Posted on Oct 28, 2021
SPC Human Intelligence Collector
I have no negative marks on my record and have been in the army for over two years.
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Responses: 239
SPC Roland Bigby
Why would you not get vaccinated against a contagious virus? That’s a no-brainet
SPC Roland Bigby
SPC Roland Bigby
>1 y
I read up on the mRNA but believe I would need to take an advanced biology course to really understand the ramifications and even after that would probably still not really know. In the face of a pandemic I think it might be a good idea to trust the CDC’s recommendations on such a crucial issue. I don’t fully understand the polio or, smallpox. Or measle vaccines either, but they seem to have been effective. SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
SPC Roland Bigby - As simple as I've ever heard it: A traditional vaccine works SOLELY by putting stuff in the bloodstream and letting the body do its thing. An mRNA vaccine puts stuff into your cells and tricks them into making new proteins, those proteins get out of your cells and THEN the immune system does its thing. It's the injecting something into my body that's going to manipulate the insides of my cells piece that's the problem.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Roland Bigby
SPC Roland Bigby
>1 y
Do whatever you think is right. I know my family and I are vaxxed and boosted, and none of us has gotten sick or grown an extra eye or anything. I'm not here to tell you what to do, but an honorable discharge is really nice in your later years. Whatever type of discharge you get will be less.
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Sgt Earl Neconie
General Discharge Under Honorable Conditions at the most. Not a good career move to disobey an order! Someone is waiting in line to fill your billet...Good Luck!
Sgt Earl Neconie
Sgt Earl Neconie
>1 y
I was referring to those ALREADY in the Army…(He’s already been in over (2) years; not too many E-1 PRIVATES can fill a two-year BILLET)PV2 Doug Woodin
Sgt Earl Neconie
Sgt Earl Neconie
>1 y
PV2 Doug Woodin
My use of the term BILLET; refers to a JOB or POSITION…sorry for any confusion PV2 Woodin! I’m a MARINE without a WAR…
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SP5 William Jones
Don't let the door hit you in the ess on your way out
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SPC Zoe Jane Halo
It’s disobeying a direct order, I’d expect a general as a very best case scenario. Chances are, you just want out and this seems to be an easy out for you.
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SSG Shawn Mcfadden
So what is so different about all the other shots you had to get (typhoid, mmr, yellow fever, smallpox, anthrax,etc.), and the covid vaccine? To be honest, here you are refusing to do your duty and trying to save some kind of face while doing so. I really shouldn't be responding to this post. Why? I did 21 years in the Army, was vaccinated against everything I just mentioned and more, now I'm working for MSC and I'm vaccinated and I'm making arrangements for my booster shot. If you want to loose your benefits over this go right ahead. You "might" get a General discharge, then you have to deal with life as a civilian, and at this point in your life, you’re not prepared for it.
SSG Shawn Mcfadden
SSG Shawn Mcfadden
>1 y
SPC Jeremy A Like you, I took time to look at and research the vaccines. Unlike you, I don't buy into the claim the mrna vaccines are fast-tracked or whatever.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
SSG Shawn Mcfadden -

Fast tracking is only one of my concerns, this is new technology, genetic manipulation and there have been no long term studies even POSSIBLE regarding the insertion of mRNA into our cells OR any possible effect on the phospholipid bi-layer that this vaccine passes through to deliver it's mRNA.
SSG Shawn Mcfadden
SSG Shawn Mcfadden
>1 y
SPC Jeremy A You might want to look at According to that site, the history of mRNA goes back to 1987. Also, take into consideration that the FDA had to approve it's use before people got inoculated. So if you want to question weather the vaccines are safe or not, I suggest you start by asking the FDA whatever questions you want to ask them. Just so you know, all the other vaccines that we had to be injected with when we were in the Army, were approved by the FDA before any of us got stuck.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
SSG Shawn Mcfadden - mRNA goes back to day 3 when God created plants (or when they appeared in the evolutionary timeline, your pick). It wasn't wrapped in a lipid ball for insertion into human cells until a couple of years ago. You'll also want to take a look at the FDA recalls. Just because they say a drug (or vaccine) is good today doesn't mean it's still going to be good tomorrow. As I've said about a hundred times on here, the vaccines we all got 'back in the day' worked differently than mRNA based vaccines, I've NEVER disputed that those were safe. However, you said you've done some research so I'm sure you understand the differences, if you do then your original question has been answered and congratulations, you're informed and can make the choice you feel is best and that's cool with me either way.
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A1C Robert Underwood
Is it a lawful order? If so what would you get for disobeying it?
SrA James Cannon
SrA James Cannon
>1 y
That's a great question. Is it actually and truly a lawful order?
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
Pfizer and Moderna introduce created genetic material (mRNA) that your cells then use to produced a foreign protein which is then released into your bloodstream. This is an entirely NEW technology, method of action and operates at the genetic manipulation level. That's worth a pause to discuss. I don't believe the oath I took authorizes my chain of command to manipulate me at the genetic level.
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A1C Donald Hanes
Grow up!
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SrA George Gomez
I don't understand why anyone would refuse the shot. When I was in many moons ago, there was a swine flu outbreak and it was mandatory to get that shot, the bad reaction rate was 9 out of ten people got sick because of the shot We were not allowed to say no. Seems to me if you expect to make a career of the military, take the shot, if your a one tour wonder, don't take it and let them discharge you.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
NONE of those other shots enter your cells, introduce created genetic material (mRNA) that your cells then use to produced a foreign protein which is then released into your bloodstream. NOT A SINGLE ONE. This is an entirely NEW technology, method of action and operates at the genetic manipulation level. That's worth a pause to discuss. I don't believe the oath I took authorizes my chain of command to manipulate me at the genetic level.
SFC Tracy Donahoo
SFC Tracy Donahoo
>1 y
The influenza shots were not experimental. According to the CDC, their effectiveness is about 50% when well matched against the correct strain. That means if the shot doesn't match the strain then the effectiveness is less than 50%.

mRNA shots have never been tested on humans until sometime last year. They do not work the same as previous vaccines and do not produce immunity nor do they stop the spread of covid.
The claim is that they prevent severe infection, mostly amongst people who already had a low risk of severe infection.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
2 y
HeySRA gomez A lot of us only served one tour and we are just as important as the lifers. Some of us can think for ourselves and don't need a big brother babysetter to tell us how to live.Maybe you do, I certainly dont.This is from a Vietnam Army vet.
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PO2 Ma Her
Idk, but I'd love to see you soon on Reddit's r/HermanCainAwards

All you anti-vaxxers are giving me so much joy. Seeing otherwise intelligent people willing to die like medieval peasants it's beautiful.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
BEHOLD! The tolerant, accepting, free to be you and me!
SFC Tracy Donahoo
SFC Tracy Donahoo
>1 y
Royal Carribean Cruise lines reported 48 covid cases on a recent cruise.
47 of the 48 were fully vaccinated. All crew members and 95% of passengers were vaccinated.
And the list goes on and on and on...
So much for the vaccine preventing covid.

You go on believing you're safe. Go on.
SPC Jeremy A
SPC Jeremy A
>1 y
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SPC Jeremy A
Edited 7 mo ago
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