Now that TCCC is mandated across the force, what have you and your leadership done to ensure you get this right? Dialogue encouraged!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I know that you posted this a while ago, but here is what I have from my foxhole. It is not taken seriously where I am. It's a check the block so slides show more green then red on C&S slides. "TCCC is also only a course you send your "joes" to for a few days and distracting them from what really needs to be done" At least that is the mentality that I am seeing prevail where I am.
My curiosity peaks at why it is that certain Sevices deem it necessary to take an already accredited course, backed by surgical and emergency medical affiliations, evidence based and proven to work on the battlefield, and re-brand it as their own. We already have a Medical Provider course and an All Combatants course, yet certain “services” aren’t happy with the current time requirements, current instructor criteria and have predetermined that certain “roles” have a less likelihood of being “in a tactical situation or see combat”. The entire purpose of moving to TCCC was to have a proven training platform and a standardized “foundation”. Understanding, of course, the services should maintain the right to expand the scope of skills taught if tactically necessary or meet mission requirements, but to water down a proven practice like you’re running out of orange juice results in colored water with very little benefit to the end user. It reminds me of that computer based survival training that is supposed to prepare to evade or resist upon capture, because no one but flight crew has ever really been captured. I gest.
CSM Michael Chavaree
We are building the curriculum at DHA right now for the single standard training. This should not be much of an issue anymore.
The Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) course introduces evidence-based, life-saving techniques and strategies for providing the best trauma care on the battlefield. ... It is the only TCCC course endorsed by the American College of Surgeons.
That being said if your unit can't move the soldier OR the PSG is on his ass trying to 'run' the platoon instead of doing his "Bullets & Beans" it may be too late.
That being said if your unit can't move the soldier OR the PSG is on his ass trying to 'run' the platoon instead of doing his "Bullets & Beans" it may be too late.
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