Posted on Apr 2, 2020
Who owns RallyPoint and how can we communicate with them?
Members have posted direct requests for changes to this forum. I have posted a couple myself, requests for new topics such as "Coffee" and "Quarantine" which seem popular. However, I have never received even the whiff of a response, nor have I seen responses from anyone representing RallyPoint to the requests of others. On the other hand, the RP Admins are quick to chastise us for misuse of existing tags. Thus, it appears someone is watching our posts and intentionally choosing to ignore our requests. If there is a valid reason for this, I'd love to know it. Yes, I suspect I will catch hell for posting this but someone has to take the chance...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 14
Okay, I'm going to chime on this. You guys can take it as you want you to take it but here are the facts as they currently stand.
First off, there is and always has been a clear path of communication to RallyPoint. The blue "Feedback" button on the right of the screen on your desktop has always been there. I know that the same button does not appear within the mobile app and right now the "Support" link within the mobile app sends you to dead page. That is because in the middle of March, the product "" ended operations. RallyPoint does have a new and redesigned support page which can be found here:
Any all questions can be sent there. With the end of life of Desk.coml; it also means we are in transition to a new help desk platform. These things are still being settled so the number of eyes on messages coming to " [login to see] " is limited until things are figured out. There are costs to all of this and RallyPoint is working out the best way forward through this time of transition.
Second, when it comes to tags. And I feel like we are beating a dead horse of tags especially with other posts authored by CPT Jack Durish and others. Tags are meant to be used as a way to organize things into a collective group. Think of it as a book. RallyPoint is the library and tags are the books we offer. And just because the link you share mentions something like "COVID-19" (because that is where all of this is coming from anyways), it doesn't mean the tag applies to that post. Believe it or not, some users, including myself, use tags as a way to follow a certain topic, such as the RallyPoint tag. I watch this tag because people have and continue to use the tag to increase the audience it may touch. That is not the point of tags. Yes, I have mistagged things myself in the past and yes even as one of the senior admins, my tags are edited. So in saying that, I hope I show you that no one is above having their tags edited. This isn't a witch hunt or some political agenda. This is simply admins doing what they are asked to do. And again, we volunteer to do this. Why I stay sometimes baffles my brain because to be honest, I'm over people making snap judgments about me and my personal beliefs. So let me put this out there for all of those who think otherwise. I, Ben Keen, am a registered Republican. However, if you are to ask me, I self identify as a Moderate Republican. Meaning that I believe in the Constitution and protecting the rights of everyone. I am personally not a major supporter of Pro-Choice but I also believe that that's a choice that can only be made by the person(s) directly involved. It's not my place to tell anyone what to do with their body. I believe in the right to carry weapons. I practice this right and carry and S&W MP9C daily on my hip (when I'm not at the office since the office is a "no weapons space" and I respect that). I believe that the government should spend our money wisely and that they should do what is best for us. But know this, when it comes to "admin'ing" the site, I am asked to leave my personal views aside and deal with things per the written standard; and that is what I do. If we were to let our personal views get in the way then we would be failing our community. Also, it's worth noting that because of the way tags are used, not every request for tags are put into action. We do a review of the request and go from there. If there is a tag that already exists that why remake the wheel?
When RallyPoint first started more than 5 years ago, this was truly a place for people to come and share their ideas, thoughts, and ideas. Over the past 4 years, the amount of political discord between everyone has probably done more to rip us apart than it has done to bring us together. I am all for everyone having their say. However, I will not standby quietly and allow users to belittle, bully, torment, harass, or otherwise stop someone from living their best life.
First off, there is and always has been a clear path of communication to RallyPoint. The blue "Feedback" button on the right of the screen on your desktop has always been there. I know that the same button does not appear within the mobile app and right now the "Support" link within the mobile app sends you to dead page. That is because in the middle of March, the product "" ended operations. RallyPoint does have a new and redesigned support page which can be found here:
Any all questions can be sent there. With the end of life of Desk.coml; it also means we are in transition to a new help desk platform. These things are still being settled so the number of eyes on messages coming to " [login to see] " is limited until things are figured out. There are costs to all of this and RallyPoint is working out the best way forward through this time of transition.
