Posted on Jul 4, 2018
PO2 Dax Hall
I was active duty from 92 to 02 and I never saw them used or given.
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Responses: 8
CPO Steelworker
They started with in the SF (GB's) community during Vietnam ODA teams used them, and carried over to those that worked with and supported and went on form there. I know we were giving them out in the late 90's, received a couple of them even got one with my SCWS pin in 1998.Then some other ones form commanders and Master Chiefs, so we as Seabees have been using them since mid 90's and I believe before that.
PO2 Dax Hall
PO2 Dax Hall
>1 y
I train with some Seabees currently and the CMC Builder we train with brought some from the Chiefs mess in Phoenix to give out to our Navy cadets. Ive seen them around at the NEX and such but was never given one and I do not recall our Mess having any. Lighters and patches were thing most guys traded in my units so wasn't sure about the coins.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
>1 y
Disagree that SF started them in Vietnam. 17th Inf Regt in Korean War is the earliest that I know - doesn't mean they weren't around before then but they were around in the late 60s and early 70s. Also they certainly weren't as prolific the 1990s era and today.
First coin I got was the Ranger Coin in 74 that my 1SG sent me after I PCS'ed and was on enroute leave. It was just a stamped bronze, generic Army Eagle in front & "Rangers Lead the Way' on the back. It was handmade, a tad bigger than a quarter and 3/8s" thick.
The unit (C Rangers 1/29 Inf) had already been giving them for a 'couple of years'. We used them for when we screwed up. There was limited supply maintained by the 1SG. I guess he was giving me free pass to return. On arrival at repo-depo in Europe, I agreed with him.
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
SFC Ralph E Kelley - I received my first unit coin from my 1st Sergeant 1973, while on the Korean DMZ. Before I left back to the US, he gave it to me, and I didn't even know what it was then. I still have it today, 2nd Infantry.
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LTC Jason Mackay
I have seen coins used since 1989, Army had them back to the 1970s. They used to be serial numbered and were exchanged for 3-4day passes....or you kept it. Now you just keep it.
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SGM Bill Frazer
USA,USMC, USAF have an extensive collection- each unit seems to have at least one. Brigade and lower, use them is an Attaboy mostly, Division and above use the in place of a free pass. I've seen them since 73, Rule is if you are coined and can't produce- you buy a round or drink for the coiner- if you reply with a coin, then the coiner has to buy for you/round.
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