Posted on Apr 7, 2016
What do we think about an Expert Soldier Badge?
Soldiers can do EIB and EFMB, but cannot wear those badges unless they are in that field. I think it would be a good idea to have an expert Soldier/Field badge to display proficiency and expertise in being a Soldier.
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 56
Your "Expert Soldier" badge is above your left pocket. It says "U.S. Army." It even comes in various levels and you get another badge, in the middle of your chest, to show which level of "Expert Soldier" you have attained. Congratulations. Yes, I am making fun of your idea.
TSgt Timothy Backstrom
How about others with a mop, or a paintbrush, or an oiler, or a wrench, etc.? Have one for every "specialty" in the service to show pride in your proficiency.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
TSgt Timothy Backstrom - Don't those go on the Bolo Badges? Buffer Bar, Mop bar, Bar-Bar?
TSgt Timothy Backstrom
SFC Ralph E Kelley - "A plumed feather would work ... just saying."
For someone who shows proficiency as a porn movie fluffer?
For someone who shows proficiency as a porn movie fluffer?
Cabbage. I once read a quote about a highly decorated officer in WWI. It went something like this, "He only wore one medal but it was a good one."
COL Jean (John) F. B.
SFC Ralph E Kelley LOL ... My dad, who served 42 years on active duty, and was a very senior officer, once told me that he had a standard answer for civilians who always asked what the various medals and badges stood for. He said that he simply pointed to the top one and said, "I got this one by mistake and I got the rest for getting it".
LTC John Griscom
Knew a SF soldier that told people that is ribbons were for going to Chaplain School.
Successfully completing your training in your MOS signifies you are an expert soldier. No new badge needed. It is easy to forget that not everyone can wear the uniform of an American Soldier, I don't understand why that is not enough to be proud of. If you are measuring your success by how many badges you can clutter on the uniform, you are in the profession for the wrong reason.
LTC (Join to see)
I would say graduating made you and apprentice and demonstrating excellence is actually a good thing, and increasingly rare. Speaking solely for the EFMB, I hear more sour grapes from those that failed to meet the standard than from those you earned it.
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