Posted on Apr 23, 2016
LTC Student
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Responses: 33
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
After Darby Phase and Desert Phase I could have eaten a blueberry turd and it would have been delicious. I am sure they are probably nasty but, I enjoyed the hell out of them!
CPT David Jones
CPT David Jones
9 y
We went to the Mountains straight out of Darby and then Florida, and Dugway last. But those pancakes were freaking awesome. I swear one of our class was kicked out when they found he had stuffed some pancakes is his cargo pockets after pulling KP. Of course, with the Mountains being only the second phase of 4, we didn't know what real hunger was yet...
SFC Jerry Goings
SFC Jerry Goings
6 y
That's no shit
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CPT Senior Instructor
LOL, this is one of the biggest mysteries of Ranger School. I think I am a borderline expert on this. After completing Mountains Phase I wasn't satisfied so I went back through Mountains to validate my opinion on these Pancakes, or it could have been patrols. Either way I thought they were the best thing ever made. But what I have heard is that they are not good at all. So I would do think hunger had something to do with it. But still I think they were good.
1SG William T. Wade III
1SG William T. Wade III
9 y
MAJ David Vermillion - Did they even let you guys eat in Ranger school back in 69? I thought 69 was the last hard Ranger School?
MAJ David Vermillion
MAJ David Vermillion
9 y
I was so tired, wet and hungry that I don't how I made it through Ranger School. Truly grueling and challenging in every way. I don't remember any nice acts of kindness like eating pancakes as a tradition.
1LT James Teener
1LT James Teener
>1 y
Class 14-70. As I recall, the food at all of the mess halls, Darby, Mountain, and Eglin, was great. Trouble was, we were at camp in the mountains for less than a week, then on 2 C-rations/day until we were bussed back to Darby. Had one good meal there, caught up on sleep on the bus ride to Eglin (I'm not airborne qualified, nor was the rest of my platoon) then had, I think, four days at Eglin Base before we went back out again, this time on one LRRP pack per day. Yep, hungry, tired and wet covers it. Graduation Day was one of steaks and ice cream, and sleep.
CPT Senior Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
1LT James Teener - I recall when I got out of the school house and went to a buffet. After one plate I was stuffed and passed out in a food coma.
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LTC Brad Lord / PMP
I will always believe they were the best! A little piece of heaven in a very challenging place. May the Ranger mountain blueberry pancakes continue to provide just that perfect bit inspiration for all Ranger students.
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