Posted on Sep 27, 2017
What would you do if you see a soldier kneeling during reveille or retreat?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 45
Call 911 they must be having some sort of medical problem that needs immediate attention.
SSgt Jim Gilmore
Absolutely! After I were done with him he would need serious medical attention from me beating his ass like a drum.
SGT Thomas Bentley
Agreed. A phone book and billy club can break bones with out leaving proof of what caused it. Good thing that ambulance is on it way.
Well if I was still on AD, I'd make them go to attention and have him stand there until his 1SG polices him other impulse would be to grab him by the ear, and march him over to his 1SG.....either way, Top gets to have the fun re-training him.....
I would approach that soldier and have him/her explain, then take further action about the situation.
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