Posted on Aug 16, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
I can't say I'm surprised that this is all happening. Right now I'm just sad and frustrated.
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Responses: 536
SPC Kathryn Bostwick
How our government pulled out of Afghanistan and Iraq was ridiculous! There's a right way and a wrong way. What they did was the wrong way! The government dishonored every life that was lost in the war! All the money and time that we invested in Afghanistan was wasted.
SPC Edward Drain
SPC Edward Drain
3 y
and NO Plans were made to help the women left stuck there!
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Maj Chris Nelson
I will apologize in advance for this lengthy post.... I am trying to put things into perspective for me... and maybe help you understand if I answer something else and it comes off "poorly"... As you may/may-not know, I have stomped around for a lot of years in the military... Germany, all over the USA, Operation Desert Shield/Storm (1990/91), Operation Iraqi Freedom (2008), and Operation Enduring Freedom (2010/11). Desert Storm, I was a Medic in the Army... Drove an Army Ambulance all over Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. In Iraq, I was an RN, taking care of a few Americans and Coalition Forces, but also LOTS of Innocent Iraqi citizens that were in the wrong place/wrong time and got caught in market place bombings and such.... In Afghanistan, I became Invested. I went over as an RN with the job of Mentor. Liaison. Teacher.

In 2010, I went to Combat Skills Training (as an Air Force Guy that used to be Army... it was back to "ARMY TRAINING SIR!"). It also included such things as Afghan Culture. Afghan Language....well, sorta. Afghanistan is TRIBAL. Has MANY languages. One thing I learned is that, at that time, Dari had been designated the "official" language of Education. I also learned that Pashtu was the most universally known language.... however, there were many more all over the country. Also learned was that Marco Polo and other traders had used Trade Routes...both East/West and North/South that had intersected in what is now known as Afghanistan. This region has been under upheaval/fighting for hundreds or thousands of years. Also of note... Afghanistan has no port. It is landlocked. the infrastructure is what any Tribal country would have... minimal. Ring Road or Highway that goes all the way around it, a defunct railroad system that is broken, limited water...the list goes on.

I started off being a "Corps and Below" advisor for logistics. I traveled to all the major headquarters bases across the country. I saw American dollars and Foreign aid EVERYWHERE. Money, products, training, knowledge.... we were sharing it freely with the Afghans. Medical supplies...what they thought was "normal" wouldn't even be adequate for a Quick Trip after hours medicine supply. We helped build clinics, helped manage and facilitate supplies...getting them out of stockpiles in a warehouse and into the places they were needed. We trained PEOPLE.

My second position, about 2 months later, became my greatest achievement. I became a Clinical Nursing Instructor for the Afghan Army and Afghan Police School of Nursing. I left the safety of our compound every day. I went to THEIR facility and I interacted with THEM. I was part of a team that taught prospective students to become NURSES. I also assisted a bit with their first ever look at a Physicians Assistant program. I worked with 30 male students and 6 female students. I ended up helping to proctor a test to over 600 Afghan people that were applying to their NEXT cycle of nursing students. This was VERY rewarding and resulted in me being a University Instructor for 2 College of Nursing programs upon my return. I worked with the students, I worked with my limited language skills, their limited English, and a number of Interpreters. These people, while not family, became like extended family while I was there.

In the last few weeks, we have seen what I feel is long over-due, but POORLY executed withdraw from Afghanistan. I have always said that either we A. need to leave. or B. need to be prepared to be involved 100% for the next 100 years (similar to Germany and Japan after WW2). Their Culture and the American people would not be willing for the option B. I knew in 2011 that we would need to leave. I was hoping that the training and equipping of the Afghan people would provide some resolve to improve upon that which we had helped them with.

The current political administration, the military advisors that are currently at the highest levels, AND the Media now come into play.

Political Administration: your lack of understanding is astounding. Unlike every football and baseball team, you project your actions well ahead of the action. Have you EVER heard of the saying "Loose lips sink ships"?? How about OPSEC? Identifying what you are planning to do in advance, allows EVERYONE to stack the deck ahead of you. Do NOT think that the Taliban will play on your rules. Planning sucks, execution sucks, and whoever the hell supplies your information and I will leave it here as I would be very easily drawn to drawing this downhill.....LOTS.

