Posted on Jun 4, 2015
SSG Linda Holt
Army ad
This is a picture of an Army recruiting ad (obviously, aimed at recruiting women) that appeared in a 1972 magazine. It includes the slogan of the day, "Today's Army Wants to Join You".

What do you think of the various slogans that have been used through the years? Do you have a favorite? Do you think some have been more effective than others? Is it time for a new one? Any suggestions for one?
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Responses: 44
SGT Team Leader
Edited >1 y ago
"Be All You Can Be". Of course, I still mourn the BDU.

"Army of One"...I have always hoped this particular slogan was not a collaborative effort. I'd like to believe that the deadline was midnight, and that one guy was a half-case in at 2330.
SGT Alan Simmons
SGT Alan Simmons
>1 y
"Be all you can be" but while my father was stationed in Germany, the ONE thing that made me enlist was my strong sense of patriotism and this commercial:
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Awesome. I wonder if I had ever seen this as a kid. My dad enlisted in '81.
MSG Usarec Liason At Nrpc/Nara
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I'm still trying to be all I can be! I hated Army of ONE and I hated it more when someone finally explained to me what it meant
SSG Keven Lahde
SSG Keven Lahde
>1 y
Be All You Can Be I think was and is the best slogan ever. Army Strong is good don't get me wrong, but I think Be All You Can Be is by far the best. SGT (Join to see) SGT I am with you as I too miss the BDU's
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Capt Mark Strobl
Although I question how effective this one was, my favorite Army recruiting commercial started with a bunch of soldiers getting woken up at o'-dark thirty, then they loaded an airplane, checked their riggings, moved out to the aircraft, sortied, jumped out of the aircraft, set up all their gear, dialed in a howitzer, conducted a fire mission....Then, as the sun was peaking over the horizon, a young hard-charger handed a canteen cup full of steaming coffee to his 1stSgt. The ad ended with the narrator: "In the Army, we do more before 8:00 am that most people do all day!"

I think that came out in the early 80's. I kept thinking to myself: How, in the world, would THAT appeal to an 18-yr old?! The ad didn't last too long and I joined the Marines. Anyone else remember that one?
SPC William Weedman
SPC William Weedman
>1 y
I heard that same legend from my squad leader who served in the 82nd before we served together in Korea in the late idea if it's true.
COL Ken LaPlante
COL Ken LaPlante
>1 y
Great post, even greater commercial [including alleged inaccuracies]. I do believe that commercial's time hack was 0900 (9 a.m.) and I still use it to describe my bride [of 40 years] -- she does more before 0900 than most do in their day. "Be all you can be..." is still my personal favorite but the current generation definitely has defined "Army Strong" -- and society copies it.
MAJ Patrick Chambers
MAJ Patrick Chambers
>1 y
I remember that one... I was enlisted at the time , 1986... I loved that commercial!!!
SSG David Shifflett
SSG David Shifflett
>1 y
I remember that commercial. being a artilleryman and fire direction chief at the time. It made me proud to watch it. Funny thing was the coffee was hot!! We all laugh at that one, "Hot cup of Joe on the firing point, you got to be kidding." Got to love those folks in Hollywood. Those were great moments.
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SSG Intelligence Analyst
Edited >1 y ago
"Be All You Can Be" was probably the best.

The English minor in me still has a hard time getting past the lack of "the" in "I want YOU for (the) US Army" even though the History major in me loves the connection to the past. "Today's Army Wants You" and "Join the People Who've Joined the Army" seem... lame.

"Army of One" is flat-out puzzling, what with the "teamwork" emphasis. And "Army Strong" sounds like "We're Trying Too Hard For You To Like Us!"

There was another one that was experimented with, after "Be All You Can Be" and before "Army of One" was adopted: "Freedom Isn't Free". I wish they'd been willing to explore that one more. I think that had potential.

--EDIT: And I just realized that poor woman in the poster has a First Army patch. Please, someone arrange an exfil before her paperwork ends up under some Brigadier's parakeet cage or something.
SSG Linda Holt
SSG Linda Holt
>1 y
Very well said. Love the First Army comment.
SGT Edwin Claudio
SGT Edwin Claudio
>1 y
O- officers
N- non commissioned officer
E- enlisted

Dumbest one I think
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