Posted on Jun 22, 2021
What are the entitlements for TDY en route when my dependents are staying at my current duty station until my reassignment?
I will be heading to Fort Gordon for a Reclass, and was curious on what entitlements I would be eligible for. I intend on driving there and back, but leaving the family back in Bliss as the class is only just over 2 months so its not eligible for a dependant move. Any additional insight would be helpful.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
You'll be authorized the cost of a plane ticket there and back. Food and lodging should be provided for you.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
SFC (Join to see) - Thank you, this will be my end goal once I get off block leave. Hopefully our S1 won't lose the paperwork, which has been happening quite frequently unfortunately right now so I always have copies of everything I do. I just hope I recieve my follow on assignment before I get there but starting to wonder now, either way I'll be prepared.
SFC (Join to see)
SGT(P) (Join to see) - You will receive your follow on assignment 120 days prior to class start. You cannot go to your class until you have a follow on assignment because you are going TDY enroute. In order to go enroute, you must be enroute to your PCS assignment. In order to get it paid for you must have a 1610, in order to have that you must have your orders. Don't go to school without your 1610 or you will have a big finance mess to clean up afterwards
SGT(P) (Join to see)
SFC (Join to see) hopefully I will be coming down soon, the 120 day mark just passed at the beginning of the month. The family had to update EFMP and now looks like there's a possibility of staying here due to some of the new items but now its the waiting game on the outcome, HRC sent them an inquiry so I should hear something fairly soon. I just like forward planning, but with the Army I know it's not always possible.
SFC (Join to see)
SGT(P) (Join to see) what will almost certainly happen is that your family will stay and you'll go to Korea. Even if you get orders back it will be to a different brigade. In ten years I've only seen HRC return someone to the same post once. You aren't authorized to return to your brigade because your brigade didn't fund the training.
If you already hit your 120 days then you need to go to your Career Counselor and ask them to submit your training follow on request
If you already hit your 120 days then you need to go to your Career Counselor and ask them to submit your training follow on request
If you get to you can drive to Gordon in your car. Which they will probably allow you since it will be cheaper than renting a car for two months and a plane ticket. You will get per diem for how ever many days it take base on 350 miles per day driving and your should get $.56 a mile for the trip as well. That’s what I did when I went to SLC and had to prove that getting a rental would be more than taking my POV.
A mileage allowance for using a privately owned vehicle (POV) for local, TDY, and PCS travel is reimbursed as a rate per mile in lieu of reimbursement of actual POV operating expenses. The following rates are the TDY mileage rates for the three POV types (Car, Motorcycle, and Airplane) and the PCS monetary allowance in lieu of transportation rate for which the government provides a mileage allowance. The Other Mileage Rate is used in certain...
I realize that many things have changed in the years since I was in the military, but when I was in, you were not authorized to use that car to leave the training facility during that two month training cycle. So the car will be sitting there taunting you and you will not be allowed to even go to it... Also, if your cost to drive is more than the cost of an airline ticket, you will only get the cost of the airline ticket, so you could come up short. Things may be different now...
SGT(P) (Join to see)
I thought about this scenario as well being in a TRADOC environment. We had some prior service when I was going through AIT so I had the idea of taking mine, not being the biggest fan of flying and 91B AIT is actually a hair bit longer than what I'm going for now. It's not a deathly fear, just don't care for it if I have the option to drive so I can enjoy the scenery.
SPC Donald Moore
SGT(P) (Join to see) - Another thing came to mind. When I was leaving service, I was on terminal leave, they made me submit a travel plan and I was only allowed to drive for 8 hours a day, if I recall correctly, so that might be something to think about. It could make the drive take more time.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
I've had to do that a few times, but until I had to leave Stewart I never worried too much since ive always been coming from OCONUS until then. 5 days were slotted and paperwork wise it took all "5" days.
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