Military Advisors: YOU are too focused on your career and doing what is right for YOU. Sucking up to politicians, anything to get that next star.... Yes people.... you are not willing to look at things objectively...and obviously, have not done so for a VERY long time.

MEDIA: WTF??!! In your "entitled", "Self-serving", Gotta-have-it-first mentality, you doom any/every military mission and state secret known to the USA. The "PEOPLE" do NOT have a need to know.... until AFTER the action. ESPECIALLY if it involves lives of our service members and local nationals that have worked with us. The blood of hundreds/thousands is on your hands. No exceptions.

Let's put this in perspective. Politicians, DOD Leadership, Media....YOU SUCK. DO your JOB. Media....stay OUT of the way.

I have recently found out that one of my female nursing students was killed by Taliban. Another is trying desperately to get out of country..... How does THAT make you sleep? sorry.... I am in Afghanistan or Iraq every night.... I don't sleep...well.... This mess was so poorly planned, executed AND OPSEC was broken (at only the highest levels, as anyone lower rank would be crucified), that it makes me sick.

OUR NATION'S LEADERSHIP FAILED. I want to hear NOBODY talking about Human Rights..... WE FAILED.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited 3 y ago
I don't comment on RP as much as I once did, but THIS debacle brought me back.
I am beside myself angry. But my reasons may be different than others.

I have actually been involved in a NEO (evacuation of US citizens) in South Sudan. The principle is simple - you know where your citizens are, and you go get them and bring them to safety. Thanks to the absolutely brutal planning of our leaders, we pulled out of every airfield in Afghanistan BEFORE evacuating the personnel, interpreters, and other elements, thus leaving them abandoned and told to shelter in place.
And we have to put in thousands of troops just to secure the airport in Kabul, but not really, because hundreds of civilians storm the field to try and desperately cling to departing aircraft as they take off... some falling to their deaths. If the Taliban do the same thing using the crowds as shield, we will have an American bloodbath on our hands, not just an Afghan one.

Meanwhile, we have every commander's dream - for the first time in years, we have the Taliban moving in the open on the roads. A target-rich environment. The reaction was either leadership paralysis (AKA incompetence) or willingly watching it happen (AKA, you are heartless, useless people who only give lip service to human rights). Either way, a damning indictment of the leadership in place.

I have been trying to discern why we remained in Afghanistan for the better part of a decade. Withdrawal IS the right thing to do. But this shit show was wholly preventable, is a national embarrassment, and much of the WH team is on vacation for the whole thing.
What a clusterfuck.
I can't think of a situation in all of military history that had a major power routed in such a way. The Soviets took months. Saigon took more than two years.
This will live in infamy for longer than any of us will be around to see. Our enemies are no doubt sharpening their bayonnets as I type this.

This will be an orgy of retribution, torture and death for many months as these animals settle scores. If our intelligence wasn't aware of that, heads should roll.

To my brothers and sisters who fought and sacrificed there, I want you to know that you did your job, and did it right. You made a difference to a lot of people. You avenged 9/11. You are an amazing group of warriors, and I am proud of you.

To the leaders that presided over this, may your shame forever follow you.
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CSM Charles Hayden
SSG Carlos Madden Big Army does not want to allow nor support Special Forces in working with the villagers as described in MAJ Jim Gant’s, “ONE TRIBE A TIME”!

The State Department could not control the rampant corruption of Afghan officials that stole money from Afghan Force payrolls, diverted supplies and gasoline, from Afghan Forces. Those poor people, trained by us or not could not prop up a puppet government if Beans, Bullets and some compensation did not filter down to the shooters!
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MAJ Consultant
My heart goes out to those who supported us for so many years and were left stranded in the middle of this situation. I get to know personally various Afghan citizens. I lost contact with them, now I feel terrible, it is too late to help them. I know America is not the "saviour" of the Afghan people, but it is hard not to feel compassion after working for so many months with these men. May God protect them and their families.
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SFC Michael Peterson
This is a complete and total FAILURE of “leadership” at the highest levels. A friend of mine’s son just deployed for added security for the “evacuation” with an UNZEROED weapon and, my friend had to go buy his son some magazines because his unit didn’t have enough for every Soldier to have a basic load. This whole thing has me VERY PISSED OFF. This is inexcusable!
SPC Chris Ison
SPC Chris Ison
3 y
I do not believe this for a minute.

