Posted on Oct 28, 2021
SPC Human Intelligence Collector
I have no negative marks on my record and have been in the army for over two years.
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Responses: 239
PO1 Todd B.
None, get an attorney and state your intent to legally fight it in court. Get an injunction to stop discharge until the courts fully settle the issue. That's why there are now MANY lawsuits happening and one state Supreme Court just found it all unconstitutional, today in fact..

There are 11 actual laws that make it illegal to force any US Military to partake experimental anything. And this vaccine IS STILL fully listed as experimental only.

The last law against forcing military to take experimental anything, was ratified in 2017. Certain people in the biden admin are using coercion and threats to scare people into taking this vaccine. And now the courts are speaking out finally. There is news today in fact on that State Supreme Court ruling.

And before some trolls come in here and try to refute all of it, take note most of them are trolls here in these forums and not real military.
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MSG Transportation Senior Sergeant
"Any discharge of a servicemember on the sole basis that the member failed to obey a lawful order to receive a vaccine for COVID-19 shall be an honorable discharge, or a general discharge under honorable conditions."
MSG Transportation Senior Sergeant
MSG (Join to see)
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Full Disclosure: I have received the two-dose Pfizer vaccine, plus three (3) Pfizer booster doses, Booster # 3 being the latest version.
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SPC Concrete and Asphalt Equipment Operator
Everyone saying you have taken every other vaccine. This is not a traditional vaccine. I never heard of MRNA vaccine before. I never seen a vaccine with some much propaganda like this. All this political none sense. Vaccine requirements for jobs is a new one. Its almost like they are trying to get as much people as they can before the shit storm hits.
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PO3 JamiSue Moore
OMG...this whole thing was botched from day one.
Calling it a novel virus and saying that asymptomatic responses have never been seen before was the wrong way to go.
Calling the vaccine a miracle was the wrong way to go.
It is the second wave of SARS, and to be specific, it is SARScv2.
They have been working on the vaccine since 2005 after the first pandemic.
Hiring Redfield as CDC director was just a fumble that shouldn't have been in the realm of possibility if they hadn't slapped his wrist for lying about the AIDS vaccine studies; he should have lost his commission instead of just losing his position at Walter Reed and forced back into general practice...Birx backed him up back then and now.
Basic biology explains how a virus evolves so that it doesn't kill its host and thus different variants are just the cycle of its life.
The virus is sanguine pathogen and attaches itself to blood cells which enlarges the cells so that they can't function properly and when it reaches the bone marrow, it presents as possible leukemia and that is why The Cancer Institute added testing requirements for the virus into the referral protocol. The cells are damaged and the rapid response of the immune system leads to inflammation. The cellular damage can cause blood clots to form.
The virus remains viable in feces, and in the first pandemic an entire housing complex died due to a sewer issue.
The virus thrives in cool, moist conditions so therefore isn't a seasonal virus as yet.
The virus remains viable in feces....think about that and then think about living conditions of nursing homes, colleges, and the military. The antiviral medication is a two point formula that is used for AIDS.
Pox is pox and no matter what you label it, pox is a highly contagious and nasty pathogen. Smallpox medications aren't stockpiled because of the arrogant assumption that it was eradicated.
If you don't know the history of the Spanish Flu vaccine, understand that live virus was found in a body buried deep in permafrost of an Inuit village. The Great Sickness for the indigenous of the nothwest is the Spanish Flue and not the devastating effects of pox. Live Seal Ring virus has been found in seals buried deep in permafrost. If Siberia and the Artic can catch fire, that's a whole lot of permafrost melt and evaporation....lakes popping up and a new grand canyon formation from land sinkage.