Second, when it comes to tags. And I feel like we are beating a dead horse of tags especially with other posts authored by CPT Jack Durish and others. Tags are meant to be used as a way to organize things into a collective group. Think of it as a book. RallyPoint is the library and tags are the books we offer. And just because the link you share mentions something like "COVID-19" (because that is where all of this is coming from anyways), it doesn't mean the tag applies to that post. Believe it or not, some users, including myself, use tags as a way to follow a certain topic, such as the RallyPoint tag. I watch this tag because people have and continue to use the tag to increase the audience it may touch. That is not the point of tags. Yes, I have mistagged things myself in the past and yes even as one of the senior admins, my tags are edited. So in saying that, I hope I show you that no one is above having their tags edited. This isn't a witch hunt or some political agenda. This is simply admins doing what they are asked to do. And again, we volunteer to do this. Why I stay sometimes baffles my brain because to be honest, I'm over people making snap judgments about me and my personal beliefs. So let me put this out there for all of those who think otherwise. I, Ben Keen, am a registered Republican. However, if you are to ask me, I self identify as a Moderate Republican. Meaning that I believe in the Constitution and protecting the rights of everyone. I am personally not a major supporter of Pro-Choice but I also believe that that's a choice that can only be made by the person(s) directly involved. It's not my place to tell anyone what to do with their body. I believe in the right to carry weapons. I practice this right and carry and S&W MP9C daily on my hip (when I'm not at the office since the office is a "no weapons space" and I respect that). I believe that the government should spend our money wisely and that they should do what is best for us. But know this, when it comes to "admin'ing" the site, I am asked to leave my personal views aside and deal with things per the written standard; and that is what I do. If we were to let our personal views get in the way then we would be failing our community. Also, it's worth noting that because of the way tags are used, not every request for tags are put into action. We do a review of the request and go from there. If there is a tag that already exists that why remake the wheel?
When RallyPoint first started more than 5 years ago, this was truly a place for people to come and share their ideas, thoughts, and ideas. Over the past 4 years, the amount of political discord between everyone has probably done more to rip us apart than it has done to bring us together. I am all for everyone having their say. However, I will not standby quietly and allow users to belittle, bully, torment, harass, or otherwise stop someone from living their best life.
SGT Ben Keen
SSgt (Join to see) - I been away from RallyPoint for a few days. I'm elbow deep in some projects for work and my nonprofit work that have needed my attention.
SSgt (Join to see)
SGT Ben Keen - Gotcha. I understand as I work full-time and have my own business as well. :)
LT Brad McInnis
Okay SFC Michael Hasbun! i am going to be the dumb LT that never even noticed that before...
CPT Jack Durish
LT Brad McInnis - SFC Michael Hasbun I've designed a lot of websites in my time, but never included a menu item on the side of the page, far removed from all other menu items. And it's one of those things, once you've seen it you can't unsee it, so I doubt I'll be asking again. Thanks
CWO3 (Join to see)
CPT Jack, LT Brad, SFC Michael, Thanks gentleman for this valuable information. I to didn’t realize that their feedback was located on the side bar. I guess I better pay close attention the nest time. Thanks Comrades.
No idea. I have been hit a couple of times for tags (admittedly I was wrong and trying to stir up crap), but I too have seen real requests for seemingly simple changes like the coffee tag. I understand there are only a couple of admins, and there are a LOT of posts daily, but this seems like a very simple 2 second action. Was going to say something sarcastic, but I will decline... CPT Jack Durish
LT Brad McInnis
LTC Kevin B. - That's like asking me to read the TOS an User Agreements! I just find it interesting that I am not the only long term member that doesn't know about it. Maybe you could make that one of those RP Content posts?
LTC Kevin B.
LT Brad McInnis - That was a RP content post. Also, the search function exists so that people can search the database of previously asked questions. Members may actually be able to easily find answers without having to ask a question to the board, while awaiting responses from the community.
SSgt (Join to see)
Know thy user! Commandment 1 for developing user interfaces. And that is more than just layout and color. It is usability and "is it obvious".
Do you understand how FRUSTRATING it is to try to post and not able to find a single tag that will work? So, Pandemic, illness, sickness all eventually land in Health. Trying to talk about Politics - hey - there is no Politics tag. So, put in Dem & Rep and get slapped by the admins for baiting. And Politics is different than Government.
Finally, add a topic, click the little add a topic button, looks like we have a new topic, submit post and *poof* - all gone. No mention of why, no mention of stats on the tag, no error, no warning, nothing.
So, how many times has Coffee, Politics, Pandemic, Quaranteen, et al been entered? What is the threshold?
How do you *effectively* use search? I searched for "Tags" and got a lot of people with the word tag as part of their name. It took me a little bit but I finally found the tab menu buried in the noise and selected answers. Had to scroll as there were a LOT of questions on dog tags. And looking at the title, I would NEVER have known that "how to use tags" was related to "how to create tags".
Do you understand how FRUSTRATING it is to try to post and not able to find a single tag that will work? So, Pandemic, illness, sickness all eventually land in Health. Trying to talk about Politics - hey - there is no Politics tag. So, put in Dem & Rep and get slapped by the admins for baiting. And Politics is different than Government.
Finally, add a topic, click the little add a topic button, looks like we have a new topic, submit post and *poof* - all gone. No mention of why, no mention of stats on the tag, no error, no warning, nothing.
So, how many times has Coffee, Politics, Pandemic, Quaranteen, et al been entered? What is the threshold?
How do you *effectively* use search? I searched for "Tags" and got a lot of people with the word tag as part of their name. It took me a little bit but I finally found the tab menu buried in the noise and selected answers. Had to scroll as there were a LOT of questions on dog tags. And looking at the title, I would NEVER have known that "how to use tags" was related to "how to create tags".
PO3 (Join to see)
SGM Erik Marquez - PO1 Robert Payne - Erik is the one you want to bump that remark too Rob.
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