Posted on Jul 28, 2014
SGT Team Leader
We got into a discussion about this at work today, and I thought I'd pose the question here. It may not be military-related, (mine was), but I love these stories!
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Responses: 53
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Pam & I went to high school together but never ran in the same circles. We ran into each other 4 years later outside Keaney Gym at the University of RI where we both attended. 26 years (married for 20), 3 kids 2 deployments and 1 dog later, here we still are.
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
Sir, your family is beautiful! Your little boy is like, " Oh yeah. Just chillin." Haha
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
O roller skater fail facebook
MSG(P) Michael Warrick, you apparently had some skating skills, or did you impress her with your goofy...
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
10 y
The commo crew
Img 0119
Thank you SGT (Join to see). Matthew is our cherub/class clown. Grace, his twin is our intellectual and Rob our oldest is the serious one, like you have to explain to him that what you just said was a joke. Its amazing to see how 3 distinct personalities all blend. Here's a more recent pic. This is my other family, my "wife" SGM (ret) Jim Russell (far right) and our kids in Iraq
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
I think that it is absolutely awesome that you included a pic of your troop family in this discussion! I honestly have not known that kind of inclusion in my years of service. And you deserve a huge *salute*, Sir.
Your kids are so cute! Matthew is more like my son, I think. Life is a blast to him. My daughter, Mikayla, is ten, and is the "intellectual" of our family...loves books and debate. And Rob, well, that was me in high school haha.
I have four kiddos and sometimes, I just sit back in wonder. Not one of them is like the other. It has always made me question the "nature v nurture" debate. I've pretty much accepted that every child in a family has a beautiful, unique mind. And that's wonderful!
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MAJ Deputy Director, Combat Casualty Care Research Program
2011 04 15 19.03.16
Actually met my wife through the military - one of my friends in basic was from the Philippines and was friends with my now wife. Here's her showing me who the REAL captain is.
MAJ Deputy Director, Combat Casualty Care Research Program
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
SGT (Join to see) The combination makes for interesting looking kids. My 18 mo old has her skin color but blonde hair.
SrA Security Forces
SrA (Join to see)
10 y
I commonly refer to my wife as Room Commander.
MAJ Deputy Director, Combat Casualty Care Research Program
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
SGT (Join to see) And yes... my wife is hot as hell... best looking girl I ever suckered into dealing with my BS.
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
Oh, she's adorable!!
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1SG Company First Sergeant
I met my bride to be when we were both in high school. I am a year older so was already working at Hardee's and she caught my eye when she came in for an interview. Yeah the job itself sucked but not much else to be had at 16 back home. She got the job and we worked together, went to school together, and when I turned 18 we even lived together. I joined the Army in 1999, she went to college, so we kind of split ways. Fast forward to 2010.... we started talking again, got engaged on July 3rd last year and will be getting married November 22nd this year.
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
"Hardee's karma", lol. I do not believe that I have ever put those two words together. Now, if it were me, I'd serve Mushroom and Swiss burger wedges at the reception. Just, uh, food for thought, Sarge. :)
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
Wow. I guess Hardee's is the place to work when you're single!
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
9 y
MSG Richard Gilley, Congrats I like your story, and see the potential for a book. Have you thought about doing a book, which of course would include your military life?
SSG(P) Claudett P Hillotero
SSG(P) Claudett P Hillotero
9 y
Congrats MSG Richard Gilley.
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