Firts of all if you know your battle sight zero you can zero a weapon. Mine is 3 down and 7 right. Seocnd, you can "walk the burst" in.

No way they would deploy without magaiznes, every unit has them.
SFC Michael Peterson
SFC Michael Peterson
3 y
SPC Chris Ison - don’t believe it if you want, You’re wrong about “battlesight zero” though. Not every weapon is the same. I’ve had weapons I had to adjust up and, I’ve had weapons I’ve had to adjust down. The same with right and left. They’re not all identical. Although, I’m sure that you gained a wealth of knowledge that allowed you to reach the coveted rank of Specialist.
SPC Chris Ison
SPC Chris Ison
3 y
SFC Michael Peterson - If one has zeroed ones weapon before hand, one has the battle sight zero for that weapon. The only way one has not zeroed ones weapon is of one has arrived at a command and not been issued a weapon yet, and that is my point. Many people think you need to zero a weapon every time you pull it from the armory, because you generally only shoot it on the range, and one always zeroes before qualification, as range conditions can vary, affecting the record qualification. In a good unit you don't need this because you are issued the same weapon. Every unit I have been in, including the National Guard, have "butt stock numbers" on the weapons and you pull the butt stock number assigned to you.

Again you are relying on your rank to try and justify your stupidity. I know for a fact I know more about marksmanship than you do.
SFC Michael Peterson
SFC Michael Peterson
3 y
Well, at least you got one thing right. It has to be a weapon that he has been assigned previously and, zeroed. Guess what? He and the other Soldiers who hadn’t zeroed were all new. When I stated that they didn’t have sufficient magazines for a basic load, that should have given you a hint. You seem to be like so many other career Specialists I have encountered over the years. Nothing you screw up is your fault and, you “assume” a whole lot. Do you need me to break that word down for you?
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SGT Jessica Mcdonough
I can't really describe my feelings except sadness when I saw this. I was there the first time we tried to leave and that didn't end well. I'm not sure of what we accomplished anymore, my fiance was killed 1 month before I got there and I have anger about that and it's come up again. We lost many good soldiers that year and for what? However, despite my fiance dieing and me taking over his spot, it's a year I would never replace. All the trauma and hardships that we went through only made me a stronger soldier. I could prepare my young soldiers with how it actually was. What I saw today on the news though breaks my heart for all the American Soldiers on those planes as I can't imagine how I would feel seeing that and for the people of Afghanistan running like it. Just heartbreaking for all involved.
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SPC Walter Pritzlaff
I'm a Vietnam vet. We sacrficed "...our lives, our fortune, and our sacred honor..." ! in a wasted effort, both in VN and Afghanistan. The 50,000+ guys that died in 'nam and the some 2,500 men and women that lost their lives in these two sickening episodes did not do so in vain. They served in honor and you cannot take that away from them. But it was a price and a loss that did not have to happen. I am all for quick strike teams...If we are attacked or threatened, locate the enemy, get in en masse and kick ass and then get out. Leave these cultures to solve their own damn problems. Instead of killing people in the name of Democracy for god's sake, why don't we try to help countries such as Haiti, currently reeling from another massive earthquake? We need to take a good long look at our priorities. May God help us all. Walt Pritzlaff, VN Vet
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CPT Aaron Kletzing
So many lives lost or destroyed by injury/trauma. Hard to find the words right now…
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
3 y
All mine have four letters
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SSG Glenn Etchart
If We would have kept Bagram Airbase and evacuated everyone from a more secure location. They could have chopper evac to there then flown out with C130's or whatever. But to evac that American's and contractors + those promised safety to the USA from center of town crazy. The worst planning and sacrificing of personnel and property. Having to send in troops to evac is counterintuitive and planners should be removed and tried for incompetence. The entire Biden Harris administration should be giving resignation to be removed from office or impeached. This should have been done off fighting season and on down low but SNAFU
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