With that said, I don't understand the dig in about not getting vaccinated, especially when there is a more standard vaccine available if one is prone to allergies or has concerns of mRNA. Humans have to adapt to the virus just as much as the virus has to adapt to humans.
July 4, 1776 was a celebration because pox inoculations were given the go ahead.
Parents lined up their children for the polio vaccine because a deterrent represented hope.
Education is key to making an informed decision and that requires a high degree of truth to be told. Practically everyone holds a computer in their hands these days, so if something seems off to someone they should educated themselves as secrets don't really thrive these days.
PO2 Jean Lentin
PO2 Jean Lentin
2 y
"Fact Check-Swedish study found Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine permanently alters human DNA In-Vitro" Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase. Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1. PCR on genomic DNA of Huh7 cells exposed to BNT162b2 amplified the DNA sequence unique to BNT162b2. Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.
PO3 JamiSue Moore
PO3 JamiSue Moore
2 y
PO2 Jean Lentin
Sounds like a risk I wouldn't be willing to take as reverse transcription can be extremely prone to a fuctard and can actually create the perfect environment for drug resistant mutations of the virus.
The antivirals are inhibitors to try and stop the mutation cycle, but often a cyclic infection can and will probably occur. Antivirals are inhibitors and even they can cause a cyclic infection to occur.
I'm not sure if you understand the actual *in-vitro* process of vaccines in all of its complexities or not, but an animal isn't a human, and if they used an aborted human fetus for testing, I'm not sure how valid the testing would be to a completely formed human.
But let's use a completely formed human as an example, shall we...
Rh rejection shots cause permanent in vitro changes, but they have to be done in order for the body to not attack the fetus as a threat.
Cellular changes when any type of implantation is done, including and not limited to blood products.
Certain cancers are treated at end life stages with a fucktard dose of measles which can cause such an extreme immune response that the body starves the cancer into rapid extinction...starves it away...starves it away with measles. It's done at end stage because the measles can kill you, but you are already dead anyway.
The virus is sanguine in nature, and because of that, the invasion to bone marrow will cause a permanent change to how the cells form, just like in a leukemia cancer survivor.
This virus is a human game changer, vaccine or not.
I'm wondering what else the ice has in store for us next...
PO2 Jean Lentin
PO2 Jean Lentin
2 y
PO3 JamiSue Moore - These "vaccines" namely Pfizer-Biontech mRNA cause changes to the liver in vitro, and are EUAs criminally called "vaccines". If one can't see that discrepancy, while also all the data which CDC and WHO have redacted showing the SARS-COV-2 as NOT a pandemic, then there's no help for that person. Darwinism will affect and we'll see; not only all the SADS stuff but, VAIDS, and the lies of RT-PCR known to have no validity with CONVID, as well as the skyrocketing infertility due to the CONVID EUA's, prisons need much expansion for the coming tide of lawsuits. If you're unaware of the ever-growing Adverse Responses being tracked, the lies and hidden results from corrupted Pfizer trials, many lawsuits DECIDED AGAINST forced EUA vaxx, etc. God help you.
PO3 JamiSue Moore
PO3 JamiSue Moore
2 y
PO2 Jean Lentin
Alrighty then...
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MSgt Mason Manner
You should get a general discharge for stupidity for believing propaganda fostered by the PRC and Russia
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SN Walt Boyer
Hopefully Congress can protect you from any type of discharge for refusing to take a non FDA approved jab that has no benefit and does not prevent you from catching or spreading the virus. What's worse are the side effects that are now being associated with that jab.. from Myocarditis and suddenly dropping dead (all that is reported is "for unknown reasons") to contracting Long Term Covid and a slew of side effects in between. The MRna that is injected does spread to other parts of your body. Hang tough and request religious exemption.
PO2 Jean Lentin
PO2 Jean Lentin
2 y
"Fact Check-Swedish study found Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine permanently alters human DNA In-Vitro" Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase. Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1. PCR on genomic DNA of Huh7 cells exposed to BNT162b2 amplified the DNA sequence unique to BNT162b2. Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.
Per SONNIE G. BATES v. MICHAEL B. DONLEY Civil No. 11-1589 (RCL) Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that the military could not administer a vaccine that had not been fully licensed without consent.
Per Protecting Personal Health Data Act,entities%20such%20as%20health%20care
“Military, Federal Employees and Civilian Contractors Sue Biden
Case 8:21-cv-02429
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Sgt Stephen Chiles
WOW! Reading all of the comments has me shaking my head. The simplest answer to your question is to go to JAG and ask for yourself. Asking in a forum like this is only going to give you dozens of variations of every political view, dozens more of old school military views (we didn't habe an option when I was in service which includes myself) and multiple other far fetched possibilities. You want a factual answer that only JAG can give you. Opinions will get you nowhere.
PO2 Jean Lentin
PO2 Jean Lentin
2 y
LOL probably the best response.
"Fact Check-Swedish study found Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine permanently alters human DNA In-Vitro" Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase. Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1. PCR on genomic DNA of Huh7 cells exposed to BNT162b2 amplified the DNA sequence unique to BNT162b2. Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.
Per SONNIE G. BATES v. MICHAEL B. DONLEY Civil No. 11-1589 (RCL) Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that the military could not administer a vaccine that had not been fully licensed without consent.
Per Protecting Personal Health Data Act,entities%20such%20as%20health%20care
“Military, Federal Employees and Civilian Contractors Sue Biden
Case 8:21-cv-02429
Sgt Stephen Chiles
Sgt Stephen Chiles
2 y
PO2 Jean Lentin - Actually, I would not be surprised about any alleged results from various studies. Even if it puts me at risk. However, what it all boils down to is the UCMJ with relation to failure to obey a lawful order of a cuperior; to include the Commander In Chief. And I admit right up front that I hate even saying this because I personally believe that the JCOS should have stood the CIC down on this. One should blame a "woke" Secretary o Defense and JCOS for following such an insane directive. But truth here is all in the words of the Oath of Enlistment or Commision..." I will obey the orders of...". Even when they commit abuse of office or power.
PO2 Jean Lentin
PO2 Jean Lentin
2 y
Sgt Stephen Chiles True, though: if that were the case, "War Crimes" would be an impossible concept by comparison. EG, following commands, there are exceptions, in legalese and ethics. I respect your loyalty.
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SGT Mike Ange
PO2 Jean Lentin
PO2 Jean Lentin
2 y
"Fact Check-Swedish study found Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine permanently alters human DNA In-Vitro" Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase. Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1. PCR on genomic DNA of Huh7 cells exposed to BNT162b2 amplified the DNA sequence unique to BNT162b2. Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.
Per SONNIE G. BATES v. MICHAEL B. DONLEY Civil No. 11-1589 (RCL) Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that the military could not administer a vaccine that had not been fully licensed without consent.
Per Protecting Personal Health Data Act,entities%20such%20as%20health%20care
“Military, Federal Employees and Civilian Contractors Sue Biden
Case 8:21-cv-02429
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SPC Stephen Kraft
I’m not a condescending prick like some of these other ducks. If you get any less than a General Under Honorable Conditions, contact a VSO and apply immediately to have it upgraded. You won’t get a full Honorable, which you won’t deserve, but you should and will get the under honorable, which is fine by any employer, including the federal government, and will entitle you to the VA benefits you’ve earned.
Good luck.
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PO1 David Bertram
Are you kidding me. Did you ask what shots they have you in Boot Camp? I’m more worried about that Gg shot they have us when we deployed to Saudi Arabia than this one.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 y
DAVE....I Recall Walking Down A Long Line, Between Two Lines Of Medics, Getting Shots From Both Sides Right After Being Sworn In....They Never ASKED If We Wanted Them.. We GOT Them, PERIOD...... And This Fool Is Worried About COVID Injections.?.......Give Me A FUKEN Break.....
Cono, Nolo Creo !!
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