Posted on Jan 25, 2016
Sgt Justin DavisCrowe
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Responses: 62
1SG Kieran T. "Kerry" Spaulding, MA, MS, CFI, CPP
Edited 9 y ago
I just retired from the federal government after 15 years plus 11 years of active duty time purchased for retirement.

The present administration , contrary to all of its posturing, is NOT a veteran friendly environment. This is especially true in DHS where I have worked for GS-15's who barely had a high school education while their subordinates had advanced degrees including several JD's and PhD's.

The present federal government system has an attitude of hiring who they want and if they ignore a veteran too f-king bad. They have no hesitation to force you to go through the grievance and appeals process knowing full well that it will take at least 2 to 3 years before you get an adjudication to your complaint.

I had applied for a GS-14 job within the same agency for a position that, when it was initially created, I was supposed to have been supervising. I was a 14 at the time so it was really nothing more than a lateral transfer. The announcement had the verbiage that they would hire from TWO internal and one for special hire (vets and ALL of the rest of the special people). I submitted all of the documentation to support a veterans preference and they promoted into the job a junior grade an employee who as NOT a veteran and had no military service. Additionally, the job required the successful hire to move to the city where I was already stationed at no expense to the G. The guy lived 250 miles away and they allowed him to work the assignment from his home without moving.

I claimed vet preference violation and the state department of labor ruled in my favor. The DHS ignored this and forced me to file with the MSPB. After 18 months, the MSPB ruled that I should have filed TWO SEPARATE applications and as the morons at DHS gave the excuse that "they didn't know which list I wanted to compete from". I guess it takes a special kind of moron to look at 3 DD Forms 214, a VA disability letter, and an SF 15 to conclude that this applicant must be a veteran.

The whole system is now a sham. Don't waste your time going to work for the USG, especially DHS. They are clearly the gang that can't shoot straight!
SPC Jose Negron
SPC Jose Negron
5 y
Very sad. At least I am not alone in this. Same culture at the VA in Puerto Rico. Is not what you know but who you know. Brothers, couples, son and daughters, etc.. It is a shame. The only job applicable for service disable is housekeeping and laundry workers.
MSG Mike Booher
MSG Mike Booher
5 y
And I thought I was the only one seeing this. It's rampant thought out the system and even more in places like the VA in Manila Philippines. I have so many stories about that place but no one to tell because they are ALL non-US citizens working there. and will NEVER hire a US Citizen there. But no VA will hire a Vet. Veterans will want to correct things and that is not want VA Leadership wants. The systems are so antiquated, the people that want to do good, can't and the people who don't care, can continue because none of the process nor systems talk to each other.. So, they just laterally sleep on the job without fear...
SFC Joseph A. Anderson
SFC Joseph A. Anderson
5 y
MSG Mike Booher - You are correct about the VA. I actually got into the VA after several attempts. At first it was great, the Supervisor loved my work ethics and was amazed at how fast I picked up the jargon, regulations, and laws. But once I started questioning processes and why things were done and showed them how they could be much better, things went down hill fast. Lost favor with them and became isolated pretty much. No longer the "Golden Child". So your statement is absolutely correct. I was passed over several times in that office for promotion by folks who had no experience being a supervisor and their work ethics were horrible. Yet they got promoted before me. I kept pushing my numbers and doing my job. They tried to railroad me out but couldn't. Gave me extra work, did it with a smile, and gave it back completed early. Finally, I applied for a position in Washington DC and by the grace of God, I was selected for the position. I moved and never looked back. The new position was a two grade promotion. I retired after 2 1/2 years in my new position. I do feel that I made a difference for thousands of Veterans and their families that I was able to counsel during my time working there. So that made everything worth putting up with the poor management. If only, they would have listened, the process could have been so much better. Sorry for the rant but this was about the Vet Preference. It sucks. The Agencies do not adhere to the policy of hiring Veterans. They hire who they want. If you know somebody, you get in. If you don't, good luck. The rules for Vet Preference are not enforced just like rules for buying weapons or anything else the Government is in charge of. No accountability.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
5 y
SPC Jose Negron - Unfortunately it isn't just the federal government that hires relatives over qualified people. I am a certified highly qualified mathematics teacher (grades 7 - 12) and I got bumped for a relative because I didn't have tenure at that school district at the time. I feel you angish.
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SPC Anna Larson
The Feds hire on a points system. You have to meet the basic qualifications for a job. (Education, experience etc) Then they look for "key words" in your resume/application that indicate your experience level and they add up all the "points" they calculate. Then they add in vet pref points. All of this happens Before you even get an interview. So if you weren't detailed enought in your resume (and I mean really detailed) you might loose out before they add in vet pref points. Anyway then the top scorers get the interviews. When I applied to the BLM as a wildland firefighter, I met all the basic qualifications, but I didn't have any experience. I ranked higher than another individual who had fire fighting experience, but lacked a vet pref. I was hired and he was not. I received the training that he already had. Experience counts, but is not always necessary when it come to vet pref. the supervisor didn't want to hire me because of
My lack of experience, but he couldn't not offer me the job first based on the vet pref. I took the job and worked the next 5 years as a firefighter and worked up in the ranked as well.
Sgt Comm Center Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
9 y
Hi Anna , are we related - CARL in the APPLE
SPC Anna Larson
SPC Anna Larson
9 y
Sgt (Join to see) - My father was an only child and his father died young. Unless you can trace back to either Austin or Burton Larson from Iowa, (My grandfather's two brothers), then we probably aren't related. Austin's last known residence was in St Paul MN when he died in 1969, and I have no clue where Burton ended up after WWI. All three served in WWI.
Their father was Lewis Larson and their mother was Anna. Both parents and all four kids including their sister Tilda were all born in Norway per Census records from 1910.
Sgt Comm Center Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
9 y
I don't care I want to be friends - OK
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PO2 Skip Kirkwood
Not very well.
Sgt Comm Center Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
9 y
And may I add , not very well at all.
SSgt Tamita Kea
SSgt Tamita Kea
9 y
Yeah, tell me about it; and if you're in a place already saturated with vets, your chances are very slim. As Justin said, a lot of the times, esp. on AF bases, folks get screwed on the buddy buddy system. My husband almost didn't get the job he has now because the AFPC hired him, and not whomever was doing the hiring in the squadron he was to go to. The folks in his work center wanted a 'friend' of theirs to get the GS-7 position that was open, but he had the MBA and the experience to beat our 'their choice'. She ended up joining about two years later, but I'm sure she was a little salty for awhile at first!
Sgt Comm Center Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
9 y
SSgt Tamita Kea - Good comment , made me happy when you said 'SALTY'. So now I say Salty when their standing , Salty when the fall - Ha-Ha. It's an inside JOKE , for Marines , by , by.
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