was given conflicting commands. "Keep your hands up!" "Get out of the car!" But has on his seatbelt and asks to remove it they say keep up your hands, get out of the car. What the hell would you do if you got conflicting commands in a traffic stop?
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SGT Military Police
No the 2ND LT. Should have been punished for his actions. If an enlisted soldier would have acted like that they would have been in alot of trouble.
The LT did not follow lawful orders. He resisted. As a retired MP and Civilian Police officer the LT. Should have pulled over right away and the followed the officers commands.

He Failed to follow a lawful command, and failed to yield. If he didn't feel safe and wanted to pull over in a lighted area like he claims. Then he should have followed any order by the police officers when he stopped.

The LT. Is a total disgrace!
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PO1 Timothy Strunk
The 2nd Lt was absolutely in the wrong and as I see many comments here basically saying this was all because of the officers skin color let's keep in mind that it was dark out and most likely the officers didn't even know what his skin color was.

The 2nd Lt should have fully corruperated with the officer from the get go and represented his uniform/service disgracefully.

You can bet if the officer was Caucasian no one would be defending him and he would have been facing charges back on post once his command found out about him being in corruperated with local police.
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CW4 Information Protection Technician
A good video response about the situation.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
I blame the policeman. He was aggressive from the get go with his pistol. He accelerated the ROE.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
First the world does not spin in psychiatry’s axis. It has been my experience psychiatrists want know how u feel in order to find drugs to “improve” your feelings and behavior. They have no desire to tell us how to heal with PTSD. So we still don’t have a plan. Well guess what, many of the psychologists takes stabs trying to heal people, but many have very little understanding of PTSD. Many therapists don’t know how our minds change. I hope we cans a 792306:CPT Richard Fematt]
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
U need to stop that guilt. Let’s talk later. CPT Richard Fematt
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
Guilt is an anchor that impedes progress. Cut the chains and be free. U know it is hard to forgive yourself but u must. Let’s talk with more privacy. Let me try to talk with you. ~527810:MAJ Ken Landgren]
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
3 y
It’s hard to get mad at you because I like eloquence. CPT Richard Fematt
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SMSgt David A Asbury
Thanks for sharing, Happened Dec 2020, why so late coming to the news? Who released the story?
MAJ Ronnie Reams
MAJ Ronnie Reams
3 y
A civil suit was just filed and media picked up on that.
SMSgt David A Asbury
SMSgt David A Asbury
3 y
Anything to take away from the border!
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
3 y
SMSgt David A Asbury - your hypothesis is that the decades long history of systematic Law Enforcement misconduct against minorites is actually a part of a secret plot to distract us from migrants at the border?
TSgt Chuck Mankin
TSgt Chuck Mankin
3 y
He is hoping to use the Chauvin trial to use this for a pay day!
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SSG David Brandgard
I actually sent an email to his unit requesting he be brought up on charges, and be separated. Its been a while since it happened so I don't remember all my points and the articles that outlined each offense. But basically, conduct unbecoming was one of the biggest issues.
How can he be trusted to lead troops if he can't follow simple instructions as well as follow known rules and laws.
SSG(P) Engineer
SSG(P) (Join to see)
3 y
This was exactly my feeling on the whole thing from the beginning. Thanks for your comment.
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MSgt Mike DiSanto
Why did the 2LT have a goatee? Isn't that out of uniform? That would be one reason to assume that he was not in the service.....
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CPL Thomas Kendra
Does it matter that when a police officer engages in any situation that they must remain in charge. That means once engaged and the situation requires someone to step out of the vehicle. That is what needs to happen before they moves on. I would assume that the police officer is creating a safe environment for themselves and taking away the opportunity for some one to assault them with a hidden weapon stashed inside the car. Remember there has been over 100 police officers killed in line of duty this year.
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